The time for ‘feelings’ is over, it’s all math now. Only Trump can win in November.
The time for ‘feelings’ is over, it’s all math now.
Trump is getting votes from ALL sectors of the electorate, including
independents and some democrats. That is what it takes to win against
the dems in November.
And that’s the name of that tune. All the flailing and protest won’t change it.
can never do that. In FACT, he’s loosing to Trump with the Evangelicals
and Hispanics and the ‘very conservative’.
[snip] Tuesday night’s results were very bad news for Cruz. It’s not just that it was his third third-place finish in a row. It’s also how Cruz lost. He carried only 27 percent of the white born-again and evangelical Christian vote, behind Trump’s 41 percent. Cruz also lost this group in New Hampshire and South Carolina. But, unlike in South Carolina, Cruz also trailed among “very conservative” voters in Nevada, 34 percent to Trump’s 38 percent. Finally, Cruz continues to struggle among “somewhat conservative” and moderate voters. He earned just 16 percent and 7 percent among those groups, respectively, according to the entrance poll.
Exit polls: Donald Trump wins with multiple groups of voters ...
10, 2016 - Exit polls: Trump wins with multiple groups of voters ....
First on CNN: Trump describes New Hampshire victory ..... all new
hampshire results ».
The time for ‘feelings’ is over, it’s all math now.
You have to understand this. The people who own Rubio (and Cruz for that matter) are powerful and will do ANYTHING. They will fill Facebook with paid attackers.
The misinformation is so thick I don't know how we refute it. The media isn't going to help.
Limbaugh, Beck, Levin aren't going to help, they're bought by Cruz Big $$$, most of it open border/cheaplabor/tpp b.S. NONE of them will expose Grover Norquist and Cesar Conda or the RNC/NRCC/NRSC dirty tricks against Trump supporters.
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The twin Cuban Barrister lawyers brought up the subject of tax returns.
I’ve been searching under news on google, can’t find where
Rubio or Cruz have released their returns which they PROMISED last week.
Anyone seen them?
Rubio, Cruz set to release tax returns Friday (yesterday)| Washington ...
Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz announced Thursday night that they will release the last two years of their tax returns on Friday, after repeated calls from.......
Ted Cruz is still taking $$$ from Trump, and his supporters. Just one contribution is the Senate Conservatives Fund, $315,991. The NRSC, which Ted used to help run, has been scamming, no STEALING contributions they tell you are for Trump, but they also state they only give the $$ to their Senators for election. Levin, Beck, Limbaugh flat REFUSE to cover this scam.
Do be careful of all the scams, most being run by RNC, NRSC & NRCC to steal contributions from Trump supporters. They have already taken millions from Trump to push Rubio/Cruz.
Purchase Trump gear and give contributions ONLY to his official website.
UNLIKE the other candidates, Trump does NOT fill everyone’s email boxes with trash pleas for $$$, so open up your wallets and show some support!
I knew Rubio was big in the pockets of the illegal alien/cheap foreign labor Tech industries, but so is Cruz.
FUND raisers for Cruz
Breakfast@ Microsoft Innovation & Policy Center
Beneficiaries: Ted Cruz
Hosted by: ITI PAC, Microsoft PAC
Contribution: $2,500/$1,000 PAC; $1,000/$500 Individual
And this one....NRSC is who is stealing campaign contributions from Trump supporters...and Ted is profiting from it. NOW we know where all that $$ Trump supporters sent to NRSC went!
Debt Retirement Reception@ National Republican Senatorial Committee
Beneficiaries: Ted Cruz
Contribution: $2,000; $1,000(these are suggested contributions)
Rubio, Cruz set to release tax returns Friday (yesterday)| Washington ...
Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz announced Thursday night that they will release the last two years of their tax returns on Friday, after repeated calls from.......
[snip]”Either tomorrow or Saturday, in fact, is our plan to release them,” Rubio told radio host Hugh Hewitt. “There’s really nothing that interesting in them, .....”________________________
Cruz told Hewitt, a co-moderator during the CNN-hosted debate, that he will release two more years of returns on Friday.
Ted Cruz is still taking $$$ from Trump, and his supporters. Just one contribution is the Senate Conservatives Fund, $315,991. The NRSC, which Ted used to help run, has been scamming, no STEALING contributions they tell you are for Trump, but they also state they only give the $$ to their Senators for election. Levin, Beck, Limbaugh flat REFUSE to cover this scam.
Do be careful of all the scams, most being run by RNC, NRSC & NRCC to steal contributions from Trump supporters. They have already taken millions from Trump to push Rubio/Cruz.
Purchase Trump gear and give contributions ONLY to his official website.
UNLIKE the other candidates, Trump does NOT fill everyone’s email boxes with trash pleas for $$$, so open up your wallets and show some support!
I knew Rubio was big in the pockets of the illegal alien/cheap foreign labor Tech industries, but so is Cruz.
FUND raisers for Cruz
Breakfast@ Microsoft Innovation & Policy Center
Beneficiaries: Ted Cruz
Hosted by: ITI PAC, Microsoft PAC
Contribution: $2,500/$1,000 PAC; $1,000/$500 Individual
And this one....NRSC is who is stealing campaign contributions from Trump supporters...and Ted is profiting from it. NOW we know where all that $$ Trump supporters sent to NRSC went!
Debt Retirement Reception@ National Republican Senatorial Committee
Beneficiaries: Ted Cruz
Contribution: $2,000; $1,000(these are suggested contributions)
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