Monday, April 19, 2010

They don't have a word for 'mercy'

This is a must see video of armed Mexican drug runners invading the USA.
sent to us by our friends with the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers.

A film crew is documenting the invasion and is warned by a local person of the dangers they risk, telling them, "They don't have a word for mercy".

The degradation of our border because of constant, heavy 'migrant' traffic continues.
A feud between the Departments of the Interior and Homeland Security over federal wilderness areas that constitute 40 percent of the nation's southern border has been undermining the mission of both agencies for nearly a decade. This adolescent refusal to cooperate threatens the security of all Americans. That much was made clear March 27 when Arizona rancher Rob Krentz and his dog were shot to death by someone crossing the border illegally. The murderer then escaped in a pronghorn antelope protection area that the Interior Department placed off limits to Border Patrol agents. Krentz had repeatedly complained that illegals were threatening his family, stealing and destroying his property, and even sabotaging his ranch's water supply. Something's very wrong when law-abiding, tax-paying citizens like Krentz have to live in constant fear and get less protection from their own government than desert pronghorns.

Something’s wrong when law-abiding, tax-paying citizens like slain rancher Rob Krentz have to live with less protection from their own government than desert pronghorns. (Ross D. Franklin/AP file)

The Campo Minutemen reports they have removed another 1595 pounds of litter from Public Lands on the border , as of April 17. 2010 and a total of more than 47,600 pounds since starting the litter removal program.
But the degradation of our habitat reaches across the USA by this invasion.

A marijuana site cleanup took place on the Shasta Lake District of the Shasta-Trinity National Forest (STNF) on April 7, 2010. Forest personnel worked throughout the day to clean up litter from abandoned Drug Trafficking Organization (DTO) marijuana sites.

A helicopter was used to transport large amounts of trash, hose, propane tanks, insecticides and other waste from the marijuana sites to then be properly disposed of.

“The forest is conducting these procedures to ensure the safety of forest visitors and agency employees,” STNF Patrol Captain Chad Krogstad said.

In the past six months STNF personnel have initiated and completed clean up on two DTO sites on the Mount Shasta Ranger District and three sites on the Shasta Lake Ranger District. Some of the garbage has been packed out on foot, hauled away in vehicles, and flown out of remote sites by helicopters. At one site personnel collected around 300 pounds of trash, four miles of hose, three propane tanks and one gallon of insecticide.

Illegal marijuana cultivation poses a public safety risk and directly harms the environment. The illegal use of pesticides can cause extensive long-term damage to natural resources. The use of herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides can cause extensive and long-term damage to ecosystems and impact public drinking water for hundreds of miles. Timber and vegetation are destroyed, much needed water is diverted from watersheds, streams, lakes, and public drinking water supplies, and fish and wildlife habitat are destroyed.

“The Forest Service will continue to work with our partners at the federal, state and local levels to address the use of public lands to grow marijuana illegally,” Kristy Cottini, STNF Shasta Lake District Ranger, said. “This is something we take very seriously that can have negative effects on fish and wildlife habitats, as well as other legitimate uses of National Forest system lands.”
Be careful out there, especially when you’re hiking cross-country near year-round streams.

More news from Mexico from NAFBPO
l Financiero (Mexico City) 4/17/10

Grumbling continues; arrests of undocumented aliens in Arizona condemned

(Notimex) Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), condemned the recent raids against immigrants carried out in Arizona. In a position statement regarding the raids that occurred in the state, she considers the actions contrary to the immigration reform that President Barack Obama backs. She accused the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement of operating behind the back of the Department of Homeland Security, whose leader, Janet Napolitano, has insisted that immigration matters should be basically federal. She alleges that the raids that terrorize immigrants and affect local businesses are carried out at the request of Sheriff Arpaio who “hides behind the police badge in order to advance agendas not related to security.” Salas asked the Arizona government to cancel legislation, known as SB1070, that permits collaboration between local and federal agents to pursue illegal immigrants and apply severe penalties. The “pretext” in applying such a law, she said, is supposedly that the illegal immigrants are very dangerous and generate public insecurity, but in reality they are people who work and contribute to the local economy.



Country Music awards nominee, the Zac Brown Band...our FAVORITE!!! over seas entertaining our troops
Soldiers with the Regimental Fires Squadron, 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) enjoy a concert performed by the Zac Brown Band Saturday during a USO tour. Photo by Capt. Kevin D. Levesqu

Favorite places to visit!

The SHERIFF is back!

Terry Anderson tells it like it is on immigration!

Great discussion at SmartGirlPolitics!

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you Brittanicus.


    Yes, he's sure spouting that now that he has a viable challeger, J. D. Hayworth.

    Don't believe it!

    Bill O’reilly has given us the proof that MCCain did NOT want the guard on the border.

    SEN. JOHN MCCAIN, R-ARIZ.: "I do not favor using troops because they are not trained for it. They don’t have the kind of qualifications necessary. I have strongly favored us using all the technical equipment that our military has including satellites, including aircraft and other technical means."
