Cruz can't beat Hillary! WAKE UP!

This is why Trump can win and Cruz can't! Drop your emotional ties to the Cubnadian before you screw this election up and hand it to a Clinton!
Headline: Report: 46,000 Pa. Democrats Become Republicans Due To Trump
Trump also wins with independents. He also wins more of Cruz's evangelical base than Cruz does. A vote for Cruz keeps us in the same mess!
THINK. Look, if for no other reason, face this fact.......Cruz has spent most of the $104 MILLION he and his pacs have raised to get to second place. Trump has raised and spent $25,750,318 to be FIRST! NOW....WHO would you rather handle our finances??
One RNC idea going around is to hook Cruz and Rubio up as Pres and VP to combine delegates and beat Trump.........
Did I really just type that????... THOSE are banana republic tactics!
One is an anchor baby and the other is foreign born. Both are first term congressmen/lawyers with
NO executive/business experience and both only in their
mid 40’s??? Someone has lost their minds!
Sounds like the plot to a B rated comedy. If YOU let something like this happen it will be a TRAGIC comedy!
The Cubnadian is nothing more than an opportunist who is USING YOU! We wondered why Cruz gave all that $$
to his competitor a few months back.....Carly just endorsed about buying elections!…/why-did-ted-cruzs-pac-give-half-a…/…/why-did-ted-cruzs-pac-give-half-a…/
The Federal Election Commission has asked for more details on the sizeable donation
HOW soon we forget...FioRINO has endorsed Cruz. "It was May 2008,
close to the end of the long primary battle between Barack Obama and
Hillary Clinton, and we were discussing the two Democratic contenders.
At which point Fiorina, then a campaign surrogate for presumptive GOP
nominee John McCain, offered some unprompted praise for Clinton: If
Fiorina hadn’t been backing McCain, she told me, she would have been for
Clinton. - See more at:…/carly-fiorina-hillary-…"
Actor and Conservative activist JON VOIGHT has endorsed Donald there's some VP consideration! And Trump didn't pay him a CENT for it!
Jon Voight endorses Donald Trump: ‘He’s an answer to our problems’
Award-winning actor Jon Voight has endorsed Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump for president. “He’s an answer to our problems. We need to get behind him,” Mr. Voight, 77, told Breitbart News in an interview Tuesday evening. “The Republicans need to unite behind this man. We need somebody to go in and reconstruct us in a sort of way, get us back to where we were, who we need to be.” The “Woodlawn” actor hit Mr. Trump’s most vocal critics, particularly former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who recently called Mr. Trump a “fraud” who is playing the American people for...[snip]
NPR and Harvard Say: Obamacare Is a Complete Failure
National Public Radio collaborated with Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to survey Americans’ recent experience with health care. As to the Affordable Care Act, the survey’s findings are damning. They suggest that Obamacare has been worse than a complete waste of money.This is the survey’s only question directly on Obamacare. Most respondents say that Obamacare hasn’t affected them; where it has affected them, most say the law’s impact has been harmful:
The promises that President Obama made about the ACA–cheaper premiums! lower co-pays and deductibles! better coverage!–have completely failed to materialize. This isn’t a surprise, of course, but it is nice to see it so copiously documented:
Remember how we were all supposed to save $2,500 a year in health insurance premiums? Only 4% say they have saved anything, and those respondents are probably wrong. For the vast majority, Obamacare has either done nothing, or has increased the cost of health care, counting premiums, deductibles and co-pays. Good going, Barry!
Trump is standing up to ALL of them!
are ads against Donald Trump, 5K and over. when you read the names
below, really reconsider the “outsider image” of Ted Cruz.
Notice Free Trade Globalist “Club for Growth” a backer of Ted Cruz. Conservative Solutions is Hedge Fund Billionaire Paul Singer, Miguel Fernandez makes his money in healthcare, Ted Cruz Super Pac Keep the Promise, Our Principles Pac is backed by Friends of Mitt Romney, Priorities USA supports Hillary Clinton, Right to Rise is Jeb Bush. Courageous Conservatives is a Ted Cruz Super Pac…/new-pro-cruz-super-pac Stand for Truth is a Ted Cruz Super Pac
AMERICAN FUTURE FUND FL $1,750,000.00 3/2/2016
AMERICAN FUTURE FUND FL $11,000.00 3/4/2016
AMERICAN FUTURE FUND FL $106,500.00 2/27/2016
AMERICAN FUTURE FUND FL $17,200.00 3/5/2016
AMERICAN FUTURE FUND FL $22,303.98 2/27/2016
AMERICAN FUTURE FUND IL $450,000.00 3/5/2016
CHC BOLD PAC NV $5,000.00 2/19/2016
CHC BOLD PAC NV $11,666.66 2/19/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH FL $1,181,000.00 3/4/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION IA $5,000.00 12/11/2015
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION IL $22,000.00 3/4/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION AR $453,565.32 2/25/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION AR $107,500.00 2/25/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION NV $11,546.59 2/22/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION SC $49,000.00 2/17/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION OK $399,550.93 2/25/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION OK $142,500.00 2/25/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION SC $1,190,274.01 2/14/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION SC $190,169.74 2/14/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION NV $151,000.00 2/19/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION $10,000.00 9/25/2015
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION $1,038,222.00 9/17/2015
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION $40,000.00 9/17/2015
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION IA $10,000.00 11/4/2015
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $178,500.00 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC IL $62,106.78 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC IL $68,074.37 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC IL $94,857.01 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC IL $158,226.07 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC IL $189,044.92 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC LA $31,237.50 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC MO $247,293.44 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $5,355.00 3/3/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $322,000.00 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $440,249.58 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $322,000.00 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $941,168.11 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $138,732.75 3/7/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC IL $74,499.95 3/7/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $1,510,406.00 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $7,500.00 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $7,500.00 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $118,719.54 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $89,250.00 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC VA $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC TX $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC TN $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC OK $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC GA $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $73,500.00 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC AR $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC AL $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC MS $38,428.61 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC MS $5,770.15 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC LA $66,947.20 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC LA $10,750.00 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $395,583.58 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $216,808.45 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC VT $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $156,240.00 3/2/2016
Fernandez $10,950.00 12/8/2015
FERNANDEZ MIGUEL B. FL $10,950.00 1/11/2016
FERNANDEZ MIGUEL B. IA $20,284.70 1/11/2016
FERNANDEZ MIGUEL B. $20,284.70 12/15/2015
FERNANDEZ MIGUEL B. $9,000.00 12/15/2015
FERNANDEZ MIGUEL B. NV $9,000.00 1/11/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I IA $13,567.50 1/25/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I IA $281,816.74 1/25/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I SC $10,100.00 1/25/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I SC $87,291.00 2/8/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I SC $82,026.00 2/18/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I SC $209,466.00 2/8/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I SC $93,090.60 2/8/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I SC $115,708.00 1/25/2016
New Day for America NH $11,846.94 1/25/2016
New Day for America $6,000.00 12/12/2015
New Day for America NH $18,671.95 2/2/2016
New Day for America NH $17,378.07 1/29/2016
New Day for America NH $16,303.92 2/2/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $147,157.44 2/16/2016
Our Principles PAC AL $5,529.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC CO $6,204.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC GA $11,506.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC MA $7,671.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC MN $6,204.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC TN $7,445.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC TX $10,987.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC TX $20,000.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $7,500.00 2/1/2016
Our Principles PAC VA $9,456.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $10,445.94 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $100,000.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $300,000.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $270,000.00 2/5/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $5,700.00 2/8/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $22,276.80 2/8/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $44,714.12 2/8/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $19,720.00 2/3/2016
Our Principles PAC NV $17,770.74 2/20/2016
Our Principles PAC NV $32,000.00 2/20/2016
Our Principles PAC AL $5,529.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC CO $6,204.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $20,000.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC GA $11,506.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC MA $7,671.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC MN $6,204.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC TN $7,445.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC TX $10,987.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC VA $9,456.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $10,445.94 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $100,000.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $300,000.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $20,000.00 2/18/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $27,465.36 2/18/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $50,000.00 2/18/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $155,804.00 2/18/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $11,612.00 1/27/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $28,093.86 1/27/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $43,825.00 1/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $13,335.00 3/3/2016
Our Principles PAC DC $20,000.00 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $8,818.62 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $9,805.00 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $25,429.22 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $50,000.00 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $764,025.00 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $2,139,800.00 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC MD $41,000.00 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $31,292.70 3/5/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $45,750.00 3/5/2016
Our Principles PAC IL $411,750.00 3/5/2016
Our Principles PAC MD $10,000.00 3/5/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $20,118.94 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $28,973.32 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $59,774.72 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $119,615.00 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $20,118.94 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $28,973.32 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $119,615.00 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $36,129.60 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $5,121.93 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $34,545.53 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $1,062,335.00 1/27/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $11,745.86 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $18,078.99 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $67,141.99 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $36,048.28 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $77,462.88 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $77,462.88 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $82,306.00 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $27,825.00 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $44,944.64 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $88,388.00 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC $12,500.00 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC $36,048.28 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $12,500.00 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $27,825.00 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $36,048.28 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $44,944.64 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $88,388.00 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $18,078.99 1/23/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $44,944.64 1/20/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $14,051.00 1/26/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $28,093.86 1/26/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $77,462.88 1/26/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $32,745.00 3/7/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $447,353.68 3/7/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $21,008.00 2/13/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $50,000.00 2/13/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $76,515.60 2/13/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $116,114.80 2/13/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $300,000.00 2/13/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $11,655.00 2/14/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $7,531.20 2/19/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $7,531.20 2/19/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $12,233.10 2/19/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $5,136.00 2/5/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $7,000.00 2/5/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $7,531.20 2/16/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $12,235.92 2/16/2016
Planned Parenthood Votes IA $8,729.05 1/29/2016
Priorities USA Action NV $14,945.65 12/17/2015
Priorities USA Action CO $6,930.00 8/29/2015
Right to Rise USA SC $5,751.63 2/17/2016
Right to Rise USA $19,411.50 2/14/2016
SEIU COPE SC $24,875.00 2/14/2016
SEIU COPE $5,750.00 2/25/2016
SEIU COPE NV $72,276.33 2/16/2016
SEIU COPE FL $33,333.33 2/16/2016
SEIU COPE FL $33,333.33 2/16/2016
SEIU COPE CO $67,792.66 2/16/2016
SEIU COPE $5,750.00 11/21/2015
SEIU COPE $66,122.50 11/21/2015
SEIU COPE $5,625.00 11/22/2015
SEIU COPE $66,122.50 2/25/2016
Stand For Truth, Inc. SC $100,000.00 2/12/2016
Stand For Truth, Inc. TX $500,000.00 2/27/2016
Stand For Truth, Inc. IA $691,895.00 1/25/2016
Stand For Truth, Inc. IA $150,000.00 1/25/2016
Stand For Truth, Inc. IA $15,750.00 1/25/2016
Stand For Truth, Inc. IA $165,162.24 1/29/2016
50 posted on 3/7/2016, 8:51:06 PM by GeaugaRepublican
Notice Free Trade Globalist “Club for Growth” a backer of Ted Cruz. Conservative Solutions is Hedge Fund Billionaire Paul Singer, Miguel Fernandez makes his money in healthcare, Ted Cruz Super Pac Keep the Promise, Our Principles Pac is backed by Friends of Mitt Romney, Priorities USA supports Hillary Clinton, Right to Rise is Jeb Bush. Courageous Conservatives is a Ted Cruz Super Pac…/new-pro-cruz-super-pac Stand for Truth is a Ted Cruz Super Pac
AMERICAN FUTURE FUND FL $1,750,000.00 3/2/2016
AMERICAN FUTURE FUND FL $11,000.00 3/4/2016
AMERICAN FUTURE FUND FL $106,500.00 2/27/2016
AMERICAN FUTURE FUND FL $17,200.00 3/5/2016
AMERICAN FUTURE FUND FL $22,303.98 2/27/2016
AMERICAN FUTURE FUND IL $450,000.00 3/5/2016
CHC BOLD PAC NV $5,000.00 2/19/2016
CHC BOLD PAC NV $11,666.66 2/19/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH FL $1,181,000.00 3/4/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION IA $5,000.00 12/11/2015
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION IL $22,000.00 3/4/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION AR $453,565.32 2/25/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION AR $107,500.00 2/25/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION NV $11,546.59 2/22/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION SC $49,000.00 2/17/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION OK $399,550.93 2/25/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION OK $142,500.00 2/25/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION SC $1,190,274.01 2/14/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION SC $190,169.74 2/14/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION NV $151,000.00 2/19/2016
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION $10,000.00 9/25/2015
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION $1,038,222.00 9/17/2015
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION $40,000.00 9/17/2015
CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION IA $10,000.00 11/4/2015
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $178,500.00 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC IL $62,106.78 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC IL $68,074.37 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC IL $94,857.01 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC IL $158,226.07 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC IL $189,044.92 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC LA $31,237.50 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC MO $247,293.44 3/2/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $5,355.00 3/3/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $322,000.00 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $440,249.58 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $322,000.00 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $941,168.11 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $138,732.75 3/7/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC IL $74,499.95 3/7/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $1,510,406.00 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $7,500.00 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $7,500.00 2/27/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $118,719.54 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $89,250.00 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC VA $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC TX $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC TN $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC OK $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC GA $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $73,500.00 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC AR $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC AL $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC MS $38,428.61 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC MS $5,770.15 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC LA $66,947.20 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC LA $10,750.00 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $395,583.58 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $216,808.45 2/29/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC VT $12,527.26 3/1/2016
Conservative Solutions PAC FL $156,240.00 3/2/2016
Fernandez $10,950.00 12/8/2015
FERNANDEZ MIGUEL B. FL $10,950.00 1/11/2016
FERNANDEZ MIGUEL B. IA $20,284.70 1/11/2016
FERNANDEZ MIGUEL B. $20,284.70 12/15/2015
FERNANDEZ MIGUEL B. $9,000.00 12/15/2015
FERNANDEZ MIGUEL B. NV $9,000.00 1/11/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I IA $13,567.50 1/25/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I IA $281,816.74 1/25/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I SC $10,100.00 1/25/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I SC $87,291.00 2/8/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I SC $82,026.00 2/18/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I SC $209,466.00 2/8/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I SC $93,090.60 2/8/2016
KEEP THE PROMISE I SC $115,708.00 1/25/2016
New Day for America NH $11,846.94 1/25/2016
New Day for America $6,000.00 12/12/2015
New Day for America NH $18,671.95 2/2/2016
New Day for America NH $17,378.07 1/29/2016
New Day for America NH $16,303.92 2/2/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $147,157.44 2/16/2016
Our Principles PAC AL $5,529.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC CO $6,204.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC GA $11,506.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC MA $7,671.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC MN $6,204.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC TN $7,445.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC TX $10,987.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC TX $20,000.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $7,500.00 2/1/2016
Our Principles PAC VA $9,456.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $10,445.94 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $100,000.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $300,000.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $270,000.00 2/5/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $5,700.00 2/8/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $22,276.80 2/8/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $44,714.12 2/8/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $19,720.00 2/3/2016
Our Principles PAC NV $17,770.74 2/20/2016
Our Principles PAC NV $32,000.00 2/20/2016
Our Principles PAC AL $5,529.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC CO $6,204.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $20,000.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC GA $11,506.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC MA $7,671.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC MN $6,204.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC TN $7,445.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC TX $10,987.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC VA $9,456.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $10,445.94 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $100,000.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $300,000.00 2/27/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $20,000.00 2/18/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $27,465.36 2/18/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $50,000.00 2/18/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $155,804.00 2/18/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $11,612.00 1/27/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $28,093.86 1/27/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $43,825.00 1/27/2016
Our Principles PAC $13,335.00 3/3/2016
Our Principles PAC DC $20,000.00 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $8,818.62 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $9,805.00 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $25,429.22 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $50,000.00 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $764,025.00 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $2,139,800.00 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC MD $41,000.00 3/4/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $31,292.70 3/5/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $45,750.00 3/5/2016
Our Principles PAC IL $411,750.00 3/5/2016
Our Principles PAC MD $10,000.00 3/5/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $20,118.94 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $28,973.32 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $59,774.72 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $119,615.00 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $20,118.94 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $28,973.32 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $119,615.00 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $36,129.60 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $5,121.93 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $34,545.53 1/29/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $1,062,335.00 1/27/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $11,745.86 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $18,078.99 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $67,141.99 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $36,048.28 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $77,462.88 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $77,462.88 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $82,306.00 1/28/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $27,825.00 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $44,944.64 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $88,388.00 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC $12,500.00 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC $36,048.28 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $12,500.00 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $27,825.00 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $36,048.28 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $44,944.64 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $88,388.00 1/22/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $18,078.99 1/23/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $44,944.64 1/20/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $14,051.00 1/26/2016
Our Principles PAC IA $28,093.86 1/26/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $77,462.88 1/26/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $32,745.00 3/7/2016
Our Principles PAC FL $447,353.68 3/7/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $21,008.00 2/13/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $50,000.00 2/13/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $76,515.60 2/13/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $116,114.80 2/13/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $300,000.00 2/13/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $11,655.00 2/14/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $7,531.20 2/19/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $7,531.20 2/19/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $12,233.10 2/19/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $5,136.00 2/5/2016
Our Principles PAC NH $7,000.00 2/5/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $7,531.20 2/16/2016
Our Principles PAC SC $12,235.92 2/16/2016
Planned Parenthood Votes IA $8,729.05 1/29/2016
Priorities USA Action NV $14,945.65 12/17/2015
Priorities USA Action CO $6,930.00 8/29/2015
Right to Rise USA SC $5,751.63 2/17/2016
Right to Rise USA $19,411.50 2/14/2016
SEIU COPE SC $24,875.00 2/14/2016
SEIU COPE $5,750.00 2/25/2016
SEIU COPE NV $72,276.33 2/16/2016
SEIU COPE FL $33,333.33 2/16/2016
SEIU COPE FL $33,333.33 2/16/2016
SEIU COPE CO $67,792.66 2/16/2016
SEIU COPE $5,750.00 11/21/2015
SEIU COPE $66,122.50 11/21/2015
SEIU COPE $5,625.00 11/22/2015
SEIU COPE $66,122.50 2/25/2016
Stand For Truth, Inc. SC $100,000.00 2/12/2016
Stand For Truth, Inc. TX $500,000.00 2/27/2016
Stand For Truth, Inc. IA $691,895.00 1/25/2016
Stand For Truth, Inc. IA $150,000.00 1/25/2016
Stand For Truth, Inc. IA $15,750.00 1/25/2016
Stand For Truth, Inc. IA $165,162.24 1/29/2016
50 posted on 3/7/2016, 8:51:06 PM by GeaugaRepublican
One wants to whip the others into shape.
Any Man who can successfully raise 5 kids from 3 blended families has to be admired!
Nice Family, good kids. Trump did better than I ever did!
Marine Disfigured by a Bomb Tells Powerful Story at Trump Townhall (Supports Trump)
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