Elections for dummies....Never vote for a Lawyer!
Those who would saddle us with a lawyer like Cruz, Rubio or Hillary for president love to throw out the old canard about the Donald Trump business empire giving money to charities, including the Clinton Foundation/Initiative.
Well, he was in good company.....these ‘good’ Republicans also gave $$ or their time to promote the Clinton Foundation/initiative.

Lawyers and Liars...but then I repeat myself!
Marco Rubio is BAD with money! His net worth is less than mine and I never earned a tenth of the $$ he has!
Forbes’ 2016 Presidential Candidate Wealth List
Net worth Rubio $100,000
Florida senator has a house, boat, kids’ college plans and lots of debt
I know it sounds simplistic, but if you practice only one rule in voting, let it be, NEVER vote for a lawyer! The following article excerpts explain it well.
The large number of lawyers in Congress and the government was not a problem until their nature changed in the1960.s
With the large number of lawyers descending on Washington in the 1970's to enforce newly passed civil rights laws in an increasingly liberal culture, the goal of lawyers changed from doing good to simply increasing their power and influence. And in a very short time their income too.
The biggest problem with the large number of lawyers in elective office today is that, disregarding everything else, they increasingly control all branches of our government: The Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary. This in contravention of what the founders of our nation were trying to avoid when they divided our government into three branches so as to provide “checks and balances” and a “separation of powers”.
Though James Madison author of the U. S. Constitution realized that this checking of each branch on the other made for a far less efficient government, he realized, as he wrote in Federalist 47, that the sacrifice was worth it to prevent tyranny by a government “in the same hands”:
“ No political truth is certainly of greater intrinsic value or is stamped with the authority of more enlightened patrons of liberty than that . . . the accumulation of all powers legislative, executive and judiciary in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many, and whether hereditary, self appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”
Today 46% of our government branches are in the same hands of lawyers. Who, although as lawyers constitute a very sizeable number, still make up only ½% of our population.
Lawyers make up 38% of our Legislative branch, 100% of our Judicial branch and 0% of our Executive Branch. Electing Barock Obama with his lawyer wife will cause our three branches of government to be made up 80% of lawyers. Irrespective of one's political party this is untenable if one wishes to prevent government "in the same hands". The same hands of lawyers.
Voters should not forget the decline in morality and the ignoring of terrorism during the administration of lawyer Clinton, lawyer Gore, and lawyer Hillary. It should give them pause.[snip]
The State of Franklin? Most have never heard of it. I had not until while doing some genealogy, I came upon two documents of ancestors stating they were born in 'the State of Franklin'. And it very nearly happened, they even had their own constitution drawn up and ready to go
that disallowed lawyers, doctors and preachers from election to the legislature.
Each cycle, contributions from this group of Lawyers favor Democrats by a significant margin. In the 2014 election cycle, the industry contributed over $120 million to federal political candidates and interests, 70 percent of which went to Democrats. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/recips.php?cycle=2016&ind=K01
Clinton, Hillary (D) $7,101,091 WHAT can I say??
Bush, Jeb (R) $1,311,555.....go Jeb! LOL
Harris, Kamala D (D-CA) $739,088
Schumer, Charles E (D-NY) $734,322
Cruz, Ted (R) $644,659 GOVERMENT LAWYER, that's all he's ever been.
Rubio, Marco (R) $576,185 At least he's not running for his senate job again!
METHODOLOGY: The numbers on this page are based on contributions from PACs and individuals giving $200 or more.
All donations took place during the 2015-2016 election cycle and were released by the Federal Election Commission on Friday, October 16, 2015.
Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center: info@crp.org
Luke 11:52 Lawyers
Woe to you, lawyers! for you have taken away the key of knowledge: you entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in you hindered.
Speaking of Charities!! BE CAREFUL who you support!
Obama 'cried' at the thought of 'saving just one child' by pushing executive orders that will do NOTHING about mass shootings, but totally ignores enforcing immigration law (many of those mass killings were by immigrants!) which could have save THOUSANDS OF LIVES! http://www.theremembranceproject.org/
You need to know WHO you are giving to...most are SCAMS! Many keep 90% and more of your contributions. THIS is a racket!
8. National Veterans Service Fund
7. International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO
6. Breast Cancer Relief Foundation
5. Firefighters Charitable Foundation 9raised $64 million in donations and paid $55 million of that to its solicitors. The charity spent less than 10 cents of every dollar raised on direct financial assistance to those in need.)
4. American Breast Cancer Foundation
3. Children’s Wish Foundation International (HOW SAD!)
2. Cancer Fund of America
1. Kids Wish Network
Well, he was in good company.....these ‘good’ Republicans also gave $$ or their time to promote the Clinton Foundation/initiative.
Newsmax Media, Inc. The media company, which has billed itself as operating the “#1 Conservative Site in the Nation,”
Richard M. Scaife.
News Corporation Foundation
James R. Murdoch. Murdoch, the co-chief operating officer of Fox News parent company 21st Century Fox and son of Rupert Murdoch,
Many Republican Party-affiliated individuals have attended and supported Clinton Foundation-affiliated events, including the annual Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) meetings. They include:
Former first lady Laura Bush, Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch, former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Sen. John McCain, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, Republican billionaire T. Boone Pickens, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former Bush Treasury secretary Hank Paulson, and former first daughter Barbara Bush.
Romney spoke to CGI in the middle of his 2012 presidential campaign and praised President Clinton for having “devoted himself to lifting the downtrodden around the world. One of the best things that can happen to any cause, to any people, is to have Bill Clinton as its advocate.”
McCain spoke to CGI in September 2008 during his own presidential run, and also praised its efforts, stating: “You know something about great change at the Clinton Global Initiative, because you are striving every day to bring it about. I thank each one of you for the good work you have done to relieve suffering across the earth, and to spread hope. I thank you for the even greater works that you seek to accomplish in the years to come, under the leadership of the man from Hope.”
Laura Bush appeared at CGI in 2006 and said she was “delighted to be a part of this year’s Clinton Global Initiative. Thank you for inviting me, and thank you for the terrific development work you’re doing through your foundation.”

Lawyers and Liars...but then I repeat myself!
Marco Rubio is BAD with money! His net worth is less than mine and I never earned a tenth of the $$ he has!
Forbes’ 2016 Presidential Candidate Wealth List
Net worth Rubio $100,000
Florida senator has a house, boat, kids’ college plans and lots of debt
I know it sounds simplistic, but if you practice only one rule in voting, let it be, NEVER vote for a lawyer! The following article excerpts explain it well.
The large number of lawyers in Congress and the government was not a problem until their nature changed in the1960.s
With the large number of lawyers descending on Washington in the 1970's to enforce newly passed civil rights laws in an increasingly liberal culture, the goal of lawyers changed from doing good to simply increasing their power and influence. And in a very short time their income too.
The biggest problem with the large number of lawyers in elective office today is that, disregarding everything else, they increasingly control all branches of our government: The Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary. This in contravention of what the founders of our nation were trying to avoid when they divided our government into three branches so as to provide “checks and balances” and a “separation of powers”.
Though James Madison author of the U. S. Constitution realized that this checking of each branch on the other made for a far less efficient government, he realized, as he wrote in Federalist 47, that the sacrifice was worth it to prevent tyranny by a government “in the same hands”:
“ No political truth is certainly of greater intrinsic value or is stamped with the authority of more enlightened patrons of liberty than that . . . the accumulation of all powers legislative, executive and judiciary in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many, and whether hereditary, self appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”
Today 46% of our government branches are in the same hands of lawyers. Who, although as lawyers constitute a very sizeable number, still make up only ½% of our population.
Lawyers make up 38% of our Legislative branch, 100% of our Judicial branch and 0% of our Executive Branch. Electing Barock Obama with his lawyer wife will cause our three branches of government to be made up 80% of lawyers. Irrespective of one's political party this is untenable if one wishes to prevent government "in the same hands". The same hands of lawyers.
Voters should not forget the decline in morality and the ignoring of terrorism during the administration of lawyer Clinton, lawyer Gore, and lawyer Hillary. It should give them pause.[snip]
The State of Franklin? Most have never heard of it. I had not until while doing some genealogy, I came upon two documents of ancestors stating they were born in 'the State of Franklin'. And it very nearly happened, they even had their own constitution drawn up and ready to go
that disallowed lawyers, doctors and preachers from election to the legislature.
Each cycle, contributions from this group of Lawyers favor Democrats by a significant margin. In the 2014 election cycle, the industry contributed over $120 million to federal political candidates and interests, 70 percent of which went to Democrats. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/recips.php?cycle=2016&ind=K01
Clinton, Hillary (D) $7,101,091 WHAT can I say??
Bush, Jeb (R) $1,311,555.....go Jeb! LOL
Harris, Kamala D (D-CA) $739,088
Schumer, Charles E (D-NY) $734,322
Cruz, Ted (R) $644,659 GOVERMENT LAWYER, that's all he's ever been.
Rubio, Marco (R) $576,185 At least he's not running for his senate job again!
METHODOLOGY: The numbers on this page are based on contributions from PACs and individuals giving $200 or more.
All donations took place during the 2015-2016 election cycle and were released by the Federal Election Commission on Friday, October 16, 2015.
Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center: info@crp.org
Luke 11:52 Lawyers
Woe to you, lawyers! for you have taken away the key of knowledge: you entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in you hindered.
Speaking of Charities!! BE CAREFUL who you support!
Obama 'cried' at the thought of 'saving just one child' by pushing executive orders that will do NOTHING about mass shootings, but totally ignores enforcing immigration law (many of those mass killings were by immigrants!) which could have save THOUSANDS OF LIVES! http://www.theremembranceproject.org/
You need to know WHO you are giving to...most are SCAMS! Many keep 90% and more of your contributions. THIS is a racket!
8. National Veterans Service Fund
7. International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO
6. Breast Cancer Relief Foundation
5. Firefighters Charitable Foundation 9raised $64 million in donations and paid $55 million of that to its solicitors. The charity spent less than 10 cents of every dollar raised on direct financial assistance to those in need.)
4. American Breast Cancer Foundation
3. Children’s Wish Foundation International (HOW SAD!)
2. Cancer Fund of America
1. Kids Wish Network
Labels: charity, clinton, clinton foundation, cruz, lawyers, rubio, state of franklin, Trump
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