Saturday, August 25, 2018

McCain is Dead! Good news, not fake news! YEAH, I SAID IT!

BREAKING: John McCain died an hour and half ago in Arizona.

And, THAT is the best damn thing that happened today! Sadly they will install his wife (where the HELL is that in the Constitution!) as Senator in his place.

This TRAITOR did more harm to this country than any president in our life times.   Corrupt from the start with the Keating Five Scandal all the way to screwing the Indian Tribes!

John McCain - the WORST Senator money can buy!

The media keeps calling him a HERO!    Pardon me while I PUKE!  

TRACKBACK, so you know who this monster is! Just a few! NONE of them come up on a google search any longer...oh YES, the fix is in.  McCain was one of the first to manipulate google. YEARS ago.  KNOW WHO YOUR ENEMY IS!

(snips)  McCain: “America is still the land of opportunity, we’re not going to erect barriers and fences.” 

*This may be the ONLY time John McCain told the truth.
John McCain 2008 Prez election: no amnesty for illegal aliens could lead to France-style riots
...The man wasn’t satisfied with McCain’s answer. He asked McCain why the U.S. couldn’t execute large-scale deportations, as he had heard they did in France and other countries. The question seemed to pique McCain.
“In case you hadn’t noticed, the thousands of people who have been relegated to ghettos have risen up and burned cars in France,” McCain said. “They’ve got huge problems in France. They have tremendous problems. The police can’t even go into certain areas in the suburbs of Paris. I don’t want that in the suburbs of America.
McCain, the "maverick," has been in Congress for 28 years, or since winning his first election in 1982. He is no longer fighting the establishment; he is the establishment. He personifies the compromise wing of the Republican Party, which has since become the dominant wing.

He’s an EMBARRASSMENT! “The thought of [John McCain] being president sends a cold chill down my spine”Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), also a senior member of the Appropriations panel, told the Boston Globe recently. “He is erratic. He is hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me.

And this....THIS bothers me the most. John McCain has no loyalty to Arizona or this nation. He is a globalist first.

McCain 3/2009:
“I could imagine, with a little envy, what it must have been like for the McCains who came before me to be so connected to one place; to be part of a community”

The Real John McCain...from VietnamVetsAgainstMcCain 

John McCain? Are you kidding me? Who are you people? 

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The John McCain Truth Files 

Support your candidate by stopping John McCain! 

"Viva McCain Fiestas" (YOU Can't make this up!) 

Indians, Lobbyists and Arizona Politics...OH MY!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Indians, Lobbyists and Arizona Politics...OH MY!


The scene is the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut . The year 2000.
The congressman has $100 chips stacked high, having a grand time at the crap table.
He likes to gamble and isn't afraid to show some temper when he loses.
Along for the ride are his campaign manager and one of the two biggest lobbyists handing out campaign money from various Indian tribes who was also a 20 year friend of the legislator.

By now we've all heard about the money J.D. Hayworth received from an Indian tribe by way of disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who was one of the two big boys in Indian tribe money lobbying.

Pot, meet Kettle....


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