HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, AMERICA! Your media hides the truth.
24-Year-Old Latina Campaigns for Donald Trump on South Texas Border: ‘He’s Right About Everything He Says’
Miriam Cepeda is probably one of few — a 24-year-old Latina and a self-proclaimed “Trump girl” on the South Texas border — and she wants you to know it.
completely agree with Donald J. Trump’s policies as far as creating a
stronger border and enforcing our border security,” said Miriam Cepeda,
24, a self-proclaimed “Trump girl.”
Cepeda is the daughter of an undocumented immigrant who once had a green card, but she doesn’t shy away from the controversial comments Trump has made about Latinos — including when he first launched his White House bid by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists.”
“I completely agree with Donald J. Trump’s policies as far as creating a stronger border and enforcing our border security,” she said. “I firsthand have seen … friends that are getting involved with illegal activity that’s associated with drugs or human trafficking. It’s an issue that people need to realize is reality.”
NOT a word about this MASS SHOOTER in Oregon last week...know why? He was a SIX time returned Mexican ILLEGAL ALIEN! Until YOU demand more out of this corrupt media, NOTHING changes!
(Note....We mistakenly put the wrong photo of this TERRORIST on this post earlier...it was another illegal alien MURDERING Mexican from last week!...gets confusing there are SO MANY OF THEM!)
Triple homicide by illegal alien in Woodburn
July 1, 2016
OFIR members and supporters:
On Monday, June 27, four people were shot on a blueberry farm near Woodburn, in Yamhill County OR. The accused shooter killed 3 and seriously injured the 4th. It was learned yesterday, through inquiries by OFIR member and KXL FM 101.1 contributor David Olen Cross that the accused killer was an illegal alien who had already been deported 6 times!
See the account of the accused killer’s immigration status below.
Elections, both state and federal, give us our best opportunity to bring real change to the malfunctioning immigration system. Too many innocent citizens have been harmed and even murdered by persons who should never have entered this country and would not be here if the laws were properly enforced.
In an op-ed article published in the Statesman Journal recently, OFIR President Cynthia Kendoll discusses what state leaders can and should do to protect citizens' well-being and safety and perhaps even their lives. Now is the time to get this message to candidates at every opportunity.
Woodburn Shooter Deported Six Times Since 2003 June 30, 2016 at 2:10 pm http://www.kxl.com/breaking- Woodburn, Ore — The man accused of shooting and killing three people and injuring a fourth on a blueberry farm outside of Woodburn, has been deported from the U.S. six times since 2003. The U.S. Immigration and Customes Enforcement spokeswoman says in a written statement: "After conducting a comprehensive review of Mr. Oseguera’s immigration and criminal history, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has designated this as a federal interest case. To that end, the agency filed a notice of action with the Marion County Jail asking to be alerted if or when Mr. Oseguera is slated for release so the agency can take custody ot pursue further administrative enforcement action. Relevant databases indicate Mr. Oseguera has no significant prior criminal convictions. However, he has been repatriated to Mexico six times since 2003, most recently in 2013" Bonifacio Oseguera-Gonzalez is accused of shooting and killing 60-year old Ruben Rigoberto-Reyes, 26-year old Edmundo Amaro-Bajonero and 30 year old Katie Gildersleeve. He also shot and injured 27-year old Refugio Modesto-DeLaCruz on June 27th. Detectives still have not provided any motive for the shootings or how Oseguera is connected to the victims or the farm where the shooting took place. _____________ LIZ WARREN used her LIE of being Cherokee to get into Harvard who stated she was 'colored'..... FLASHBACK: Cherokee Tribe Members Wanted to Confront Goofy Elizabeth WarrenCHEROKEE TRIBE MEMBERS to Confront Phony Indian Elizabeth Warren on Book TourDemocrat Elizabeth Warren was exposed as a fraud when she claimed for years that she was Cherokee Indian. During her campaign for senator Cherokee Indian activists traveled to Massachusetts to confront Warren on her fraudulent past. But Warren would not meet with them. __________________ And before it's lost to time and space...the BEGINNING of this 'AMERICA FIRST' movement...it started July 4, 2000 in Jarbidge, Nevada. Happy Independence day, good Americans! http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a396401210f95.htm INCIDENT AT JARBIDGE Source: Eye Witness Published: July 5, 2000 Posted on 07/05/2000 20:46:41 PDT by AuntB I recall in studies of Native Americans and the ensuing “Indian wars” many battles, massacres and land takeovers were referred to as “incidents”. That’s a polite term for a lot more sinister act. Absolute power, no matter what color, creed, religion it may be will take what it wants, whenever it is allowed. The indigenous tribes of this country had something the power wanted and it took it. The same strain of evil power in that part of our history has again reared it’s ugly head. On July 3 and 4, 2000 some of the current indigenous tribes gathered in Jarbidge, Nevada and said ENOUGH. You will be told by the so-called environmentalists, who only showed up at the last minute, that damage was done when some good Americans repaired a road destroyed at taxpayer expense by Bill Clinton and Bruce Babbitt’s Federal Government. It’s a lie. Many of us camped for days on the Jarbidge River to observe as citizen reporters. We studied for months the motives of the Elko Shovel Brigade. We studied documents. We talked to law enforcement, national, regional and local reporters, and citizens of Jarbidge. We experienced Jarbidge. I missed meeting the man who spoke to national televised media as an “environmentalist” and praised this out-of-control government for destroying this little dirt road. You just had to be there. Maybe that’s what Mr. Babbitt is counting on....that NO ONE will bother to show up to tell the rest of the country about these remote, meaningless little bergs that they seek to destroy. But, oh yes, it’s only a crummy little dirt road, messing with the bull trout. The BULL part is correct. I wonder where the enviro-man would like to send the handful of residents of Jarbidge as he extols this governments corrupt actions. Perhaps the remnanats of some former tribe will share a reservation. Then Mr. Babbitt could mess with their funds as well. This is not about a “road”. This is about people’s lives. Their homes. And something that the power wants. The Western States have little representation or electoral votes, so their concerns are not taken seriously by the politicians. In fact, they have no intention of letting us have a part of planning our lives, our homes, our futures. Jarbidge is a half mile stretch with tiny stores, businesses, and homes along one road. Dirt road...the only way in and the only way out is many miles of dirt, rock, towering mountains and bottomless canyons. No pavement, not a black, sticky drop. This is not the area for the faint hearted. Gives new meaning to the word “remote”. You really want to be there to bother ever getting there. 3 miles down the road are campgrounds that we stayed in at the road closure. Our camp was right on the river. The road closure was farther away from the river and the so called “endangered” fish. IF the enviro’s and the administrations reason for closing is true then they MUST close off the entire road and close off Jarbidge. The entire community is on that river. That cute little white haired, 90 year old life-time resident is just gonna have to relocate! No big deal. Frankly, I doubt if 99.99% of the country would ever want to go there, let alone LIVE there. Well, I suppose, that’s a mute point testified to by the 25 year-round residents of Jarbidge. Like I said, you had to be there. Where do you suppose Enviro-man and the ol’ enviro-broads live? How about, ummmm......San Diego! Percentage wise they should be willingly let go of Disneyland. Bulldoze it! Call in the Forest Service. If they don’t trash it, they’ll burn it. Do you have any idea how much natural habitat is being destroyed by Disney?!!That used to be Orange groves! Oranges, after all, are getting harder to get! Then bill San Diego County a few billion for messing it up! So the San Diegans loose 10% of their community...it’s for the greater good. Go home, Enviro-man! Go back to your corrupt resort city on the rim of Grand Canyon, Mr. Babbitt. Let these people live like they’ve lived for decades in a place they love and treat like it is loved. More than YOU will ever dream of loving a piece of land. It’s THEIR road. They NEVER harmed their river. They’re not tellin you how to live, or where..... Where you may travel and on what road. Some things never change, like evil power. Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce said it best: “PERHAPS YOU THINK THE CREATOR SENT YOU HERE TO DISPOSE OF US AS YOU SEE FIT. IF I THOUGHT YOU WERE SENT BY THE CREATOR I MIGHT BE INDUCED TO THINK YOU HAD A RIGHT TO DISPOSE OF ME. DO NO MISUNDERSTAND ME, BUT UNDERSTAND ME FULLY WITH REFERENCE TO MY AFFECTIONS FOR THE LAND. I NEVER SAID THE LAND WAS MINE TO DO WITH IT AS I CHOSE. THE ONE WHO HAS THE RIGHT TO DISPOSE OF IT IS THE ONE WHO HAS CREATED IT. I CLAIM A RIGHT TO LIVE ON MY OWN LAND, AND ACCORD YOU THE PRIVILEGE TO LIVE ON YOURS.” THE WEST LIVES. The “INCIDENT” that is trying to happen to Jarbidge has been exposed. GO home, where ever that may be and leave these people alone to care for THEIR HOME. THE SOUTH CANYON ROAD IS OPEN. Flashback, July 4, 2000, Jarbidge Nevada The day the people won! Shovel Brigade volunteers pull the huge rock, dubbed "Liberty" by the crowd of supporters, in order to open the Jarbidge South Canyon Road. From Left : TJ Agenbroad of Elko, Jon Karr of Elko, Mike Pierce of St. George Utah and Morris Moody, Farm Bureau president of Sweetwater County, Wyo. (with shovel, far right). Photo by Ross Andr←son/Free Press ![]() |
Labels: 4th of July, INDEPENDENCEDAY, mass shooting, mexico, Oregon, terrorism
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