Thursday, October 28, 2021

How disgusted am I? I just felt you all sell out!

So..  I just heard President Biden's fine speech of the day!! I'm  sure it was on ALL the networks... never his screwups, just the staged BULL SHIT they force on us.

He's promising the grownups all the bennies they can dream of... he's gonna take care of your kids AND your parents! Yep, gonna get us old farts all the help and food and whatever the HELL we can dream up to ever want until they plant us.  Now this is just talk and it may happen or not.  I know lots of OLD FARTS.  I'm sure you're on the Biden wagon now... I'm not surprise that you'll sell out.. I'm surprised you'll do it for so damn little!
And the old farts kids??? They don't care about anyone but themselves and will kiss Biden's communist ass.  They don't raise their kids, they sure don't want to take care of old sick parenets.  

Still in the mix, a long list of other priorities: Free prekindergarten for all youngsters, expanded health care programs - including the launch of a $35 billion new hearing aid benefit for people with Medicare - and $555 billion to tackle climate change.

There's also a one-year extension of a child care tax credit that was put in place during the COVID-19 rescue and new child care subsidies. An additional $100 billion to bolster the immigration and border processing system could boost the overall package to $1.85 trillion if it clears Senate rules.

With support for even the narrowed package still an issue, Biden said as he left the Capitol, "I think we're going to be in good shape."

At least one pivotal holdout, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., struck a similar tone: "I look forward to getting this done."

BTW...You supposed Christians who sit and wait for God to save you, best get off your lazy butts FAST!  As for me, yes I am a Godless heathen, but a damn good American. When they come for my Christian friends, I will be there, in front defending YOU and your right to worship as you see fit!  
I am the one, like Donald Trump, a sinner who is trying to save you!

Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan: “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.”

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