SOMEONE has been workin' real hard lately to get into long since closed facebook accounts, like the one TheTownCrier used to have. Yep, FB notifies me when someone is trying to change the passwords on those old accounts. Hell! JUST ASK! UNLIKE YOU, I have NOTHING to hide!
You are welcome to read anything I've ever written. I'm on my way out of this miserable life, anyway, and unlike my precious friend Terry Anderson, I don't plan on going quietly or gracefully!
Now, on to other nonsense!
“All the extravagance and incompetence of our present Government is due, in the main, to lawyers, and, in part at least, to good ones. They are responsible for nine-tenths of the useless and vicious laws that now clutter the statute-books, and for all the evils that go with the vain attempt to enforce them. Every Federal judge is a lawyer. So are most Congressmen. Every invasion of the plain rights of the citizens has a lawyer behind it. If all lawyers were hanged tomorrow, and their bones sold to a mah jong factory, we’d be freer and safer, and our taxes would be reduced by almost a half.”
—H.L. Mencken (1880-1956), “Breathing Space”, The Baltimore Evening Sun, 1924-08-04. Reprinted in A Carnival of Buncombe.
SOMEONE has been workin' real hard lately to get into long since closed facebook accounts, like the one TheTownCrier used to have. Yep, FB notifies me when someone is trying to change the passwords on those old accounts. Hell! JUST ASK! UNLIKE YOU, I have NOTHING to hide!
You are welcome to read anything I've ever written. I'm on my way out of this miserable life, anyway, and unlike my precious friend Terry Anderson, I don't plan on going quietly or gracefully!
Now, on to other nonsense!
I seem to remember FReepers getting banned for being negative on the Tea Party Express, and TPE promoters gloating about it.
posted on Fri Aug 8 04:59:12 2014
by jjotto
("Ya could look it up!")
AND an answer:
TITLE: Tea Party Express Considering Latino-Focused Bus Tour Posted on Tue Apr 16 22:12:59 2013 by Syncro
The bottom line:
AND an answer:
"What you "seemed" to remember never happened.
I remember, because I was one that the FR hammer nailed over bringing out the truth, while you pretended to be on the right side. SYNCRO...MR. TEA PARTY EXPRESS! You are lying here, just like you always have to protect YOUR interest (whatever it is!) in The TPE!
NEVER HAPPENED????? No, YOU and JIM ROBINSON, changed the passwords, won't remove me as an active member and refuse every request delete or ban my account...gotta keep those numbers up!
DISCLAIMER: TheTownCrier/AuntB is NOT associated with FR and the TEA PARTY EXPRESS. FREEREPUBLIC.COM is nothing but a con on good Americans! It's hard to believe how many useful idiots they have, who year after year hand over your $$ to this con.
TITLE: Tea Party Express Considering Latino-Focused Bus Tour Posted on Tue Apr 16 22:12:59 2013 by Syncro
To: SeminoleCounty; Syncro; zerosix; Timber Rattler; dragnet2; Tennessee Nana; All
Seminole County said: “Sounds like Tea Party Amnesty”
Wow. Syncro, divide and conquer, identity politics is what the left and Grover Norquist does.
I’m in the wrong place. And it looks like the entire ‘tea party’ is compromised. I’m outta here. I want immigrants to be part of this country, not singled out for special treatment or like they’re too dumb to be an American without being pandered to. Imo, the actions of this ‘tea party’ to pander like our enemy does is RACIST.
This isn’t a discussion, I’m done and so is this country when even ‘conservatives’ are willing to sell off ethnicities for votes...which you will NEVER get. But it must make ya feel good, so you go ahead. 27 posted on Wed Apr 17 14:22:23 2013 by AuntB
Wow. Syncro, divide and conquer, identity politics is what the left and Grover Norquist does.
I’m in the wrong place. And it looks like the entire ‘tea party’ is compromised. I’m outta here. I want immigrants to be part of this country, not singled out for special treatment or like they’re too dumb to be an American without being pandered to. Imo, the actions of this ‘tea party’ to pander like our enemy does is RACIST.
This isn’t a discussion, I’m done and so is this country when even ‘conservatives’ are willing to sell off ethnicities for votes...which you will NEVER get. But it must make ya feel good, so you go ahead. 27 posted on Wed Apr 17 14:22:23 2013 by AuntB
The LEFT has no edge on the right for dishonesty and cover up! WISE UP...both sides of the isle and their operatives are CORRUPT!!!
The 'THIS' that 'Syncro' refers to as 'proof' that Sal Russo 'changed' is a 3minute video of protestors in Calif. against the child invasion last year. The tape is an interview of a guy named Gary Dunn…Sal Russo is not there, he doesn't speak, his name is not mentioned…THIS is what 'Syncro' calls 'proof' that Sal Russo is not an amnesty pushing money grubbing hack. Really? REALLY??? SERIOUSLY????;brevity=full;options=no-change
More Syncro classics:
More Syncro classics:
comment: Sal Russo is the liberal medias favorite tea partier etc etc etc. The man is a fake.So what is fake about him?
posted on Fri Aug 8 23:17:46 2014
by Syncro
His [Sal Russo] article along those lines surprised me. After a bit of discussion he now agrees with This.
posted on Sat Aug 9 12:47:42 2014
by SyncroThe bottom line:
To: Syncro
You spew nothing but hatred here every day.
I stated a fact, not hatred. Your dislike of the facts doesn’t make them hatred.
You truly are a sick and dangerous person. Your search for self aggrandizement leads you to strange bedfellows with every kook political scam that poses as a conservative org, but does nothing but scam people for money.
Then you attack those that expose the truth.
I stated a fact, not hatred. Your dislike of the facts doesn’t make them hatred.
You truly are a sick and dangerous person. Your search for self aggrandizement leads you to strange bedfellows with every kook political scam that poses as a conservative org, but does nothing but scam people for money.
Then you attack those that expose the truth.
posted on Mon Aug 11 13:28:11 2014
by editor-surveyor
(Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
YO! You useful idiots in freeperville!
PSSST!!! Ah, yes, FR & Sal Russo's TEA PARTY EXPRESS, take a look...not ONE word about immigration on their front page.....but plenty of endorsements for open border rinos.
$9.5 million raised, at a cost of $8 million, with less than $400,000 going to candidates.
What would you consider a charity that raised almost $10 million, but actually used less than 5% of that total on its mission and programs? By every reasonable definition, you’d have to consider it woefully ineffective, at best, a fraud, at worst.
Consider then that the Tea Party Express has raised just over $9.5 million between January 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014, but has spent barely $380,000 directly, or indirectly, to benefit the candidates they support. Also, as they spent more than they received, their cash-on-hand decreased by almost $350,000; from $848,000 on January 1, 2013 to $498,000 on June 30, 2014.
The direct costs for raising that $9.5 million were more than $8 million, or 85% of total receipts, with more than $3.6 million paid out to Tea Party Express founder, Sal Russo’s consulting firm Russo, Marsh and Associates.
Expenses by Top Six Categories

The amounts shown, above and below, were obtained directly from the financial disclosure reports filed by the Our Country Deserves Better PAC, and categorized using the stated purpose of each disbursement reported.
Expenses by Top 12 Payees

In the 18-month period, the total of direct contributions and independent expenditures, made to or on behalf of their allegedly supported candidates, was a mere $381,098. As a category, candidates rank third behind fundraising ($6,119,408) and postage ($1,996,711); and as a payee, candidates rank eighth behind four fundraising payees and three postage payees.
Notice also there are no disbursements for any “issue-based” ads or media buys. Tea Party Express doesn’t seem too interested in getting their message out. In fact, it seems the only thing they truly care about, and put effort into doing, is getting their donors cash into their bank account.[snip]
YO! You useful idiots in freeperville!
Laura Ingraham Hammers Tea Party Express' Sal Russo on ...
May 15, 2014 - Tea Party Express Chairman Sal Russo defended his support of comprehensive immigration reform and cited a Michael Bloomberg-funded ...
PSSST!!! Ah, yes, FR & Sal Russo's TEA PARTY EXPRESS, take a look...not ONE word about immigration on their front page.....but plenty of endorsements for open border rinos.
Is the Tea Party Express Just a Fundraising Scam?
What would you consider a charity that raised almost $10 million, but actually used less than 5% of that total on its mission and programs? By every reasonable definition, you’d have to consider it woefully ineffective, at best, a fraud, at worst.
Consider then that the Tea Party Express has raised just over $9.5 million between January 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014, but has spent barely $380,000 directly, or indirectly, to benefit the candidates they support. Also, as they spent more than they received, their cash-on-hand decreased by almost $350,000; from $848,000 on January 1, 2013 to $498,000 on June 30, 2014.
The direct costs for raising that $9.5 million were more than $8 million, or 85% of total receipts, with more than $3.6 million paid out to Tea Party Express founder, Sal Russo’s consulting firm Russo, Marsh and Associates.
Expenses by Top Six Categories
The amounts shown, above and below, were obtained directly from the financial disclosure reports filed by the Our Country Deserves Better PAC, and categorized using the stated purpose of each disbursement reported.
Expenses by Top 12 Payees
In the 18-month period, the total of direct contributions and independent expenditures, made to or on behalf of their allegedly supported candidates, was a mere $381,098. As a category, candidates rank third behind fundraising ($6,119,408) and postage ($1,996,711); and as a payee, candidates rank eighth behind four fundraising payees and three postage payees.
Notice also there are no disbursements for any “issue-based” ads or media buys. Tea Party Express doesn’t seem too interested in getting their message out. In fact, it seems the only thing they truly care about, and put effort into doing, is getting their donors cash into their bank account.[snip]
MORE FACT! And like I've told you for EVER...NEVER VOTE FOR A LAWYER! They are officers of the court and it creates an imbalance of power when they run the Executive and legislative branches...the laws are no longer to protect YOU, they are to protect corrupt lawyers!
“All the extravagance and incompetence of our present Government is due, in the main, to lawyers, and, in part at least, to good ones. They are responsible for nine-tenths of the useless and vicious laws that now clutter the statute-books, and for all the evils that go with the vain attempt to enforce them. Every Federal judge is a lawyer. So are most Congressmen. Every invasion of the plain rights of the citizens has a lawyer behind it. If all lawyers were hanged tomorrow, and their bones sold to a mah jong factory, we’d be freer and safer, and our taxes would be reduced by almost a half.”
—H.L. Mencken (1880-1956), “Breathing Space”, The Baltimore Evening Sun, 1924-08-04. Reprinted in A Carnival of Buncombe.

Labels:, jimrobinson, lawyers, russo, sal russo, Syncro, Tea Party, tea party express
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