Wednesday, April 06, 2022

NEWS you Missed. The BEST of the Web. WE must be the Media!

About that 10 percent pay off to the "big guy' who everyone wants exposed. 
Do NOT be surprised if the Biden Crime Family tells us that 10 % is tithes for God... 'the big guy'.
  Biden used his dead wife and child to further his interests, he'll gladly use God.

AND don't you doubt for one moment, if it comes to saving Joe, he'll throw Hunter right under that bus every time!   
 Joe uses people.   

Your legislooters have made so many laws and regulations that they can now name and charge ANY OF US with crimes! NOT by accident!
  Of course, some criminals are more equal than others.
 The convicted race baiting, MAGA hating Jusse Smollett is free!!!   

"He who controls the language controls the debate."

I don't know who originally said this, but it seems quite Orwellian.
Heinlein said it this way, “You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.”

STOP letting them use our language as propaganda tools.  Examples:

Gay?  What the hell is happy about these people or their 'movement'??? BE GAY or LGBQYZ! JUST LEAVE my kids alone! Math! English! Teach them, don't rearrange their brain to fit yours. Misery loves company... LEAVE MY KIDS alone!

Undocumented immigrants.  NO. They are INVADERS and NO kind of immigrant! 
The Legal term is 'illegal alien'.  USE IT. Demand your news sources use it.

Woke!  This movement is the most blind thing to come along!  These folks are asleep!

"My advice is simple. . Speak wisely. Speak graciously. But speak truthfully, without compromise.

If you don’t do that today, then come tomorrow, you won’t be able to speak the truth at all."


When the Ukraine/Russia conflict started, everyone was so sure it would only last a few days or weeks...  
Lincoln and his generals commented when the Civil War began that they would 'put down this silly rebellion' in about 90 days...
NEVER underestimate how hard people will fight for the right to live in their homes.


Portland, region hemorrhaging rental properties (Portland, OR gov destroys rental market

No kidding!  Oregon, especially So. Oregon has had no rental availability since Sept8, 2020 and the wildfires that destroyed Thousands of homes.  Many of us are still out there looking for somewhere to live!  You are forced to buy junk property just to get off the streets.  Now we must prepare for millions of illegal ALIENS heading to sanctuary Oregon.  My State and Country is becoming a 3rd world dump.


Your president is LOST.  Here he is wandering yesterday, trying to find a way to be relevant.
Don't any of you intellectually lost lefties wonder WHO THE HELL IS RUNNING THE WHITE HOUSE?

Yesterday an attractive Black commentator on MSNBC or one of the propaganda machines stated about the Will Smith slap...   According to her and her race baiting guests, WE white people cannot have an opinion about what goes on between two black men.... EXCUSE me! This wasn't private, it was on national TV, you mental moron!!
 So.. NOW are YOU going to stop talking about WHITE  people and what they might do in public???

I swear the media is hiring the most mentally ill people they can find to start a race war.  It's difficult to not hate these purveyors of BULL CRAP.
It's called divide and conquer. YOU are falling for the oldest game on earth, next to prostitution and lately I just can't tell the difference!

snip  MSNBC host Tiffany Cross held a panel on her show last weekend explaining why white people should ‘sit this one out’ in relation to the Will Smith slap – and people are not happy. 

Cross began by saying ‘everybody has an opinion and I’m sure you all are tired of talking about it, but we have to weigh in on it’. 

After introducing her panel, TheGrio columnist Michael Harriot and actress Yvette Nicole Brown, the trio began to discuss the idea that white people do not understand the context surrounding the Oscars incident. 


PLEASE get your kids out of these leftist indoctrination centers!! This is Washington.. it will be all  over the West Coast before you know it!


WA schools adopt race-based discipline, white students to get harsher punishment

The Clover Park School District debated its new “culturally responsive” student discipline policy. It means student discipline would not be consistent based on conduct. Instead, a school considers a student’s race and background. It would likely offer harsher punishments to white students, even if the conduct is identical to that of a Black or Hispanic student.

The culturally responsive policy impacts every Washington school district after Democrats passed a law institutionalizing critical race theory in student discipline.

The district is majority-minority, with 28% white students.

Join me at the venues below, where we aren't censored yet!
Soon Truth Social will be active!
Billie Nix (@BillieNix) / Gab Social

Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan: “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.”

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