Friday, October 28, 2016

Could THIS seriously be the 'one'? LOCK HER UP!

Could THIS seriously be the 'one'?  Is this scandal different…different enough to force the media to report or forever be explaining WHY they put a criminal enterprise in office?
Maybe, just maybe, miracles still happen!   I stopped believing..there have been SO many times since 1991 that we all thought…'there is no way the Clintons can keep in power after this…..'
It's time to END  the Clinton Crime Syndicate. 4 decades is ENOUGH!

GO TRUMP!    This man has already done more for this nation than any Clinton ever did!

Trump gets 10's of thousands at his rallies! From Twitter: Bill Clinton Rally the day after the #FBIReopensCase on Hillary. Could they find a smaller place? #HillaryForPrison
  Trump rally this of MANY!

 The STORY & video:  


  The star was repaired the next day.
Then a homeless black woman took action.  To protect the star from vandals, she planted herself on the sidewalk next to Trump’s star.  The woman was seen holding up a sign reading: “20 Million Illegals and Americans Sleep on the Streets in Tents. Vote Trump.”
Unfortunately, the woman was attacked by thugs, most of them Latinos and blacks .

Michael Delauzon ‏@MichaelDelauzon 24m24 minutes ago
GOOD NEWS: Homeless Woman who was severely beaten by Hillary Supporters for protecting Mr Trump's Star is found. Her name is Denise Scott.

Best case scenario...Hillary's infamous temper melts her down in PUBLIC where the media can't hide it like they do these 'rallies' and SOON! You know she's just PISSED! Love it!
 Thank you, Donald Trump..BEST ELECTION EVER! You saved us from the Bush Clan, now let's be done with these Clintons!

Posted on Sat Oct 29 15:40:43 2016 by Jeff Chandler

Trump in Colorado:

Pence in North Carolina:

Hillary in Florida:

Bill Clinton in Cleveland:

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