Tuesday, December 26, 2017

People ask, "What IS a FEMAROID?"

noun: haemorrhoid; plural noun: haemorrhoids; noun: hemorrhoid; plural noun: hemorrhoids
  1. a swollen vein or group of veins in the region of the anus.

People ask...WHAT is a FEMAROID?
A femaroid is a feminist who has become nothing but a PAIN IN THE BUTT!

Apparently body-shaming other women is ok if you're a liberal.

December 24, 2017 Daniel Greenfield Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D - Enron) is entitled to the…

We got some SCAREY lefties Y'all!

I would give up my right to vote to STOP these useful idiots from voting and destroying this nation, our faith and the FAMILY!  YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME!

 By contrast this is NOT a Femaroid...this is a real woman!

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