Saturday, September 05, 2020

Stock Market proves Global Billionaires wanted HRC to win- Nov. 9, 2016!

Mexico's Carlos Slim Slips Down to World's Second Richest Man
Let's get real.  The talking heads of the alphabet networks tell us constantly that
'the rich' put Trump in office....NOT so much!
Up front, IMO, is open border Clinton foundation funder, once richest man in the world, Carlos Slim,  Arab of Mexico.  HE owns Mexico!
A tycoon bites the Dutch dust – Rotterdam Week
He is thick with the Clinton's and Bush's, Obama, Biden and many more.
 Slim, a telecommunication giant, owns Tracfone and made billions of our tax dollars supplying Obamaphones! 
He owns part of the NY Times! 
GW Bush sent Jeb to Mexico in 2008 to beg Slim to bail out Lehman Brothers!

Forget Soros!  
Slim lost what Soros is worth the morning after Trump got elected. 
Fact is, these international top billionaires were betting on Hillary to win, so forget the foreign Pro-TRUMP election interference! 
 Below is the proof: The Stock market of Nov.5, 2016.
And Slim isn't the only foreign billionaire out to get Trump.

Mexico’s wealthiest man lost $5.1 billion in the wake of Donald Trump’s stunning upset over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Carlos Slim Helu , who is fifth-richest in the world, shed 9.2 percent of his fortune after the peso dove as much as 12 percent on the news.

Slim led declines of $41 billion on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index at the start of U.S. trading Wednesday 
CARLOS SLIM By Marian Avramescu | Famous People Cartoon | TOONPOOL
Slim has always coordinated and financed the GOP traitors like McCain, Romney, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush and more, who are now endorsing Joe Biden.  He put Republican players  in place with the help of Cesar Conda, Mexican immigration lawyer and powerful K St GOP lobbyist.  They are all part of the McCain, Jeb
Bush group.  Traitor McCain, even after death is damaging us all. 

See: Sept. 1, 2020 

Top Jeb Bush Strategist Leading Group of Republicans To Spend MILLIONS For Biden!

The never Trumpers are desperately combining forces in an attempt to bring down President Donald Trump.

READ the following and then convince me that the big $ is NOT behind Biden!

Slim led declines of $41 billion on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index at the start of U.S. trading Wednesday. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index was down 1.1 percent at 10 a.m. in New York. Stock markets across the globe wavered on news that the New York real estate mogul would become the 45th U.S. president.

The index decline almost reversed the $57 billion increase the world’s richest saw earlier in the week when markets rose on expectations that Clinton would prevail.

The 10 Mexican billionaires on the index dropped a combined $6.5 billion in early trading. 

U.S. billionaires, who account for one-third of the Bloomberg wealth ranking, had the biggest dollar loss, falling $9.3 billion. The combined net worth of the billionaires on the index fell 0.9 percent to $4.4 trillion at the start of trading in New York.

BLOOMBERG Nov. 9, 2016

If you need more:
Nov 9, 2016 - Stocks surged on Wednesday following a chaotic night in the markets, which ended with a surprise victory for Donald Trump in the US ...

It was the little people who made the stock market a success by closing bell on Nov. 9.

. Read: Trump victory divides stock market into winners and losers.
This is the NEW flag to replace our Stars and Stripes.  Seen on the Streets of St.
Louis today as Black Lives Matter screamed, "This is our street!!"
Pan-African Flag
Flag of the UNIA.svg
NamePan-African Flag
Various other names
Adopted13 August 1920
DesignA horizontal triband of red, black, and green.
Designed byMarcus Garvey
The Pan-African flag—also known as the Afro-American flagBlack Liberation flagUNIA flag and various other names—is a tri-color flag consisting of three equal horizontal bands of (from top down) red, black and green. The Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL) formally adopted it on August 13, 1920 in Article 39 of the Declaration of the Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World, during its month-long convention at Madison Square Garden in New York City.[1][

This article from our friends at Black Eye Politics,  talks about the ugly racist attacks against Sen. Tim Scott by the left.  
Take off your rose colored glasses and witness real bigotry!


Senator Tim Scott – The House Negro on call.” – George Monroe

“Tim Scott is the Uncle Tom of the trump* party.” – Darryl Stewart

Brandon A Jiles tweeted:“TIM SCOTT IS A FREAKING COON."

Nolte: Sen. Tim Scott Says Trump 'Innocent,' 'No Way' Senate Convicts

POLITICAL EXECUTION!! Call it what it is.  

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