Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Rino's like Cornyn aren't Weak, they are Bought and Paid for!

I was listening to the Mike Gallagher Show this morning with callers outraged over the sellout of the second amendment by a dozen Republicans led by Senator John Cornyn of Texas.   

Gallegher was shocked!! Shocked I tell you that Cornyn, who he likes, would do such a thing.  His theory is that these Rino's just don't want to offend anyone. 

 Bull CRAP.

 And shame on you, Gallagher and most other pundits like you who don't know what a duplicitous tool John Cornyn has always been! But he had an "R" beside his name, so you ignored his backroom dealing against the Constitution.   

Now he and his fellow traitor Rinos have destroyed the second Amendment.
Cornyn has backed nearly every lopsided amnesty offered for the last 20 years.  
He's ALWAYS been compromised.

For years he introduced this bill or a similar version into congress. 
 Why?  To please whoever owns him.  Since his North American Union had plans to provide every Mexican on this good earth with phones and telecommunications, one might fairly assume that the world richest man and Mexico's telecommunication mogul Carlos Slim Helu might have something to do with it.  If not Slim, it's some oligarch somewhere who has Cornyn's and the other Rinos allegiance.
From 2005:  Good bye USA. Hello North American Union!
Senate Bill 2941. Sen. Cronyn has introduced this monster before and looks like it's coming again! Contact your senators if you don't want to be a Mexicanadan.
The purposes of the Fund shall be--
(1) to promote economic and infrastructure integration among Canada, Mexico, and the United States;
(2) to promote education and economic development in Mexico; and
(3) to reduce the wealth gap between Mexico and Canada, and between Mexico and the United States.
(a) IN GENERAL- The Fund shall make grants for projects to carry out the purposes described in section 3, including projects--
(1) to construct roads in Mexico to facilitate trade between Mexico and Canada, and Mexico and the United States;
(2) to develop and implement post-secondary education programs in Mexico;
(3) to install telecommunications technologies throughout Mexico; and
(4) to construct other infrastructure that will carry out such purposes.

Cornyn was also big on increasing visas to put Americans out of work when jobs were scarce. This is from 2016:
"Current law allows industry to bring in 85,000 H-1B visas a year, but industry lobbyists seek to double or triple the number. They would really like the Cornyn-Shadegg SKIL bill (known to engineers as the KILL bill), which could import 1.5 million underpaid H-1B workers by 2013."
 Nobel economist Milton Friedman labeled H-1Bs a government "subsidy" to enable employers to get workers at a lower wage.

Now, Mr. Gallegher, other Rino apologists, has Cornyn ever looked like a man who is interested in AMERICA FIRST?

Cornyn slipped up the other day and stated that now that they did gun control it's time for amnesty.  This seemed to shock the news purveyors on the right.  But Cornyn starting pushing amnesty months ago.

Headline from April, 2022:  Tillis, Cornyn Start Talks with Democrats to Promote Amnesty for Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal  (No, it wasn't mentioned on the mainstream media)

What is being billed as “bipartisan” talks about immigration reform is really the resurrection of the Gang of Eight through a Gang of Four, including Republican Sens. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and John Cornyn (R-TX), who are in favor of amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens.
Now, Tillis and Cornyn are joining forces with Democrats Sen. Alex Padilla (D-CA) and Dick Durbin (D-IL), the latter of whom was in the original Gang.
If you don't  remember the long battle we fought over the Gang of Eight Amnesty ( Rubio and Graham was in on it too!) you shouldn't be voting.
These Rino's are more dangerous than any democrat because you Republicans will prop them up for years before you see what they are.

William Gheen of ALIPAC caught Cornyn in a lie in 2021 about amnesty.
Senator John Cornyn claims his support for Amnesty is Fake News
Cornyn attacks border security group on Twitter

Cornyn is denying any amnesty plans.  At least not out in the open.

HuffPost reporter Igor Bobic tweeted that Cornyn was smiling as he told California Sen. Alex Padilla: "First guns, now it’s immigration." Sen. Kyrsten Sinema was said to have added "That’s right, we’re going to do it."

Cornyn’s reported comments drew swift backlash from the right, many of whom were already angered by his support for the gun legislation which advanced 64-34 in the split chamber.

Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan: “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.”

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