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Location: Pacific Northwest STATE OF JEFFERSON!, United States
William Wilberforce, British parliamentarian and abolitionist, told his colleagues, “Having heard all of this, you may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”CENSORSHIP...your worst enemy!
Cruz & Obama just screwed millions of us out of our SS benefits! WAKE UP
TED CRUZ just screwed YOU out of your Social Security
least he did for me! I was getting widow benefits...but no more! Obama
was happy to sign it!
[snip]Politicians describe Social Security
as "the third rail," meaning that enacting any benefit cuts will kill
them politically. But this is precisely what they voted to do under the
Bipartisan Budget Bill of 2015. Spouses as well as divorced spouses (who
were married for 10 or more years) who reached 62 by Jan. 2 can still
collect just their spousal or divorced spousal benefit between 66 and 70
and then take their own retirement benefit at 70. (there are many other
cuts as well!)
TED CRUZ VOTED FOR THIS Cruz (R-TX), Yea Rand Paul voted against it. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), also voted Nay *
A friend said: “Psychologically Cruz and Obama are peas in a pod.”
Both had absent fathers and dysfunctional childhoods. Both Harvard
trained mouthpieces. Both Foreign least we KNOW CRuz was! Both
hold awards for most absentee first term senators with NO practical
business experience. Both headed the Harvard law review...Ted under the
name of RAFAEL for the LATINO law review.
Neither of them give a rip about us or this country.
Trump is the one who will keep his promise not to take away our
benefits. Some cuts, I can live with and welcome...but this is over the
Cruz now says he's staying in to the end, up to the convention! He reminds me of the jealous boyfriend who murders his woman to make sure that if HE can't have her, no one else will!
THIS is what Cruz voted for and Obama signed! MORE GOP support than the Dems! BOTH SIDES OF THE ISLE ARE CORRUPT! WAKE UP!
Some of you may remember TTC posting this years ago.... IF I were an elderly ILLEGAL ALIEN in California, I could get over a
thousand $$ a month and NEVER paid in one damn dime to SS! (you can see that
Jeff Sessions Attacks Budget Deal With ‘Bricks of Truth’
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) tore into the congressional budget deal on the Senate floor, arguing it
is being jammed through without sufficient acknowledgment of its
serious flaws.
“Once again, a massive deal, crafted behind closed doors, is being
rushed through Congress under a threat of panic,” he said. “The
Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 serves as a reminder that the most
important and controversial legislation is still being drafted in
secret, with little or no input from the members of this chamber.”
Pointing to what he called “bricks of truth,” Sessions argued his
opposition to the bill, calling for more time to consider the
legislation and urging that it not be hastily passed.
“At its core, this deal with President Obama provides what President
Obama has demanded throughout,” Sessions, a former budget committee
chairman, said.
Namely, he pointed to the increase in federal spending caps for two
years and the elimination of the current debt limit until March of 2017.
“This is a covert, a clever way of raising the debt ceiling without
having to engage in a real discussion of Washington’s runaway spending
problem,” he said. “It ensures that no further serious conversation
about our debt course or any corresponding action to alter it will take
Additionally, Sessions took issue with what he said is the cementing
of a precedent to tether increases in defense spending with domestic
“How silly is this? What possible logical argument can you make for this?” he said, calling it “deeply troubling.”
Sessions also took aim at the accounting “gimmicks” in the bill that he earlier decried in a joint statement with Rep. Moe Brooks
Wednesday: The use of “tricks” like double-counting for savings and
raiding the Social Security Trust fund to bolster the disability
“We’re losing momentum,” he said. “Several years ago we were in
serious discussions about the dangers we face financially, and that has
been eroded.”
The Alabamian stressed the need for more time, saying there is no need to pass the bill immediately.
“There’s no crisis that requires us to pass it today,” he said.
“There are a number of interim steps we could take to allow this bill to
be out there for the members to actually study it, to offer amendments
on it, and maybe improve it and for the America people to understand
just what it is the members of Congress are doing to their Social
Security and the fiscal debt of America.”
Sessions pointed to the GOPs ability to negotiate spending reforms
with Obama in the 2011 debt limit deal even with a smaller majority in
the House and no majority in the Senate.
“And now there are 54 Republicans in the chamber and the House has a
huge majority. So I think we can do better and I don’t think this should
be rushed through the Congress and I would object to its passage,” he
MUST your liberal & GOP elite friends how their representatives act...the MEDIA WON'T!
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