Sunday, August 30, 2020

Trump is just out to make his rich friends richer!!! Lie of the Day!

We hear it all the time!  No one has ever given an example, but when do they?Some of you lefties who stalk me even repeat it.

'Trump is just out to make his rich friends richer!'

Hmmmm....he did a lousy job and really ticked off the other billionaires! 
Report: Trump is going after Carlos Slim - YouTube

READ, if  you dare.

Reported in Bloomberg days after Donald Trump won in November 2016:

Mexico’s wealthiest man lost $5.1 billion in the wake of Donald Trump’s stunning upset over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Carlos Slim Helu , who is fifth-richest* in the world, shed 9.2 percent of his fortune after the peso dove as much as 12 percent on the news.

Slim led declines of $41 billion on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index at the start of U.S. trading Wednesday. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index was down 1.1 percent at 10 a.m. in New York. Stock markets across the globe wavered on news that the New York real estate mogul would become the 45th U.S. president.

The index decline almost reversed the $57 billion increase the world’s richest saw earlier in the week when markets rose on expectations that Clinton would prevail.

The 10 Mexican billionaires on the index dropped a combined $6.5 billion in early trading. Eva Gonda Rivera, Mexico’s fourth-richest person, followed Slim with a $487 million loss while Lorenzo Servitje Sendra, the fifth richest, shed $397 million.

U.S. billionaires, who account for one-third of the Bloomberg wealth ranking, had the biggest dollar loss, falling $9.3 billion. The combined net worth of the billionaires on the index fell 0.9 percent to $4.4 trillion at the start of trading in New York.

* Until Trump came along, Slim was richest man in the world for 3 years.
HE owns the Clintons and the Bush's, Ryan, Biden...he's bipartisan.  
He owns part of the NY Times and has a grip on the media so he can stay in the background, quietly dictating to our elected officials.  He wants the borders open and loved Nafta.
Until Donald Trump.

President Trump knows the power of this man and who he influences.   No, the media will never tell us, because he influences them as well. During the 2016 campaign, Slim strongly criticized Trump's rhetoric about Mexican Americans as well as his plans to renegotiate NAFTA and build the border wall. Slim said Trump's proposed tariff on imports would "destroy" the U.S. economy.

Trump in turn accused Slim of helping promote his opponent, Hillary Clinton, and cast him as part of a global conspiracy. At an Oct. 14 2016 rally, Trump attacked Slim personally and accused Times journalists of being "corporate lobbyists for Carlos Slim." 

Trump is not good for the corrupt! 

Donald Trump's Meeting With Mexican Tycoon Carlos Slim Spurs Social Media  Surge, Report Says
A couple years ago, Trump and Slim were forced into a common event where they publicly made an effort at peace. But Slim never stopped funding and manipulating the other DC democrats and Rinos including Ryan and Romney.

YOU decide, but IMO, Carlos Slim wants Donald Trump gone.
Ryan Saavedra on Twitter: "MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski repeatedly went off on  Melania Trump after a paragraph from her 2016 Republican National  Convention speech appeared to be plagiarized from Michelle Obama She's been
Biden plagiarism | Opinion | eastoregonian.comBiden Plagiarism Scandal | Chattanooga Times Free Press
I know it sounds simplistic, but if you practice only one rule in voting, let it be, NEVER vote for a lawyer! The following article excerpts explain it well.

Biden...Lawyer    Harris... Lawyer    Clintons, Obamas, LAWYERS!!!!   
Am I seeing a trend here?   You all are so use to the legaleeze BS that 
a plain spoken American doesn't sound normal to you! WELL! IT is!!!  We 
were not meant to run all 3 branches of the government by lawyers! 

"The large number of lawyers in Congress and the government was not a problem until their nature changed in the1960.s
With the large number of lawyers descending on Washington in the 1970's to enforce newly passed civil rights laws in an increasingly liberal culture, the goal of lawyers changed from doing good to simply increasing their power and influence. And in a very short time their income too.

The biggest problem with the large number of lawyers in elective office today is that, disregarding everything else, they increasingly control all branches of our government: The Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary. This in contravention of what the founders of our nation were trying to avoid when they divided our government into three branches so as to provide “checks and balances” and a “separation of powers”.

Though James Madison author of the U. S. Constitution realized that this checking of each branch on the other made for a far less efficient government, he realized, as he wrote in Federalist 47, that the sacrifice was worth it to prevent tyranny by a government “in the same hands”:

“ No political truth is certainly of greater intrinsic value or is stamped with the authority of more enlightened patrons of liberty than that . . . the accumulation of all powers legislative, executive and judiciary in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many, and whether hereditary, self appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”
Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan: “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.”

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