Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Global media is reporting: NO RUSSIAN/Trump Collusion! DNC/HRC HOAX! YOUR media is using you!

 From the Times of London Today. Russian Collusion was a HRC/Media invention you misguided Trump haters who got us into this BIDEN MESS!!! YES I am angry!

PSSST!!!  Jan. 6 is another DNC/Media invention and political prisoners are being held in DC for 10 months in isolation, without charges, no medical care.... FIND out what is going on in YOUR country!!


Trump haters are silent as plot is exposed

Allegations of collusion with Russia were baseless but cheerleaders won’t admit their grubby role

The Times

For most of the time that Donald Trump occupied the White House, his presidency was framed by the claim that he and his campaign team had colluded with Russia to fix his election. This was promulgated unceasingly by most of the mainstream media. For outlets such as The New York TimesWashington Post, CNN, MSNBC and the rest, the only question was how soon this scandal would see Trump rightly ejected from the Oval Office.

A dossier produced by the former British spy Christopher Steele served up “evidence” of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, and made salacious claims that Trump had cavorted with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel. This dossier prompted an FBI investigation of the Trump campaign that (snip.. must subscribe to read... story below)

Trump haters are silent as plot is exposed | Comment | The Times

Opinion: No collusion — how Americans were fed a false tale about Donald Trump's 2016 campaign

·3 min read

Does anyone still believe the story that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to win the 2016 presidential election? If so, special counsel John Durham’s indictment of Igor Danchenko should put their minds at rest.

The 39-page document is rich with detail on the origins, use and abuse of the Russian collusion story as a means to undermine the 2016 Trump campaign.

Danchenko is identified as the person who collected information “that ultimately formed the core of the allegations” in the infamous dossier by Christopher Steele. Danchenko was indicted on lying to the FBI in 2017 about who he was working with and where his information came from.

Source linked to Hillary Clinton

The indictment exposes former Hillary Clinton aide Charles Dolan, identified only as “PR Executive-1,” as an important Danchenko source. Dolan allegedly fed Danchenko information he claimed he had obtained when he “had a drink with a GOP friend,” but later admitted he had fabricated the story. The indictment also shows that PR Executive-1 was an important source for reporting by The Washington Post and the Times of London when the Steele dossier scandal broke in January 2017.

The Danchenko indictment is particularly telling in detailing how the fake story was inserted into the political ecosystem, starting with Dolan and perhaps others. Danchenko allegedly fed the falsehoods to Steele, a British former intelligence operative hired by Fusion GPS to conduct the research.

Fusion GPS had been retained by Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias, whom law professor Johnathan Turley has called a "potential apex target” of the Durham probe. Clinton supporters in the government slipped the information to sympathetic operatives in the Justice Department, who used it to mount a spying campaign on Trump. And the American news media spread the rumors, which undermined the Trump presidency.

While the Danchenko indictment offers many new details on what was sold as a "well-developed conspiracy of cooperation" between the Trump campaign and Russia, ample evidence of the falsehood of this notion has been available for years.

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As early as October 2017, The Post reported that the “Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous (Steele) dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin.”

As was later revealed, the dossier became the basis for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants against Trump aide Carter Page, and unprecedented FBI surveillance on the Trump campaign before the election.

Accusations were a political dirty trick

By 2017, it was clear that “Russian collusion” was just a political dirty trick. But the narrative was firmly embedded in the liberal mind, and the wheels of the Washington investigative apparatus were turning, so the false story lived on.

Its legitimacy was bolstered in 2018 by Pulitzer Prizes awarded to The New York Times and The Washington Post for “deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage” of “Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign, the President-elect’s transition team and his eventual administration.”

Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation was supposed to have been the grand reckoning for Trump, the comprehensive exposure of the colluders and how they undermined American democracy. Mueller’s 2019 report was long on how Moscow attempted to interfere in the 2016 election. But on the matter of collusion with the Trump campaign, Mueller came up empty, and for good reason. The collusion never existed.

Now the Durham investigation is laying bare the extent of the conspiracy to derail the Trump campaign and thwart his presidency. The probe has so far led to the arrest of three people accused of spreading the false Russia conspiracy theory.

This is good news, and hopefully more indictments will follow. It is important to understand how operatives connected to the Hillary Clinton campaign conspired to harness the political system to undermine American democracy and weaken a legitimately elected president.

James S. Robbins, a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors and author of "This Time We Win: Revisiting the Tet Offensive," has taught at the National Defense University and the Marine Corps University and served as a special assistant in the office of the secretary of Defense in the George W. Bush administration. Follow him on Twitter: @James_Robbins

You can read diverse opinions from our Board of Contributors and other writers on the Opinion front page, on Twitter @usatodayopinion and in our daily Opinion newsletter. To respond to a column, submit a comment to letters@usatoday.com.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Opinion: Collusion? Indictment exposes false, planted accusations

Opinion: No collusion — how Americans were fed a false tale about Donald Trump's 2016 campaign (yahoo.com)


16 hours ago — The investigation is laying bare the extent of the conspiracy to derail the Trump campaign and thwart his presidency.

YOU must call your local TV News affiliate.. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN and demand they report the news!!!

Federal Judge orders January 6 political prisoner set free after ‘deplorable’ conditions found at DC jail… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

AND Finally 2 members of Congress got in to see them... They were not allowed before!

  1. Marjorie Taylor Greene Meets With Jan. 6 'Political Prisoners'


    Nov 06, 2021 · Leftist social justice warriors will not do it, but patriotic Americans need to stand up against the "God-awful conditions" President Joe Biden's "political prisoners" from Jan6 

  2. Marjorie Taylor Greene Meets With Jan. 6 'Political Prisoners' | Newsmax.com

  3. "When we walked into that section of the jail that is completely separate from the rest of the inmates and the other pretrial defendants there – what I saw is what appeared to be men who were political prisoners of war," Greene told Friday's "Greg Kelly Reports." "They had thought that they were forgotten. They had thought that everyone didn't care about them. They felt hopeless."

    Despite being abandoned and abused by their country for Jan. 6, the inmates share a love of the country that does not love them back, singing the national anthem 9 p.m. every night in the "patriot wing," Greene told host Greg Kelly.

    Greene had been rejected on demands for months to visit the controversial D.C. jail – which has been scrutinized for inhumane treatment of inmates – and was only permitted to visit the "patriot wing" after being initially denied access. She said she refused to leave and it required phone calls on her three-hour tour to get access to the "political prisoners of war."

    "It should never happen to anyone, and here's what everyone can do: Stop being complacent, stop sitting on the sidelines, because complacency and sitting on the sidelines and refusing to speak out is why we are where we are in America," Greene continued.

    "You know this is the greatest country in the world, and we are not a country where people should just languish and rot away in jail simply because they didn't like the outcome of an election."

    Greene does acknowledge some of the inmates are charged with crimes they must answer for from the events of Jan. 6, but being "political prisoners of war" and receiving the treatment they have are gross injustices and a function of weaponized political prosecution.

    "These are men that are charged with crimes, and I'm not defending what they had done at the Capitol, and I'm not defending the riot, because I did not like the riot, but what I am there for and the reason why I'm standing up for this issue is I am I am solidly against political witch-hunts," Greene continued. "And I'm against what's happening to these men and how they're being treated, and I do believe in due process. I believe in justice. I believe in our court system, and I don't think politics should have anything to do with it.

    "And these are men that have committed misdemeanors, and they have been held for nearly 10 months now, some of them since they were arrested in January, and it's time for America to wake up. We can't allow this to happen in our country."

    "These people are there living in horrible conditions," she continued. "Broken toilets, they can't use the toilet. There's mold on the walls."

    She also blasted corrections officials for restricting them to solitary confinement for up to 23 hours a day for the first four months, and then for 22 hours a day for two more months.

    "Imagine, on misdemeanor charges, being treated that way," she said, adding if they refuse being vaccinated, they receive "even worse treatment."

    The jail had already been blasted by officials and referred to the Justice Department for contempt charges for its conditions.

    "It didn't even meet the minimum requirements that needed to be met, and so there's 400 inmates that are being transferred to another facility in Pennsylvania," Greene concluded. "So this is just another situation in a Democrat-run city where we are seeing subpar conditions.

    "We're seeing high crime and we are seeing people live in and God-awful conditions that should not exist.

    "Even people whose crimes, they've been convicted; they're serving their time, but they should not live in abuse and such horrible conditions."

  4. Despite Democrat-controlled cities doing away with cash bail and letting violent criminals out on the streets to commit more crime, the Jan. 6 political prisoners are being denied bail and "forced to stay in there, in horrible conditions," Greene said.
  5. "There's people in this country that take a knee for our national anthem, people that make millions of dollars, but these men in jail, they sing, they stand for the national anthem, and they put their hand over their heart and they sing it more patriotically than I've ever heard in my life," she added, saying Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and their congressional staffers sang along with them.

Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan: “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.”

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