Pictures worth a thousand words & News you missed we CARE!!!
This is an attack on all of us who support Trump. We are being told to ‘know our place’...and evidently FINALLY getting someone not wrapped up in this DC mess to run for office is NOT going to be tolerated.
I hope everyone who has voted in the primaries changes their registrations back to not affiliated asap.

Cruz Camp voter fraud yesterday??? We shall see! Many reports.
#alwaystrump (@DebAlwaystrump) tweeted at 8:16 AM on Sun, Mar 06, 2016: CRUZ VOTER FRAUD CONFIRMED IOWA AND NOW KANSAS (…/status/706483590738083840…)

The underhanded effort to rid this election of Trump should bother all of you! Meghan Kelly was given information to correct lies being told about Trump but refused to convey the truth!…/unreal-better-business-b…/
On Thursday night Megyn Kelly pressed Donald Trump on a pending court case concerning Trump University. Kelly pulled a quote ...|By Jim Hoft
Huckabee: Establishment Needs to Be Grateful This Is a Revolution by
Ballots Not Bullets Mike Huckabee obliterated Mitt Romney ...|By Jim Hoft
Ted Cruz will say anything to get elected. He is a two faced lawyer.
"While Ted Cruz has, to date, capitalized on a blossoming legal career
to cast himself as a fighter, which undoubtedly is true given his
personal story, many are just now learning Cruz is a partner at a
high-powered law firm with a history of contributing 100’s of $1,000’s
of dollars to Democrats such as the Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and
Democratic National Congressional Committee’s campaigns."…/
Democrats received $750,000 in donations since he joined as Partner By
Jim Cardle Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas — As interested

Donald Trump isn't a politician, or a lawyer or a lobbyist. He isn't anything we are used to listening to during a campaign. He speaks English, not PC Legaleeze.
Donald Trump is a BUSINESSMAN who understands what we THE PEOPLE have to put up with trying to run a business. HE understands us....and WE, the small business people of America are what makes her run......and we are running out of time. No lawyer or politician begins to 'get it'.
Trump 'gets it'. This country is DEAD without small business, and no one else is looking out for them!!
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