Monday, April 25, 2022

THIS is the face of EVERYTHING wrong with the Biden Administration - MEDIA SILENT

The valiant young man who gave his life trying to save illegal aliens in the Rio Grande has been found.

Bishop Evans: Texas National Guard member found dead after attempting to pull migrants from the Rio Grande River

The Texas Military Department (TMD) said that Evans was a 22-year-old field artilleryman from Arlington, Texas, and had served in the guard for almost two years.

Evans was deployed to Kuwait with assignments in Iraq as part of Operation Spartan Shield before serving on Texas' southern border, according to the release.

Authorities have said that Evans attempted to help the pair of migrants as they crossed the border near Eagle Pass, Texas. The migrants are suspected of being "involved in illicit transnational narcotics trafficking" and are currently in the custody of US Customs and Border Patrol.  snip


ALL you hypocrites!  Blood is on your hands.  Don't tell Biden, he can't tell his hand from his butt!

If you want a good breakdown of the border situation and historical ramifications see:

Lara Logan was his guest. What a reporter! Anything she conveys is worth the read/listen.

UP to 20,000 per day are being processed by the border patrol. THAT is all Biden will let them do.. give them goodies and turn them lose courtesy of YOU.   That many more are coming through and not being processed.  

They're in your town. 
More are coming by the millions. 
 The entire 3rd world, run by crime, corruption and chaos is coming!

 My hometown had a shoot out between 'two rival youth gangs' a couple days ago. 
At a children's carnival.

THIS is why this blog was created. To try to warn you of a Joe Biden who would destroy our country by diluting it with millions who care NOTHING for the rule of law. 

Witness history and how a nation and freedom die.
Or speak up.    You are running out of places to hear your voice.

Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan: “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.”

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