Tuesday, September 07, 2010

John McCain -Aiding the liberals land grab & illegal alien incursion

McDon't you wonder what ELSE McCain has been up to since he bought his Arizona senate seat AGAIN????? Time will tell! (Yes..I said bought...about $75.00 per vote!)

Headline: Senators support illegal immigration super highway

Sept. 7, 2010 - Twenty-three Senators gave their support to a deceptive bill that will, among other things, create an illegal immigration superhighway, remove access to natural resources, and strip ranchers of their grazing rights, all under the excuse of “preserving” wilderness. 23 voted to move S.B. 1689 to the floor including, McCain, Alexander, Landrieu, and Lincoln.

[snip]When New Mexico's Senators Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall introduced S.B. 1689 in September 2009, immigration was barely a blip on the public's radar. Their harmless sounding bill, which makes land in New Mexico part of the National Wilderness Preservation System and the National Landscape Conversation System, received virtually no attention. However, it has percolated to the top as the markup of the bill has been approved (23-0) and is headed to the Senate floor.

Unless people speak up, this New Mexico bill will sail through on a professional courtesy to Sens. Bingaman and Udall. Senators give lip service to the demands for closed borders, yet 23 voted to move S.B. 1689 to the floor. Supporters, including, McCain, Alexander, Landrieu, and Lincoln, need to be held accountable.

Desert Peaks Wilderness National Conservation Area sets aside a long north/south strip of land just miles from the border that contains all the elements that make it perfect for the movement of both human and drug trafficking: wilderness/de facto wilderness safe havens; east /west highway access; rugged and complex north/south mountain and drainage orientation; and high, strategic points of observation.

In northern New Mexico the Bingaman/Udall partnership co-sponsored S.B. 874 (El Rio Grande Del Norte National Conservation Establishment Act) again impacts land near the border - the border of Colorado and New Mexico. This land is rich in natural resources. If Bingaman and Udall have their way, these resources will never be developed, needed jobs will not be created, and state revenues will be reduced.

In both the north and the south, the parcels proposed for "conservation" contain both state and federal lands that are leased for farming, ranching, and oil and gas extraction. Specifically stated within S.B.1689 is the withdrawal of "Operation of the mineral leasing, mineral materials and geothermal leasing laws." The wilderness of 1964 specifically forbids the use of motorized vehicles. The elimination of motorized vehicles devastates land management and the ability to pursue traffickers.

In the immigration superhighway, The Organ Mountains - Desert Peaks Wilderness Act, Border Patrol will be prevented from chasing traffickers in motorized vehicles. Will illegals be concerned about damaging the wilderness? No. They will have a fleet of vehicles - mirroring the situation in Arizona. Meanwhile, the Border Patrol will have their mobility and access destroyed. (Editor's note: Sen. Bingaman's office has told the Sun-News that the bill has language guaranteeing motorized access in wilderness areas for the Border Patrol.)[snip]

A July, 2010 article:

“Members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee gave unanimous approval today to a bill that would designate hundreds of thousands of acres in Doña Ana County as wilderness.

With that approval from 13 Democrats and 10 Republicans, the Organ Mountains – Desert Peaks Wilderness Act now heads to the Senate floor for a vote.”[snip]

The Committee:


Chairman Jeff Bingaman (NM) Byron L. Dorgan (ND) Ron Wyden (OR) Tim Johnson (SD) Mary L. Landrieu (LA) Maria Cantwell (WA) Robert Menendez (NJ) Blanche Lincoln (AR) Bernard Sanders (I) (VT) Evan Bayh (IN) Debbie Stabenow (MI) Mark Udall (CO) Jeanne Shaheen (NH)


Lisa Murkowski (AK) Richard Burr (NC) John Barrasso (WY) Sam Brownback (KS) James E. Risch (ID) John McCain (AZ)*********** Robert Bennett (UT) Jim Bunning (KY) Jeff Sessions (AL) Bob Corker (TN)



HEADLINE: Illegal immigrants sparked large brush fire, authorities

[snip] A fire that blackened nearly 900 acres in San Diego County was caused by illegal immigrants who were apparently lost and set off a signal fire.

The Cowboy Fire did not burn any homes or cause injuries. More than 1,300 firefighters battled Friday's blaze.

Authorities said they were still trying to find those who sparked the blaze. The illegal immigrants had called Mexican officials "and advised them that they had been lost for two days, were stranded, dehydrated and were going to light a signal fire to attempt to get some help,'' Cal Fire spokeswoman Roxanne Provaznik told Fox 5 San Diego.


The amazing thing is that we don’t hear more about these ‘migrant’ caused fires. They have NO respect for this land...just imagine what it would look like in a short time if we actually gave it all ‘back’ to them.

This happens more often than we are told. Last summer, 85,000 acres was lost in the Calif. LaBrea fire...caused by illegal alien Mexican drug cartel members.

Where are the environmentalists and your politicians??? Busy counting what’s left of your money, that’s where.

Fire Investigators Determine Cause of La Brea Fire

Incident: La Brea Wildfire (84,150 acres, 25% contained) Date: August 15, 2009

GOLETA, CA... A week-long investigation by U.S. Forest Service Special Agents, Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Narcotics Unit and Fire Investigators has revealed the cause of the La Brea Fire. Investigators revealed that the La Brea Fire was started by a cooking fire in a marijuana drug trafficking operation.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Narcotics Unit has confirmed that the camp at the origin of the fire was an illegal marijuana operation believed to be run by a Mexican National Drug Organization. The Narcotics Unit has been working in the area within the last month eradicating other nearby marijuana cultivation sites.

Although the La Brea Fire started more than one week ago, there is evidence that the unburned marijuana garden area has been occupied within the last several days. It is also believed that the suspects are still within the San Rafael Wilderness trying to leave the area on foot. Officials warn not to approach anyone who looks suspicious but to instead contact the nearest law enforcement agency.[snip]http://inciweb.org/incident/announcements/article/1803/9150/

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