Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Balls. Big Brass Balls. And Real Americans! What a Speech.


 He got us 4 out of 5 of the immigration biggies..
End chain Migration, End visa lottery, THE WALL, End catch and release.
 The 'dreamers' who won't be legal for 12 years and will vet themselves with time. Many won't remain free of crime and meet the requirements and will be sent back. And Dreamers can't chain in their illegal parents! It's brilliant! I'LL TAKE IT! No other president would ever even try to get one of these! Stopping chain migration will end this nightmare. The dreamers are neutered. Basically hybrids..most already have kids that are born citizens and likely USA spouses...they ...for the first time...won't be able to chain in all their relatives.  That makes this legalization different than any in the recent past.   

Thank you, Mr. President. YOU listened. 

Now let's see how badly the Democrats can muck it all up.   The Congressional Black Caucus looked like complete fools and the corrupt sell outs they are all sunk in their chairs pouting because YT did more for their people than they ever did! 

Mrs. Trump, you were beautiful and charming, as usual.  Thank you for being a WOMAN!

Track back!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Why did Trump Win?

Everyone is asking 'Why did Trump win'?  Here are the big 5 reasons.

1. The polls were WRONG....and they were meant to be wrong to influence your vote....most were taken of MORE democrats than republicans and independents were ignored.  Independents elected Donald Trump!  The media repeats  lies about polls on immigration too.  As we have shown over many years, when given neutral language, the American people ALWAYS disagree with illegal immigration and want our borders secured and the laws enforced.

2.  Trump treated everyone the same...the ONLY candidate who actually did not practice discrimination and racism.   He got over a third of the Latino vote...Latino AMERICANS who were IMMIGRANTS, NOT illegal aliens! YES, media, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!

3.  He ran against HRC...who NO ONE LIKES.

4.  President elect Trump is....well, just plain lovable!  We are ready for straight talk! The media refused to show or discuss the HUGE crowds Trump pulled in...the biggest crowds HRC got are thse insane protests tearing up our cities!   And THIS, this is the biggest reason...we are SICK of foreign nationals marching in our streets making demands that we change our government to suit them..THAT is the very definition of TERRORISM!
 We are SICK of ignorant city youth killing all of us and blaming it on us by way of their demented leaders.

5.  DONALD TRUMP LISTENS!!!!   In Sept. 2015,  early in this race, TTC said:

Donald Trump's best quality? HE LISTENS! 

SCHIEFFER: Let's go to a new question, Mr. President.
  I got more e-mail this week on this question than any other question. And it is about immigration.

 For 15 years, I've worked diligently to get information out about the CRISIS and factual cover up of illegal immigration and lop sided legal immigration going on in this country promoted by BOTH parties and the media. 

Donald Trump did more in a week than I was ever able to accomplish. 
Know why?     He is a great listener! 
Evidently the ONLY one in politics today, other than Jeff Sessions, willing to put his ASS on the line to tell you the truth!
He LISTENS...and evidently he listened in 2004, during the debates of the presidential race when Bob Shieffer of CBS  stated that the most questions he got from the PUBLIC to ask the candidates was about.....

THAT is how long we have all been ignored, until Donald Trump!
SCHIEFFER: Let's go to a new question, Mr. President.
I got more e-mail this week on this question than any other question. And it is about immigration.

(PS….if you really want to see what LYING PUKES both Bush and Kerry are, take a look at their answers in that debate to the ONE immigration question!

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