Friday, April 15, 2022

A Tribute to Roger Fredinburg. Best Talk Radio show ever and Amazing Patriot.

It must have been 1991, if memory serves me.  Dates are becoming lost at my age.

 I'd recently gotten divorced.  My mother had just died and my son was in braces with a bad foot.   My arms were numb, I couldn't work, was sick and had no insurance or income and the kid's dad refused to pay child support.  I refused to go on welfare and Oregon health plan demanded to lean your home for any benefits.   So, I declined health insurance for years.    Relatives moved into my home and almost destroyed it.   Every time I turned around, someone was trying to take our home!

It had been a rough year.

Late one evening, after the day was finally quiet,  I was listening to local talk radio, KOPE am Medford, Oregon.  The announcer said,

 " To 'B' from Medford, Please call the station to get a phone number.  Someone wants to talk to you."

I had called earlier in the program after someone else had been talking about various land rip offs in our state. I'd just lost 2 acres, a part of the home where we lived,  that was paid for, no taxes due, nothing.  I've never been sued for anything and have perfect credit.  But the land was taken just the same.   That land swindle is a long sad story for another time that involved a corrupt local lawyer, realtor and judge and a bureaucracy out of control.

"Hello!", he said.  "This is Roger."

The man on the phone was Roger Fredinburg, a radio host from the same station. This would be far from the last time we would hear that great patriot say in indignation to some dunderhead who couldn't grasp simple truths, 


He had knowledge of this property scam and let me tell him the entire story.  It was too late to do anything about the injustice to me and my children, we lost the land, but I gained a friend who would take the time to listen and could comprehend.  Anyone else I tried to explain what had happened just scoffed and said that I MUST have done something wrong!   

Mostly Roger offered me inspiration to never give up.   I learned more from this man than anyone I can think of.  He's the only reason I didn't give up several times. We fought many property rights battles together in the next few decades.

In the following years because of the Roger Fredinburg Show, I was privileged to get to hear the best national and local political radio programming EVER. And by God, if for only 4 years, we finally got to witness a Citizen president who wasn't a lawyer!!!

 During the next 10 years, I got to march along side Roger Fredinburg in Grants Pass with Sheriff Richard Mack for the 2nd Amendment.   Roger and I and some friends burned a UN Flag at the courthouse... and so much more.   Together we got the news out about the land grabs of Klamath Falls and Jarbidge. 

 Roger never failed us when we were protecting our rights.  NEVER.  He loves this state and he loves his country.  Next to his God and precious wife, it's all that matters. A few years ago his perfect voice was taken with an illness.  He didn't complain and kept his faith through it all.  

When my community burned in 2020, and I was homeless for the first time in my life, Roger was one of the first people I heard from with prayers and cash. 
Roger wrote me this morning he's in ICU and short of a miracle, he won't be out.   

I just don't know what to say today that makes much sense.

I can't imagine! This place without Roger!?


There was never a more faithful and honest servant.  

Dear God, Please heal and comfort our friend Roger.   All I can figure out is that you must be calling your warriors home.    And I will trust and have faith because there's just no good reasoning to any of this except that. I could argue that we need him more than YOU!  But I'm doing my best to argue with you less and listen more.  

WE love you, Roger Fredinburg. I don't know if the good Lord hears the prayers of sinners like me, but I am praying without ceasing.  

Thank you!  YOU have been  a blessing to this country and to more of us than you know.
 And I KNOW you aren't done!

I must tell you one thing makes me smile because I can just imagine you walking straight up to the Deity and yelling out in that amazing voice, 


Treat yourselves!

Roger Fredinburg -- Obama and the Derelict Class of 2012

Feb 01, 2012 · Roger Fredinburg 


Update Tuesday April 19, 2022
It is with a heavy heart that I learned that Roger left us early this morning. 
 YOU fought the good fight every day, Good Sir! I was proud to know you! 
 If this country was filled with Roger Fredinburgs, there'd be no ignorance, bigotry or injustice. 

 If only.

It wasn't unusual for his radio show to simply come on unannounced with this rendition by Dr. Hook.


PLEASE enjoy!!  

Or you would be treated with a note or two from Leon Rathbone, another Roger favorite.
GOD bless you, Roger Fredinburg.  He blessed all of us with YOU!  
Thank you to his wife Ann and dad Robert who survive, for sharing your loved one with us!
May you be comforted.

"B" from Medford


Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan: “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.”

1 comment:

    MUST HEAR Roger on Immigration
    The MOUSE that Roars!
