Thursday, April 15, 2010

Michelle Obama Declares it Safe to Travel to Mexico - NOT SATIRE

Here is video of First Lady Michelle Obama in an interview from Mexico City, where she declared it to be safe to travel to Mexico. She said she would encourage Americans to come to Mexico.

This despite the fact that 23,000 people have been killed in drug violence in Mexico in the last three years.

I declare Mexico "Vacation Safe!"

Yes, that MEXICO is such a lovely place, Michelle...SHEEESH!

El Debate (Sinaloa) 4/13/10 Official death count

According to official figures, violence linked to organized crime in Mexico has left more than 22,700 dead since December, 2006, when President Felipe Calderon launched the offensive against the drug cartels. In a confidential report delivered to legislators, the Calderon government advised that only between January and March, 2010, a total of 3,365 assassinations have been reported and that 2009 has been the most violent year, with 9,635 such murders. The northern border state of Chihuahua has been the most affected, having reported 6,757 assassinations since December, 2006, with its border city of Juarez contributing 4,324 of those. Other border areas, mainly Tamaulipas state, have reported increasing violence in the past few weeks. The detailed report can be accessed at: Foreign News Report


We have an exciting candidate for Attorney General that should get your notice.

John Eastman has spent a lifetime fighting for the values that define conservatism and the rule of law. After four years of Jerry Brown, I can think of no one I would rather have as Attorney General than John Eastman.” Tom McClintock Member of Congress

On the issues:

Illegal Immigration

One of the primary causes of overcrowding in our state prisons is the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants housed in state prisons. These are criminals who already violated the law by entering California illegally, and then further committed crimes serious enough to warrant time in state prison. Their mere presence in California prisons is a reflection of the federal government’s failure to control our borders. John will press, and if necessary, sue the federal government to make then pay California back for the billions we spend incarcerating illegal immigrant prisoners.

Great interview about immigration with Terry Anderson & Dr. Eastman HERE.

Economic Freedom, Property Rights & Lawsuit Abuse

John Eastman believes the law, properly applied, can be a force for getting California’s economy back on track. Frivolous lawsuits clog our courts, cost legitimate businesses billions of dollars, and make the cost of hiring new employees a risky proposition. John has defended small businesses against burdensome government regulation, churches against abusive zoning and eminent domain condemnation efforts, and land owners against expansive and unconstitutional interpretations of environmental laws.

Please check him out!

ALSO in California in the Senate race, some great ads! We don't endorse Poizner, prefer Chuck DeVore, but Poizner's ads are right on.

Whitman/Obama AMNESTY

Videos of ad here:


J.D. Hayworth endorsed by

National Association of Police Organizations

Phoenix, AZ (April 12) -The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), one of the largest coalitions of police associations from across the United States, announced today that it has endorsed J.D. Hayworth for U.S. Senate.

William Johnson, Executive Director, stated, "NAPO is pleased to support J.D. Hayworth and is confident of his support of America's law enforcement when in Washington D.C.."

Terry Anderson tells it like it is on immigration!

1 comment:

  1. Tim Marvin5:59 PM

    J.D.Hayworth started his radio ads Thursday. Hard hitting, but fair as well.

    Excellent ad!

    Tim Marvin
