Thursday, September 09, 2010

Burn the Koran? Is LA burning? PC is killing us

To burn the Koran or not to burn it.....The reverend who started this mess a DUMBASS! Why not hand them out to your congregation and let them see the problem of the Koran for themselves...THAT is the American way.

As for the Muslims threatening violence and murder of Christians....
HYPOCRITES in the least and terrorism at it's best. When we let them enter this country by the millions....legally and illegally, anyone but a fool could see this coming. In Kabul, Afghanisan, hundreds of angry Afghans burned a U.S. flag and chanted "Death to the Christians" on Thursday to protest plans by a small American church to torch copies of the Muslim holy book on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

[snip] Washington DC - The Saudi government burns and desecrates hundreds of bibles its security forces confiscate after raids on Christian expatriates worshiping privately or at border crossings.

As a matter of official policy, the government either incinerates or dumps bibles, crosses and other Christian paraphernalia.

Pakistani lawyers burn a U.S. flag while rallying in reaction to a small American church's plan to burn copies of the Quran in Multan, Pakistan on Thu AP – Pakistani lawyers burn a U.S. flag while rallying in reaction to a small American church's plan to burn …

Three nights of illegal alien terrorism in Los Angeles, and the
lame stream media is silent.

This is the 3rd night in a row...Their current excuse for taking to the streets is the fatal shooting by LAPD of a drunken Guatemalan, who was here illegally, was threatening people with a knife 3 days ago, in broad daylight.

[snip]LOS ANGELES — City officials and Guatemalan leaders have moved to calm feelings and quell anger after the fatal shooting of a Guatemalan construction worker by a Los Angeles police officer set off two nights of violent protests in a neighborhood populated largely by Central American immigrants.

On Monday and Tuesday nights, people perched on rooftops in the Westlake district were seen hurling objects at officers in riot gear as they sought to control crowds of as many of 300 people who were yelling and waving fists. The Rampart police station was pelted with rocks, bottles and eggs, officials said.

LAPD officers en route to a community meeting in Westlake on Wednesday night encounter mounds of trash in the street. (Lawrence K. Ho / Los Angeles Times / September 9, 2010)

Aren't you excited about YOUR kids getting to go to school with this fine anchor baby??

Who, oh, Who will save us???

Most of the Republicans will cave, as they usually do. The democrats, well...they're fine with anarchy. Their 'community organizers' and Unions are promoting this mayhem. John McCain is still pushing his 'enforcement before amnesty' nonsense.

Prediction....the GOP will pull out the biggest compromiser they can find as they always do.
How does Romney/Palin grab you for 2012???? Can we at least hope John McCain doesn't rear his amnesty loving head again???

It would be just like the GOP to give us the same old worn out double talking political hacks like these two they've been supplying for decades(Papa Bush, DOLE, Baby Bush, McCain...see a trend here?).......!

Some things you need to know about Guatemala!

Guatemala is demanding TPS for their illegal alien citizens, and they’ll probably get it.

Guatemala is a mess, and we’re getting it exported here.

A Guatemala government report said that last year 27,222 of its citizens (Obama only deports those with criminal conviction!) were deported from the United States and 28,800 from Mexico; Honduras estimates more than 500 of its people leave for the north every day.

Guatemalan Migrants called “heroes” Prensa Libre (Guatemala City, Guatemala) 8/29/10

Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom, in Los Angeles, California, to inaugurate the sixth annual Guatemalan festival (Feria Chapina), called his country’s migrants “heroes” for having theLink courage to migrate to the US, an unknown country. Plans were revealed to construct a monument to migrants near La Aurora, Guatemala City’s international airport.

Temporary Protected Status urged for undocumented Guatemalans in US 9/3/10

An opinion column in La Hora concerns an appeal by a number of Guatemalan organizations requesting President Alvaro Colom to convey to the US government the necessity for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for undocumented Guatemalan migrants living in the US. The column points out, “the support of US personalities who have considered TPS to be a minimum measure of solidarity with Guatemala.”
[Excerpt from USCIS publication: The Secretary of Homeland Security may designate a foreign country for TPS due to conditions in the country that temporarily prevent the country’s nationals from returning safely, or in certain circumstances, where the country is unable to handle the return of its nationals adequately. USCIS may grant TPS to eligible nationals of certain countries (or parts of countries), who are already in the United States.

Deported Guatemalans without work Prensa Libre (Guatemala, Guatemala) 9/4/10

A study by a Guatemalan human rights organization of those deported from the meat packing plant in Potsville, Iowa in May of 2008, 64% remain without work and 36% have only temporary employment. This is a reflection of the status of most Guatemalans deported back to their own country because of Guatemala’s lack of development opportunities, the study found. “They emigrate and are exploited for their labor. On returning they are victims of the incapability of the State to reestablish them.” The study also showed that 98% of those deported from Iowa were in debt [assumption: smuggling fees], but only 12% have already paid them.

Guatemalan youth migration a worry

A Guatemalan youth study indicates that 50% of Guatemalan youths have either tried to travel illegally to the US or have thought of trying. Those that try go into debt to pay between the equivalent of $5,000 to $7,000 to “coyotes” to smuggle them north, but often are abandoned in Mexico and left to their own luck. Those who make it back home are left with huge debts and no way to pay them off. Those experiences do not seem to dissuade others from trying.

Mexico detains 61 illegal immigrants from Guatemala and Ecuador El Sol de Mexico (Mexico City) 8/21/10Link

Chiapas, Mexico – A total of 61 undocumented immigrants from Guatemala and Ecuador were detained while being guided by smugglers in a wooded zone of the southern Mexican state of Chiapas, according to Mexican immigration officials (INM). The office received a call reporting the smuggling operation Friday night and dispatched agents to the area where they made the arrests. The two guides escaped, but the 61 aliens were taken into custody for processing. There were 53 Guatemalans and 8 Ecuadorians. More than 500,000 foreigners enter Mexico illegally each year en route to the US, according to the National Commission for Human Rights.

All articles courtesy of M3 foreign news report by NAFBPO.

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