Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Arizona stands up for America & the Heroes who did it


Governor Jan Brewer was in tune with the voters and signed the first bill in the USA by any state to enforce the law and try to do something about the invasion of her state for foreign national law breaking aliens.

Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce deserves the credit for crafting this bill and getting it through his state legislature.

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Last night CBS did it's usual politically correct take on these events, but did inject this very important item.

Meet Steve Montenegro, himself an immigrant from El Salvador and now a member of the Arizona State Legislature. Here is a promising rising star that the GOP needs to promote!
Regarding the phony charge that all 'latinos' will be targets of this law.......http://api.ning.com/files/DSNyWuQQxAplpdDeGv5i5ZY80oTLtLYf4jOeIbjthEU_/stevem.jpg

He shouldn't worry says Steve Montenegro, himself an immigrant from El Salvador and now a member of the State Legislature. Montenegro voted for the controversial immigration law which he says opponents are distorting.

"That it is a race issue, anti-Hispanic and anti-immigrant bill," Montenegro said. "It couldn't be farther from the truth."

What the bill does he says is give police another tool to fight crime that comes with the flood across the border.

"It's going crazy here," Montenegro said. "And the federal government time and again failed tremendously to protect its citizens and secure the border."

Last, but certainly not least is Arizona Rancher Bob Krentz, who recently lost his life on his own land to the hands of an illegal alien. It all changed when he died, people started caring and took action. Arizona took action.

The media didn’t talk much about his murder, but for some reason this time more citizens noticed. Too bad they didn’t notice sooner. And if and when some of the sleeping public, most who think there is an actual guarded fence on our border, finds out how costly and dangerous this invasion is, they’re not going to be happy.

R.I.P. Bob Krentz. You served your country more than you’ll ever know.

A must read on this legislation is given to us by John Lott, the premier researcher on the 2nd Amendment.
Fears of Arizona's Immigration Law Are Bogus

The Squatter Support Squad is on full alert, trying to destroy this law, and it should be noted...contrary to their 'unconstitutional' claim......that the new Arizona law does indeed follow federal law!

Federal Immigration and Nationality Act
Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)

State and local law enforcement officials have the general power to investigate and arrest violators of federal immigration statutes without prior INS knowledge or approval, as long as they are authorized to do so by state law. There is no extant federal limitation on this authority. The 1996 immigration control legislation passed by Congress was intended to encourage states and local agencies to participate in the process of enforcing federal immigration laws. Immigration officers and local law enforcement officers may detain an individual for a brief warrantless interrogation where circumstances create a reasonable suspicion that the individual is illegally present in the U.S. Specific facts constituting a reasonable suspicion include evasive, nervous, or erratic behavior; dress or speech indicating foreign citizenship; and presence in an area known to contain a concentration of illegal aliens.

MUST SEE! http://michellemalkin.com/

They’re back: A gallery of open-borders extremists; Update: May Day is Che Day; vandals strike AZ capitol


This morning there are calls from legislators & leaders of three states.....Utah, Minnisota and Ohio who want to inact a law like Arizonas!!



SACRAMENTO (CBS 5 / AP) Meg Whitman, the Republican front-runner in the California gubernatorial primary, said Tuesday that Arizona is taking the wrong approach to illegal immigration with its tough new law.



  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I respectfully disagree w/Mr. Montenegro.

    As a Jewish Republican who was born in the U.S., I know racist laws when I see them. We can disagree all we want, but like my Israeli-born and raised father says, "don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining."

    As a right-wing Jew, I can't help but see similarities between Arizona's new law and how the Third Reich started.


  2. You're joking, I hope.10:40 AM

    Please explain how enforcing existing immigration laws is "racist"?!
    Please define how questioning people in the country illegally is "similar" to the Nazis exterminating a class of people based on race?!
    Please quit peeing on my leg...

  3. Anonymous, have you read the bill? Did you know they are just enforcing federal laws that are already on the books? The only difference is, the feds won't enforce the laws, it has become complete chaos in the border towns and down right dangerous. The feds won't do anything so the state has stepped in to do it, for the rights and safety of American citizens.
    Racists my behind.

  4. Tim Marvin12:52 PM


    "As a right-wing Jew, I can't help but see similarities between Arizona's new law and how the Third Reich started."

    Uh huh......that you, Rahm?

  5. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Does anonymous know that the Federal laws REQUIRING IMMIGRANTS TO CARRY GREEN CARDS HAVE BEEN ON THE BOOKS FOR YEARS .... did she know this before spouting off on this Arizona bill which the media has massively distorted?

    Go ahead - boycott AMTRAK: http://www.philadelphiaimmigrationlawyerblog.com/2008/02/your_green_card_always_always.html

    The Arizona law is far more limited, careful than opponents claim it is, and WILL NOT lead to anything racist at all. It explicitly forbids racial profiling and any stop must be a lawful one.

    This is ALSO existing Federal law: " Federal Immigration and Nationality Act

    Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)

    State and local law enforcement officials have the general power to investigate and arrest violators of federal immigration statutes without prior INS knowledge or approval, as long as they are authorized to do so by state law. There is no extant federal limitation on this authority. The 1996 immigration control legislation passed by Congress was intended to encourage states and local agencies to participate in the process of enforcing federal immigration laws. Immigration officers and local law enforcement officers may detain an individual for a brief warrantless interrogation where circumstances create a reasonable suspicion that the individual is illegally present in the U.S. Specific facts constituting a reasonable suspicion include evasive, nervous, or erratic behavior; dress or speech indicating foreign citizenship; and presence in an area known to contain a concentration of illegal aliens. "

    Opponents of this bill are MISINFORMED and trying to STIR RACIAL ANIMOSITY. They ought to be ashamed of their attempts to 'play the race card'.

    A Friend

  6. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Your angry and racially inflammatory rhetoric aside, I know there are laws on the books regarding the regulation (this is the first time my fellow Republicans actually want regulation on the free market, but I digress).

    I still know Nazi tactics when I see them, and any state that requires its citizens, whether legal or not, for their papers, has crossed the line between policing into fascism.

    So I respectfully disagree, and will be abstaining from voting Republican until this law is overturned.
