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Monday, August 08, 2022

Get Trump! There was NO 'Peaceful Transfer of Power' on Jan. 20, 2017

Long before Donald Trump was sworn into office as the 45th President, war had been declared on him by the deep state DC swamp to ensure that he was disgraced and could never govern. 

The Obama/Biden Administration, along with candidate Hillary Clinton, The FBI, The CIA and other deep state corrupt players, employed unlawful spying, collusion, cheating, conspiracy to frame and stop the Trump administration.

Despite their treasonous efforts, most certainly including cheating, Trump won.  Carlos Slim Helu lost 8 billion dollars the day Trump was elected.   He doesn't gamble, he put his money on a 'sure thing'.  

When Trump and Melania met Obama and Michelle at the White House on day one, the wheels were already in motion to impeach and destroy Donald Trump, his associates and supporters, 
especially Gen. Michael Flynn.  At that first White House meeting, Obama warned Trump about Flynn and that he should be gotten rid of from any administration.  

Obama/Biden were afraid of Flynn because when Flynn worked for the Obama Administration he strongly objected to much sloppy policy, including Iran. Flynn knew too much. He had to go.
He was the swamps first victim.  

What we have here is a coup de tat of the Trump Presidency by Obama, Hillary, Biden with support from bureaucrats in the CIA, FBI and other swamp rat infested agencies.   The battlefields were the FISA courts and backrooms and public broadcasts as media acted as a protection racket for the entire treasonous attack on President Trump.

As for Liz and Dick Cheney, Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Schumer and the other useful idiots of destruction of this nation, they are simply trying to cover their swampy crimes. 

If you can only remember one thing from the last 6 years, it should be this:

Every charge against Trump, from Russian Collusion to January 6th, the Democrats are guilty of.
Everything they accused Trump and his supporters of, they DID!

During the last weeks of the Obama Administration, Susan Rice 'unmasked' hundreds of family, friends, associates of Trump.   The methods she used are rare and illegal.  She used these investigations, tapes of private conversations on a regular basis against Trump and thousands of private citizens.  She couldn't have had time for anything else.  "Get Trump" was priority #1 for the Obama/Biden Administration. The spying and feeding the media lies and propaganda continued the next 4 years.     

The transfer of power was anything but 'peaceful'.    It was just one act in the play, " Get Trump" and NEVER let conservatism govern.  The democrats and Rino sympathizers had to make Jan. 6 seem worse than what they did in case you ever found out that they did everything they could to subvert the 2016 election.

All the facts are outlined perfectly in the documentary "The Plot Against the President" which is airing on NEWSMAX.  It's free!  There's no excuse to not know history because we are watching it made in new ways every day.  

It took them 4 years to give us the first coup de tat in the United States of America. And if you can't swallow that, do remember one thing.  They have placed a puppet president in charge as would any tyrannical overthrow of a duly elected government. 

Today the FBI has raided President Trump's home in Florida.   Just imagine what they would do to simple people like you and me.  This is to terrify us, to shut us up.  
What are they going to do? Burn me out???   Stranger things have happened. 

A coup d'état is the sudden, often violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group. The coup d'état, also known as coup, is typically an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power conducted by a dictator, a guerrilla military force, or an opposing political faction. (Bing)

From President Trump: 
“These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided and occupied by a large group of FBI agents,” Mr. Trump said in a lengthy statement.

Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan: “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.”

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