Monday, May 02, 2022

Biden wants to bribe those with college loans & install 'Ministry of Truth'

Oh boy! Things are on the downhill slide. Biden and his Marxist traitors will pull anything until the next election. NOTHING should surprise us.

2 + 2 = ?

Yesterday, I revisited the 1984 movie, "1984' starring the amazing John Hurt.
YOU should too! Free on Roku!

These education loans were a GIFT to the banks by bought off congressmen on both sides.
You must understand HOW this happened and it was BIPARTISAN!
Run when they say that word!
Congress exempted the Banks from their loans being included in bankruptcy and the banks gave them to EVERYONE knowing they would never lose a cent! In other words, the kids were stuck with the debt NO MATTER WHAT, forever!
Congressmen were bribed by the banks, pure and simple.

Now the democrats are trying to make it even worse by amending the original bill with a new bill in congress right now that noone is noticing.

The U.S. Bankruptcy Code puts student loans in the same category as child support obligations, taxes and criminal fines. It was a multi billion $ gift to the banks by congress.  

My family members borrowed and got in debt, all unknown to me. I got to pay off all those loans.

I AM NOT paying your kids loans too! NO! Enough! LET the banks do it!

Prior to 1976, you could discharge your student loans in bankruptcy.
In 1998, Congress removed dischargeability except if a debtor could show that paying back the student loans would create an undue hardship. 
In 2005, Congress extended this protection to private student loans.

GUESS who voted for the bank bail out in 2005??? JOE BIDEN.  NOW he wants YOU to pay the debts off instead of the debtors.  

Here's Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch introducing the bankruptcy bill for a Senate floor vote in 2005, thanking Biden for years of tireless support for helping write and advance the legislation.

This was a GIFT to the banks by bought off congressmen on both sides. It was never for the 'children'. It's about Biden corruption and sell outs on both sides of the isle to big banking.

No hard-working American without a college degree should have to pay for others' student loans. Period.

For Roger from his MeWe page

Oregon's governor is the most UNPOPULAR Gov in the nation!

Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan: “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.”

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