Christian Right...WAKE UP! Ralph Reed is an AMNESTY/Norquist disciple!
We've been wondering when the three headed Amnesty lobbyist monster would rear its head. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. When Muslim biased Grover Norquist needs to garner the support of good American Christians, he and his buddy Karl Rove usually call on Ralph Reed, chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition. He was there to aid Norquist and Jack Abramoff in their lobbying rip offs and stands ready to declare to the nation, that Christians support 'immigration reform' by the gang of 8.
Sound familiar...YEP! It's the same Norquist/Conda propaganda they've been using by insisting the 'tea party' supports this fiasco! Truth is, as tangled as all the 'non-profits' are between Rove, Norquist, Ralph Reed and a few others, the entire thing resembles more of a money laundering scheme than not. One thing you can be sure of, these GOP operatives support amnesty because it will profit THEM!
TheTownCrier has been preaching for decades that the GOP uses the faithful just like the Democrats use blacks, Latinos and gays to do their bidding. Are you going to fall for it again??
Headline: heard from you and backed out of this one! SO FAR! ALL the others mentioned above have always been amnesty pushers AND FRIENDS OF GROVER.
Sound familiar...YEP! It's the same Norquist/Conda propaganda they've been using by insisting the 'tea party' supports this fiasco! Truth is, as tangled as all the 'non-profits' are between Rove, Norquist, Ralph Reed and a few others, the entire thing resembles more of a money laundering scheme than not. One thing you can be sure of, these GOP operatives support amnesty because it will profit THEM!
TheTownCrier has been preaching for decades that the GOP uses the faithful just like the Democrats use blacks, Latinos and gays to do their bidding. Are you going to fall for it again??
Group of conservatives backs action on immigration
Posted: 05/09/2013
WASHINGTON (AP) - More than two dozen conservative leaders have signed on to a statement supporting action to overhaul the nation's immigration laws and calling legislation pending in the Senate an "important starting point." In a statement being released Thursday, the officials say: "Simply opposing immigration reform should not be the conservative response to this problem. We believe conservatives should be leading the way on this issue by supporting legislation that upholds conservative principles."
Signers include Fred Malek, chairman of the American Action Forum; Ralph Reed, chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition; Paul Wolfowitz, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute; Mat Staver, president and founder of Liberty Counsel; and Lawson Bader, president of the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
The statement was organized by Al Cardenas, chairman of the American Conservative Union. Many of those signing the declaration took part in a meeting Tuesday with Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., an author of the immigration bill who's trying to sell it to conservatives. Rubio solicited their support in part by assuring them that the bill could change as it moved forward......Not all of those who attended the meeting with Rubio signed on to the statement of support. Several tea party-affiliated officials were in the meeting but not on the statement. heard from you and backed out of this one! SO FAR! ALL the others mentioned above have always been amnesty pushers AND FRIENDS OF GROVER.
This con job of a 'statement by conservatives' in support of Amnesty is nothing new. Many of the same people did the same thing when Bush was pushing his amnesty with a letter to the Wall St. Journal. Along with other amnesty proponents, that one was signed by Grover Norquist, Newt Gingrich and Cesar Conda, now Rubio's chief of staff.
(Must Read!)
The Fast Rise and Steep Fall of Jack Abramoff
How a Well-Connected Lobbyist Became the Center of a Far-Reaching Corruption Scandal
Thursday, December 29, 2005; Page A01
[snip] A quarter of a century ago, Abramoff and anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist were fellow Young Turks of the Reagan revolution. They organized Massachusetts college campuses in the 1980 election -- They moved to Washington, maneuvered to take over the College Republicans -- at the time a sleepy establishment organization -- and transformed it into a right-wing activist group. They were joined by Ralph Reed, an ambitious Georgian whose later Christian conversion would fuel his rise to national political prominence.....Famous graduates of the Youth Leadership School include Karl Rove..... Senator Mitch McConnell, (R-KY); and Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist.
(Must Read!)
The Fast Rise and Steep Fall of Jack Abramoff
How a Well-Connected Lobbyist Became the Center of a Far-Reaching Corruption Scandal
Thursday, December 29, 2005; Page A01
[snip] A quarter of a century ago, Abramoff and anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist were fellow Young Turks of the Reagan revolution. They organized Massachusetts college campuses in the 1980 election -- They moved to Washington, maneuvered to take over the College Republicans -- at the time a sleepy establishment organization -- and transformed it into a right-wing activist group. They were joined by Ralph Reed, an ambitious Georgian whose later Christian conversion would fuel his rise to national political prominence.....Famous graduates of the Youth Leadership School include Karl Rove..... Senator Mitch McConnell, (R-KY); and Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist.
[snip] [Jack]Abramoff quietly arranged for eLottery to pay conservative,
anti-gambling activists to help in the firm's $2 million pro-gambling
campaign, including Ralph Reed, former head of the Christian Coalition,
and the Rev. Louis P. Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition.
Both kept in close contact with Abramoff about the arrangement, e-mails
show. Abramoff also turned to prominent anti-tax conservative Grover
Norquist, arranging to route some of eLottery's money for Reed through
Norquist's group, Americans for Tax Reform. [snip]
Let me be clear! Ralph Reed is not a good Christian, he is a CON MAN!
[snip ABC April, 2013]AND another THING!!
Ralph Reed has emerged as one of the leading religious advocates for immigration reform, and he's taking sides on thorny policy questions, such as whether undocumented immigrants can become citizens.
Reed, the founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, has joined other figures on the religious right in endorsing immigration reform. On Tuesday, he officially joined with the Partnership for a New American Economy, a group co-founded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, to push Congress to pass reform at a press conference in Miami.
The efforts of the religious right have helped get social conservatives on board with the immigration effort, which may encourage Republicans on the fence to ultimately vote yes.
Reed's advocacy may give conservative members of Congress political cover to back immigration reform and his recommendations could provide policy guidelines for some conservatives to latch onto.
Reed said that he has sent copies of his full plan to every congressional office and has met with leaders in both chambers, including Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), a member of the Senate "Gang of Eight" crafting a bill.
Judiciary Committee defeats security-first amendment Graham and Flake bad votes.
Judiciary Committee defeats security-first amendment, 12-6. All Dems plus Graham and Flake vote against security first.
Labels: amnesty, christians, gang of 8, grover norquist, karl rove, ralph reed
Ralph Reed, when head of the Christian Coalition, played a very significant role in the outcome of the 1996 Republican primary. Pat Buchanan was the sole Republican who was speaking openly against abortion and was truly an America-first candidate. He campaigned against NAFTA and the damage it was causing.
The GOP's anointed candidate was Bob Dole, who was about as RINO as they come. Pat Buchanan was doing very well in straw polls, and his popularity showed with a very close-second in the Iowa Caucus. But the big event was Buchanan outright winning the New Hampshire primary and the Christian South being the next area of the country for primaries. South Carolina was next, if I recall correctly. Georgia and other states in the Bible Belt were coming up. This did not bode well, at all, for Bob Dole. Buchanan was poised to start steamrolling, if he could win more primaries in the South.
Dole had not taken a position on abortion. He tried to appear neutral on many similar issues. He had some baggage where it concerned things like gun issues, based on his record as a U.S. senator from Kansas.
So, Ralph Reed, head of the Christian Coalition, just after Buchanan wins New Hampshire, comes out and gives the endorsement of the Christian Coalition to Bob Dole. This infuriated me, and it infuriated the brunt of the membership of the Christian Coalition.
Ralph Reed is a Republican Party lackey, nothing more and nothing less. He is used, by the GOP, to corral in Christian voters. This is the same GOP who steers clear of issues of morality and does things like supporting illegal immigration, taking no action on abortion, not doing their job as standard bearers of true conservative government.
Ralph Reed is a plant, pure and simple. I figure the GOP must guess that it has almost been 20 years since he stepped down from his position in the Christian Coalition, after he pretty much almost killed it. They must figure that there are enough new faces to not know much about him and will take his bait, hook, line and sinker.
Don't spend one second of your time giving any level of credibility to Ralph Reed. He is a Republican, and nothing else.
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