Proof.....NRSC scamming Trump supporters while giving donations to Ted Cruz
Previously we told you how Ted Cruz is profiting from stolen Trump campaign contributions by way of the NRSC. Some of that follows:
FUND raisers for Cruz
The NRSC (which Cruz helped operate) is who is stealing campaign contributions from Trump supporters...and Ted is profiting from it.
Debt Retirement Reception@ National Republican Senatorial Committee (Gotta help pay off Goldman Sachs loans! COMMENT IS MY OWN INSULT!)
Beneficiaries: Ted Cruz
Contribution: $2,000; $1,000 (suggested contributions at event)
I understand how people might not want to put any confidence in a blog and the emails that back up this series of articles about the NRSC & the NRCC.
I’m with Trump! - National Republican Senatorial Committee
Pick any one of them and a link will take you to: — the homepage states:
“The NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee) is the only national organization solely devoted to electing Republicans to the UNITED STATES SENATE.”
NOT ONE CENT of this money, which has been scammed for MONTHS from Trump supporters, went to the Trump campaign. It went to Ted Cruz and probably Marco Rubio, we are still looking.
Cruz used to be 2nd in charge of NRSC.
Ted Cruz is an INSIDER. The RNC has done all they could to harm Trump's win. Wake UP.
Ted will say...'I didn't know!'......his standard answer.
WHY won't Rush & Levin cover these scams against Trump instead of making up racist/KKK LIES against him????
UPDATE....Evidently most people are too DENSE to follow links to see how The NRSC has been scamming all of us.
Listen! THE NRSC does NOT tell you when you get the emails that it is from appears to be from the TRUMP campaign. One even came from "Donald"...making you believe it came from the Trump have to dig a bit to find it is from the NRSC!
This is how they get your email addresses:
AND Don't forget this contribution!
THis is their Pac: TOP CRUZ Contributors
1. Club for Growth $705,657
2. Senate Conservatives Fund $315,991
Goldman Sachs is #5!
Lawyers groups who give 70% to democrats give to Cruz and Rubio & CLINTON.
And Guess WHAT! Others reported on this too!
There are good arguments against Trump. But to pick LOSERS like Cruz and Rubio is just suicide.
This is the last chance, we the people have to pick our candidate instead of the media and these two corrupt parties. If you can't see this is as much an attack on all of us as it is on Trump, you don't want to see it.
FUND raisers for Cruz
The NRSC (which Cruz helped operate) is who is stealing campaign contributions from Trump supporters...and Ted is profiting from it.
Debt Retirement Reception@ National Republican Senatorial Committee (Gotta help pay off Goldman Sachs loans! COMMENT IS MY OWN INSULT!)
Beneficiaries: Ted Cruz
Contribution: $2,000; $1,000 (suggested contributions at event)
I understand how people might not want to put any confidence in a blog and the emails that back up this series of articles about the NRSC & the NRCC.
I’m with Trump! - National Republican Senatorial Committee
National Republican Senatorial Committee. Paid for by NRSC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. · Privacy Policy.
I’m with Trump Koozie - National Republican Senatorial ...
National Republican Senatorial Committee
Thanks for signing the petition and making your voice heard. Will you take the next step and contribute today to help advance a bold, conservative agenda and ...
I’m with Trump Car Magnet - National Republican Senatorial ...
There are many more.
Pick any one of them and a link will take you to: — the homepage states:
“The NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee) is the only national organization solely devoted to electing Republicans to the UNITED STATES SENATE.”

NOT ONE CENT of this money, which has been scammed for MONTHS from Trump supporters, went to the Trump campaign. It went to Ted Cruz and probably Marco Rubio, we are still looking.
Cruz used to be 2nd in charge of NRSC.
Ted Cruz is an INSIDER. The RNC has done all they could to harm Trump's win. Wake UP.
Ted will say...'I didn't know!'......his standard answer.
WHY won't Rush & Levin cover these scams against Trump instead of making up racist/KKK LIES against him????
UPDATE....Evidently most people are too DENSE to follow links to see how The NRSC has been scamming all of us.
Listen! THE NRSC does NOT tell you when you get the emails that it is from appears to be from the TRUMP campaign. One even came from "Donald"...making you believe it came from the Trump have to dig a bit to find it is from the NRSC!
This is how they get your email addresses:
When you hit their link, you give your email and then you get hit with the bogus #Trump gear scam! Don't you LOVE being used by the GOP to finance their incumbent RINOS! Try it! 10153911892684474
National Republican Congressional Committee
Have you voted in the Presidential Straw Poll yet? Cast your vote today!
race to the White House has already begun. Be the first to make your
voice heard in the National Republican Congressional Committee’s
official 2016 Presidential Straw Poll.
AND Don't forget this contribution!
THis is their Pac: TOP CRUZ Contributors
1. Club for Growth $705,657
2. Senate Conservatives Fund $315,991
Goldman Sachs is #5!
Lawyers groups who give 70% to democrats give to Cruz and Rubio & CLINTON.
And Guess WHAT! Others reported on this too!
Senate Republicans Fundraise Off of “I’m With Trump” Holiday Swag — After Bashing Trump Last Month
Even though the Republican establishment fundraising group privately calls leading GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump a “misguided missile” who is “subject to farcical fits” and advises candidates to emulate but not tie themselves too closely to Trump, the National Republican Senatorial Committee is still soliciting donations using Trump’s name as a motivator to contribute.
A holiday-themed email from the NRSC went out this week offering an “I’m with Trump!” car magnet for a minimum donation of $10 The email was forwarded to The Gateway Pundit, from a recipient who wishes to remain anonymous, with the message, “These (expletives) are raising money off Trump as they stab him in the back!.”
The fundraising off of Trump shows the NRSC recognizes the strong support Trump has with the Republican base, if not the elites in party power circles like the NRSC.[snip]
Senate Republicans Proclaim “I’m With Trump” To Raise Money
onHat tip and thanks to D.M.!
There are good arguments against Trump. But to pick LOSERS like Cruz and Rubio is just suicide.
This is the last chance, we the people have to pick our candidate instead of the media and these two corrupt parties. If you can't see this is as much an attack on all of us as it is on Trump, you don't want to see it.
Labels: cruz, National Republican Senatorial Committe, NRSC, RNC, rubio, scam, Trump
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