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Location: Pacific Northwest STATE OF JEFFERSON!, United States

William Wilberforce, British parliamentarian and abolitionist, told his colleagues, “Having heard all of this, you may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”CENSORSHIP...your worst enemy! TURN OFF NETWORK NEWS! YOU ARE BEING USED!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Mr. President, Resign.

Melania & Barron Trump Will Move To White House At End Of School ...
Enough already.  No human can take what this media, the DNC and just plain ignorant or corrupt Americans on both sides are  doing to you.
I watch you every day, knowing maybe 10% of the country will even hear you talking with us daily, informing, encouraging, protecting.
It exhausts me and I wonder how on earth you do it. 
I witness openness, patience and statesmanship from you day in and day out, unequaled by any president while the media distorts it into the opposite.

No president has ever left office losing Billions of dollars instead of griffting the people of wealth like all the others in recent history have done, and I'm sorry about that. You even gave up your salary, and still they say you're 'in it for the $$$'.

Why drag your kids through this?  Or that beautiful woman who was brave enough to go through this for her adopted country.
It breaks my heart what this country has done to humiliate your good family.  Perfect? No.  A damn site better than most families.
Better than me, and I am better than most! Spend your resources to fight this media because until we do, NOTHING CHANGES!

But, we humans will adapt, as we always have without you being beaten to death every day.  The culture this country is today is just not worth the sacrifice.  All I see is people pissing and moaning demanding their 'check' or to be taken care of.

We will never have another opportunity for an outsider for this highest office, as the founders intended.
We will never be able to protect ourselves again by way of the second amendment.
Babies born alive will die and die and die........while sick souls like Alyssa Milano celebrate.

And we'll damn sure stay in our houses when we're told to!
 We were happy to do it for you, Sir, because you ASKED for our help.
You didn't demand it with threats to our lives like the little fifedoms springing up in Every locality, USA.
 You know your place!!!   You are determined to handle this crisis Constitutionally, while our other leaders could care less.

I can't stomach the lack of respect for the office you have so proudly served.  None did better. NONE! 
In this blog...a decade plus ago,  I said I would take a bullet for Barack Obama, because no matter what I knew he was, his life was more
important than mine.   No nation should go through an assassination.

You know they won't stop.  They can't.  If you succeed, their crimes are exposed.  They can't stand for that.
Get Pence and get the hell out of DC.  If the USA is going to be saved, it's time we  the people stood up.  Not just you.
 You've done more than any human should.  Let Pelosi plunge this culture into the depths of hell while there's enough resources and guns left that we can pull out of it when people finally wake up.  I think we know now, it's going to take the worst.  Let's get it over with.
Even this virus was just enough to bring  out the greed in this unAmerican society instead of waking people up to how lucky they are. 
Half of social media is total bull shit, made up crap worrying about Michelle Obama's balls.  Much of value gets censored.   It's become impossible.
Yet, that and talk radio is the only means we have to get the truth out.   It's not working.  We are outnumbered by the ignorant and can't find a way to reach them. 
During that time, CNN would publish over 700 articles about the trumped-up accusations against Kavanaugh.

Just imagine how many millions of Americans would have been at Trump Rallies had we not had this virus scare?  It would have been a landslide election like no one had ever seen. 
DEFUNDING WHO was the best! The Hollywood slugs who bow at their 'Global Nation' gate SucK! 

Top 20 contributors to the Programme budget 2018 (US$ thousands)

Image may contain: possible text that says 'China spread the disease. Democrats spread the lies. Media spread the panic. They crashed the economy. All to destroy our President. REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER.'

WHEN are you democrats going to figure out your primaries are political theater and you're just pawns.  In 2016 HRC showed up after the debates, cheated Bernie, and slid into the nomination...wash, repeat..2020!!!!  Biden??? JOE BIDEN??? 
You don't seem to realize you have NOTHING to do with picking a candidate!
It's stunning.
And a bit of the creeepy world!   You decide!

Book From 1800’s Predicts Trump Will Be ‘The Last President’

Two books written in the 1800's predicts that a man named Donald Trump will be "the last President" of the United States.

Two books written in the 1800’s predicts that a man named Donald Trump will be “the last President” of the United States.

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