Monday, October 10, 2016

OMG!!! Donald Trump said "PUSSY!"

Grow the hell up, people!
Trump was a PRIVATE CITIZEN!!!!!
 When he starts fitting cigars in the genitalia of White House aids in the Oval office, and his wife insults his victims using worse threats and language  than Trump EVER did, you let me know!  Clintons 'women' were subordinates who trusted him and were USED while he was supposed to be serving US...just like Hillary was supposed to be serving this nation instead of raking in $ for her foundation (90% goes to the Clintons and their cronies, NOT poor 3rd worlders!) while pretending to be secretary of state or a senator...where all she did was run for president!

(Just 4 of the VICTIMS of Bill and Hillary Clinton at the debate last night!)

I was away at a remote location without means of communication to the outside world, and come home to ..."IT's OVER...Trump is naughty!"

GOOD GAWD, what is wrong with ya?   The left says men can screw men, women can pretend they are men, Bill Clinton, with Hillary's help gets away with REAL RAPE and ASSAULT and THAT is okay...BUT, Donald Trump behaves in PRIVATE like ANY MAN, and everyone has their feminist knickers in a wad!

WHO gives a damn??? NO one with a brain!   SHUT UP ALREADY!


This rotten media is the biggest whore in the nation! If you can't see it, you don't WANT to see it!    From Martha Raddass debating with Trump and Hillary standing there watching to today, several outlets saying Trump is racist for referring to Hillary as 'she' or 'her'
FOR THE LOVE OF GAWD!!!!!   Perhaps he should start referring to her as IT instead!   Idiots! All of you who will allow this media to decide our candidates! SHAME ON YOU.

BTW...did anyone notice Anderson Coopers sad sack face last night at the debate?  The first time Hillary almost lost her FAMOUS temper, he looked like he'd seen a ghost....he knows shes WORTHLESS!!    WHY don't the rest of you libtards?

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