Saturday, August 29, 2020

If you ain't MAD, you ain't payin' attention!

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This chaos and bloodshed of innocents on our streets makes me angry. 
 It' s true. 
My country looks like the third world....Where they ran from!  You import the 3rd world, you get the 3rd world.   Uncivilized bunch of bigots throwing crap like some Central American hell hole.  

 It also reminds me of the late, and truly great Terry Anderson who fought illegal immigration until the day he died on a hot August day in 2011. 
Terry Anderson - A Man's Man / July 14 – 20, 2010 / Sonoran News
 Every Sunday night,  his voice would roar on radio
"Stupid People of America! If you ain't MAD, you ain't payin' attention! "  

Weeks before he died he told me, 
" You must understand what the militant, ignorant, fatherless, inner city blacks have in mind and you better wake up!  They want whitey dead! Their hate is unwarranted and irrational and you will never reason with it.
 But they don't even give you that much credit.  They call you "YT!" to dehumanize you as much as possible. 
You do not understand their kind of hate!" He admonished.
I'd hoped he was wrong.  
Terry with Latino's against Amnesty in California

He was right, he was always right.  

Many of us have been warning against the so called 'Black Lives Matter' movement a long time. BEFORE DONALD TRUMP!  They've just had time to get well financed and installed communist DA's, mayors and governors.  The more you explore it, the more it all reads like a money laundering operation from the Bush's to the Bidens.  

Before Trump came along, The Terry Anderson Show was the only place the victims of the illegal alien invasion had a voice.  That was where we first met
Jamiel Shaw who told about his son, murdered at the hands of alien gangs.
The victim, Jamiel Shaw Jr. is shown praying...not taking a BLM knee!

In July of 2016 TTC wrote:  ASK WHY JAMIELS SHAWS FAMILY didn't MATTER???

THERE IS NO TRUTH to 'Black lives matter'...yet this president[Obama] brought them to the WH this week to celebrate their subterfuge and BLOOD on all their hands!
There was no "hands up, don't shoot"! That was a lie told by the CRIMINAL who was with Michael Brown to cover his ass because they just robbed a business and terrorized the clerk! 

YOU must follow up on these misleading stories, the media will NOT tell you the truth!

Nov 3, 2011 - The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost. 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000) (table 1).  Males represented ... 2005. 2000. 1995. 1990. 1985. 1980. Rate per 100,000. FIGURE 4. Homicide ..... rates.

 YOU MUST NOT BELIEVE THE LIE that the Trump administration is responsible for the violence!  
Peaceful people, who have never wished harm on anyone are being targeted.  I hear the chaos generators screaming for civil war.   Ignorance!
I wrote a book about the last Civil War.  NO ONE Wins!  

We're still fighting that CRAP!  War is never a solution, it's a last resort of people
too desperate to do anything else.  The anarchists are frustrated 
because of greed, lack of discipline and their own lack of maturity and compassion or knowledge of history.  Being stupid has to be frustrating. Many are the criminals released by the big cities because of the virus as an excuse to overrun our enforcement. Many are illegal aliens and their supporters.
  Then attack the police.  You CANNOT make up this scenario!!
Civil War?  Revolution?  We aren't there yet.  
I'm tired of repeating it....WE must confront this media! Or at least find a way to bipass them and it is NOT social media.  What a damn SEWER of discrimination Facebook is! 
The criminal perpetrators of this violence are now pretending to be the victims of the people they are attacking and killing .  TWO conservatives supporting Trump have been EXECUTED as of today simply because of their political beliefs.   One last night on the street of Portland by a white man!  Both killed by crazed white leftist loons who use the black community every election cycle to trying to comfort their own hatred of themselves.  
THAT is NOT my fault or this country's fault or Donald Trump's fault.  It's you and YOUR own small community's and family's fault!  Own it. Grow up! It's called LIFE!

2016  - When US citizens are attacked and stopped from supporting a candidate by illegal aliens, WE HAVE A PROBLEM! The 3rd world has invaded...more blood will be shed.

I have thought a lot about that kind of hate.  I'll never understand it, thank God I was never raised around it in the beautiful place I live, 
 but I've learned from it.   This snip from the great movie Tombstone sums it up:

Wyatt Earp: What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does?
Doc Holliday:   A man like Ringo got a great empty hole through the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.
Wyatt Earp: What does he need?
Doc Holliday:   Revenge.
Wyatt Earp: For what?
Doc Holliday:   Being born.


Terry's 90 Day Solution Without Confusion - Immigration REFORM

A short Video about Terry

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