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Thursday, September 29, 2022

THIS was diversity. Leftists, you ask too much

Uncle Frank Frontino came to the United States, landing Southern California at about age 8 with $6 in his pocket sometime in the 30's.  He smoked a twisted Italian cigar that was the bestest/worstist smelling thing. I can still get a hint of that scent.  He was unforgettable and I will always cherish being married into that family before it split apart like too many families do.    
Next door to one of his early enterprises was Ben, the Japanese immigrant and his family in business.   One day during the war, Ben and the Japanese were rounded up and put in camps.  Yes, we have had idiots and unthinking corrupt politicians before who stirred up BS fear by using an innocent bunch of good Americans.   Ben and Frank were always America first. 

The Internments are an ugly DEMOCRAT administration stain on our history.  I would like to believe it was our LAST act of racism, removal of property and rights, death of any group of citizens in this country.   But history is too replete with accounts of discrimination to put much stock in the notion.   The mob always finds someone to blame and destroy.

 There will always be an unthinking, superior feeling, emotional pack of single cell beings ready to raise hell over anything they can dream up to collectively hate.  

 The Borg had NOTHING on this mob of leftist worms.  Many, lately, behave as if they want to be a worm!  Isn't 'worm' the very definition of a creature who is BOTH sexes???? Er, genders... er...oh, Hell, who knows what to call them anymore! They've destroyed the language as well. 
That implies an open mind, a hunger for truth, the opposite of what the mob and media are. 

In the absence of Ben to run the business, Frank held it together and paid his taxes until he came home.  I was privileged to break bread in Los Angeles with these fine gentlemen and friends some 40 years later as we celebrated Christmas and our country together.  Of course, there with us was Uncle Bernie Pecheco, married to one of the Serbian Aunts of the clan.  An artist!   Born in Mexico, half Apache. 
He was beautiful.  Especially when he tried to speak Italian to his best friend Frank.

Thank YOU all!

They've been gone decades now.  I hope someone remembers their lives.  THESE are the people who built this country, just like I did.  There was no discrimination between them!  If anything, it may have been against me as an outsider by a few of them.

 I was just too 'mongrel'; Irish, Swedish, English, Sardinian, Sub-Saharan African, etc., etc.  I was anything but pure blooded.  I was different and they weren't used to it.   I learned my limits quickly.  
You can't force cultures on each other!    We learned to respect each other, be family because we had common beliefs, allegiances.   
I am so sorry, that all you whiny, brainwashed, destructive, dishonest leftists have missed what that group had.   That's not my fault, or your country's fault. That is YOUR family's fault.  You learned this hate at home and from the people you elect like Joe Biden.  Fix it and leave the rest of us alone, just like we have, and Donald Trump let you run your own life with every gift this government could give. 

You do not deserve your student loans paid by me. 

You do not deserve 'reparations' because YOU were not harmed... show me where you were harmed, and I will stand with you!!! 

You cannot kill or discriminate against MAGA citizens!!!  Or any Law-abiding CITIZEN!!!

Now, YOU ask too much.  

Take it from this Democrat:


  1. willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas:

Glimpses of the open border that the media refuses to report . Thank you NewsMax

Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan: “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.”


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