We are raising a nation of Tantrum Prone Victims!!
There's just too many pronouns and alphabet conditions to keep track of in Leftie World.
From now on they are collectively 'TPV's'. Tantrum prone victims.
Seems I just heard of the 'trans community' and God forgive me, I don't understand just what it is. Yet, already,
cities are giving them cash because they are 'victims' and can't support themselves like the rest of us have to.
Huh? Where's my copy of "Transitioning 101"???
This isn't my life! It can't be! It's gotta be a loop of the Jerry Springer show!
C'mon man!
Bill Maher is right. (Who said that??!! )
Hollywood, the media and 'education' has stolen your children and turned them into little freaks who are so confused they can be nothing but victims.
Bill Maher suggests kids are coming out as trans is because it's 'trendy' and being gay 'is not hip enough' anymore in monologue slamming LGBTQ supporters for 'experimenting on children' with hormone blockers and gender reassignment surgery
Things are changing so fast no one is keeping up. I almost envy all of you who don't even try to be informed.
How much of some novel new YUK is coming over that border with 18,000 PEOPLE PER DAY! ?
That's what is on the way right now. An unstoppable army of hungry, dependent, traumatized, fearful, criminal humanity said to be FIVE MILES LONG!
TOO big for Mexico to try to stop, they will walk right in!
Men from the caravan braved a rainy mass meeting at a park in Tapachula, in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, 27 May 2022. Photograph: Juan Manuel Blanco/EPA
Headline (where is YOUR MEDIA??)
NO ONE IS STOPPING THEM. NO ONE! Most don't even get stopped now.
They don't get 'tests' for damn MONKEY POX or anything else!
This is not the first migrant caravan to leave Tapachula, but it may be the largest ever recorded in Mexico: its numbers are expected to swell in the coming days, and may reach 15,000 people – plus Mia the chihuahua.
MILLIONS OF NEW TPV's! As if we aren't creating enough on our own!!
Most of these people have never had any kind of vaccination or been to a doctor.
The number of journalists and media-support workers murdered in Mexico amounted to 22 cases in 2020. This is the highest number recorded since the beginning of the indicated period.
That sea of sweaty people is coming to YOUR hometown.
You won't speak their language.
They will hate YOU and what you have.
They will settle in immigrant communities and these good immigrants, who did it right, will be the first victims of the cartels who are coming in with them. Countries everywhere are emptying their jails to get them OUT of their country. These people have functioned their entire lives with criminality and skirting the laws of their corrupt communities. They bring that community with them.
I am terrified of what you will have to personally witness or lose before you understand what I've trying to tell you. Instead you'll keep listening to CNN while innocent Americans die.
A child smeared blood from a slaughtered classmate on herself out of desperation and fear when being attacked by an INSANE little TPV last week in a classroom! It's time we empower these innocent kids instead of turning them into traumatized TPV's. Teach them to throw anything they have!
High powered squirt guns with bleach! Let them feel some protection!
Are their backpacks bullet proof? Find out! Teach them to protect themselves instead of playing dead. Are the desks a shield ? TEACH them!
I hope you democrats and Rino's are happy that the Jan. 6 'committee' is wasting your tax dollars on a Hollywood produced, made for prime-time propaganda MOVIE! OMG!! Wake the hell up! This is so very ugly and corrupt.
This is the biggest inhumane travesty since slavery. Along with the show of the FBI illegally shackling the good senior citizen Peter Navaro they intend to demonize half the population of the United States and make sure no outsider like a Donald Trump ever tries to step between us and them. They are fomenting division that could lead to Civil War.
Liz Cheney is relishing the spotlight as a traitor. I would like to say that It doesn't get any worse than this, but that's not what history tells us.
*TPV's may include:
All made up genders, minorities and their acronyms implying such, ie. LGBTQ... whatever!
People so shallow they can't think past their skin color.
Social Justice warriors like the media, who think they are allowed to lie just because they have a 'feeling'!
Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan:
“Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.”
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