Thursday, May 26, 2022

Barak Obama is EVIL. YES, I said it because the Media never will!

To compare the deaths of innocent babies to the THUG George Floyd is beyond contempt!  But Obama did it!   The children are dead because of DC thugs like Obama, Joe 'the brain' Biden, HRC... so many! The coup de tat to overthrow the Government under Donald Trump was planned in Obama's oval office... President, VP, and Secretary of state.  Grifters used to be hanged for treason and conspiracy!

WE have ALWAYS had guns in this country, but not until after the 70's did we have teenage boys going ballistic and killing other children. 
What changed??

We began slaughtering the unborn wholesale.

Mothers and Dads were both working. NO one was taking care of the kids.

          We stopped disciplining our children. 

We moved off the farm and young people have no outlet for their energy! 
We told confused young men that they didn't know what gender they are!!

We lost control of our media.  It is now entirely corrupt and biased.

We decided the noise in our heads was as useful as the Church.

We lost FATHERS in our homes!!!  Even Obama once admitted this was the problem.

Barak Obama started the violence!

As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take time to recognize that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a police officer. His killing stays with us all to this day, especially those who loved him.

1:08 PM · May 25, 2022Twitter Web App 

The day after this was published my entire community of Phoenix-Talent, Oregon was burned to the ground.  BLM happened to be camped in a local city park at the same time, harassing the local population and traffic.  Just a coincidence!!!???


“Obama Warns Of ‘Quiet Riot’ Among Blacks”- The instigator was Obama since 2007!

2007 TTC noted.... Obama on the campaign trail....
* Recently this headline, “Obama Warns Of ‘Quiet Riot’ Among Blacks”, got some conservatives upset. (June 2007)

HAMPTON, Va. (AP) - Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Tuesday that the Bush administration has done nothing to defuse a "quiet riot" among blacks that threatens to erupt just as riots in Los Angeles did 15 years ago.  Repeatedly, he referred to the riots that erupted in Los Angeles after a jury acquitted four police officers of assault charges in the 1991 beating of Rodney King, a black motorist, after a high speed chase. Fifty-five people died and 2,000 were injured in several days of riots in the city's black neighborhoods.

This administration was colorblind in its incompetence," Obama said at a conference of black clergy.  

"Those 'quiet riots' that take place every day are born from the same place as the fires and the destruction and the police decked out in riot gear and the deaths," Obama said. "They happen when a sense of disconnect settles in and hope dissipates. Despair takes hold and young people all across this country look at the way the world is and believe that things are never going to get any better....Repeatedly, with evangelical zeal, he raised issues that roused the crowd.  He introduced his own pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Chicago's Trinity United "


At that time  the media propaganda was that the Tea Party, or anyone who isn't a liberal, is out to incite soon we forget!

OBAMA, June 2008....."“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl."

 Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev. Oct. 2008
 "I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face."

Actually, Obama supporters are doing a lot more than getting into people's faces. They seem determined to shut people up. 

That's what Obama supporters, alerted by campaign emails, did when conservative Stanley Kurtz appeared on Milt Rosenberg's WGN radio program in Chicago. Kurtz had been researching Obama's relationship with unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers, apparently at the behest of Obama supporters.

Obama fans jammed WGN's phone lines and sent in hundreds of protest emails. The message was clear to anyone who would follow Rosenberg's example. We will make trouble for you if you let anyone make the case against The One.


From ‘Dreams of my Father’, “The emotion between the races could never be pure...Whether we sought out our demons or salvation, THE OTHER RACE (WHITE)WOULD ALWAYS REMAIN JUST THAT: MENACING, ALIEN AND APART.’ Barack Hussein Obama

From Dreams Of My Father: “That hate hadn’t gone away,” he wrote, BLAMING “WHITE PEOPLE — some CRUEL, some IGNORANT, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives.” Barack Hussein Obama

He added: “To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I CHOSE MY FRIENDS CAREFULLY. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. THE MARXIST PROFESSORS and structural feminists.”

And his pal, John McCain?
He always knew there would be riots if we didn't give the anarchists, ghetto dwellers and illegal aliens every thing they demand.
  This may be the only time the old traitor told the truth.  

John McCain: June 2007

 No amnesty for illegal aliens could lead to France-style riots

...The man wasn’t satisfied with McCain’s answer. He asked McCain why the U.S. couldn’t execute large-scale deportations, as he had heard they did in France and other countries. The question seemed to pique McCain.

“In case you hadn’t noticed, the thousands of people who have been relegated to ghettos have risen up and burned cars in France,” McCain said. “They’ve got huge problems in France. They have tremendous problems. The police can’t even go into certain areas in the suburbs of Paris. I don’t want that in the suburbs of America.”

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