Saturday, December 02, 2017

Liz Warren, RACIST, you SUCK! And other news you missed!

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is spewing her wampam trying to humiliate our president for TELLING THE TRUTH!  She LIED about being Cherokee, then dared to call President Trump a racist because he called her out on her treachery and HER RACIST use of native Americans to further her career!

WHEN is someone going to publicly tell this socialist bitch that many of those Cherokee she hijacked were RICH, Plantation,  African Slave owning CONFEDERATE soldiers!  HELLO! The crazy old hag should learn some history! 
  [snip]The 1835 Cherokee Census in Georgia reported:  Indians 8,946, Intermarried Whites 68,  Slaves 776,  Farms 1,735,  Acres under Cultivation 19,216.  Because many of these Cherokees were above average in socio economic success, they were also more likely to suffer acts of violence from other factions of the tribe as well as settlers encroaching on their homes.....
From the book "Jesus Wept" An American Story,     Chapter 2    -    Law, Law Understood, and Law Executed         Cherokee Nation, East circa 1780 - 1837
Will she demand that this CONFEDERATE symbol, the Cherokee Brave flag,  flown in battle in the Civil war be destroyed??

 And further, politically the Ridge party was anything but what her party represents!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ much is Walmart going to undermine this country before you STOP SHOPPING IN THE DAMN DUMP????? YOU are financing our demise!
Walmart is selling Antifa tee-shirts

Capitalism to fright Capitalism? Your local Wal-Mart may be selling shirts which support what at least one state has deemed as a domestic terror group. It was discovered today that Wal-Mart is now selling a large variety

Bernie/Hillary/Warren voters:

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