Tuesday, April 12, 2022

To my family. This isn't the America I wanted to leave.

Dear Granddaughter and Son,

I address you two because if you are going to survive what is coming, it's you two who must take care of everyone.  I won't be here. And I'm so sorry I couldn't stop it.  So many of us tried. 
PLEASE know we tried.    And I am so sorry for the neglect you must have often felt as I fought this oncoming tsunami of socialism and ignorance for the last 50 years.   

Few would listen.   No matter what proof you gave them of history. 
It's why I wrote that book, a final attempt.  WE are the natives now.

"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace"
                                                                                                                        Thomas Paine

Paine's quote was the line that started my book.   That was 2008 but I'm too old and sick to fight this one.
 It's up to you.  I will provide most of what you will all need before I go.  I have already provided good land, self-sufficient enough for all of you.   You're all mostly good people, practice it more and you'll be fine.  
Trust each other!! Give to each other! 


Your lives are about to change in ways you and I never imagined.  Son, you have the land, and you must share it.  It's not just this family, it's this country you must look out for now as well.  
YOU MUST survive what is coming or the entire world is lost.  This amazing nation can't end!

Your children will see a world we fortunately only saw in movies.  I pray we have a few Snake Bliskens left. 
 The cities will not be safe.   If you can't make it south, head north, your destination is covered with plenty of room and people who love this nation.

I lived in the golden age of the USA.  It was never better.  We got civil rights.  We felt safe and didn't witness prejudice and bigotry.  We got knowledge. We had wealth, health and power and security.   
We finally had a citizen President who wasn't a lawyer and loves this country and the Constitution as much as I do!

And we blew it.

BE careful who you trust!

Granddaughter, I know you will make sure everyone has what they need, as you always have. 
 I know you won't let your children be lost to this madness and will protect them.  
You two are the only ones who have big enough hearts to hear what I tell you and care about the others, even when they don't deserve it.  

 YOU will need them too.  And if they betray you, you will have to find a way to be rid of them.  We can no longer afford to indulge the lazy, misinformed or the disloyal.

You will be in the minority.   You will be persecuted and humiliated.  You will be afraid.  Your children will NOT be safe out on their own for 3 minutes.  

THEY want your children!!!   
For our enemies, the future in our children must be destroyed to destroy this nation.  Don't let them break your souls!

We passed their first test of tyranny with the jabs and masks and lies.   We, for the most part, complied and that's all they needed to know.   You won't be able to buy what you need.  Get it now.

WHO is they?  

The elitist swamp dwelling bureaucrats and CEO's, nonprofits, politicians, media who just want THEIRS and have to indulge their own emotional weaknesses because they have the power! 

WE gave it to them in November of 2020.   
 Actually, they bought it.  Everything the mainstream media tells you is propaganda!

It's Joe Biden. 
 90% of your media. 
 Kate Brown and Gavin Newsome and their communist goons in Salem and Sacramento.  
Your local pervert loving school board.  
It's gay teachers who never had a child because they couldn't figure out that they were a WOMAN.
 And men, who would rather give up their power to politically correct woke crap.

The intention is anarchy, CHAOS.  
This is the excuse they will use to take your guns or lock you up for your own good, like they did many of the Jan. 6 attendees in DC.  POLITICAL prisoners!

 Crime will become so bad with the influx of 18 THOUSAND illegal aliens a day coming over our southern border, that there will be no law.

 NO MISTAKE... I said... 18,000 PER DAY! From all over the world.  Let loose, taken by plane paid for by YOU to anywhere they want to go with a free phone and cash.

I don't believe our military would disarm us.  But a few million foreign nationals who get paid well and have no love or respect for this nation or any of us surely would.  Countries are cleaning out their prisons and sending them in.  Drug cartels control the border areas.  Fellow citizens along the border are under siege with their property being destroyed.  

 With no way to protect yourselves.   That's their goal. Do all you can to stay outside their fire or temptations.   Your friends will betray you.

Be careful who you trust.

Learn your history, you have so much to be proud of!
Never forget who you are!! 


God bless you every day!


"It does not take a majority to prevail...
but rather an irate, tireless minority, 
keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men"
                         Samuel Adams


Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan: “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.”

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