Friday, August 11, 2017

Noncitizen Voting & Aliens DO vote legally in the USA!

People are not aware that several states allow aliens to vote in local elections.  It's an outrage! And more democrat enclaves are pushing for more alien votes.

Noncitizen Voting
Noncitizen voting is currently only allowed in city or local district voting. No state has extended noncitizen voting to statewide elections.
Several districts in Maryland allow noncitizens to vote. The most cited example is Takoma Park, which has allowed noncitizen voting in city elections since 1993.
The city of Chicago also allows noncitizens to vote in local school council (LSC) elections.
    •    To vote in a LSC election, an adult must demonstrate (1) that he or she is the parent/guardian of a student enrolled at the school, or (2) that he or she lives within the attendance area boundaries of the school.
In 2015 the District of Columbia (B 28) and Connecticut (HB 5170) have proposals  to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections.

update: Just today article popping up about that voter fraud that doesn't exist according to DEMOCRATS!

THINK for a moment, democrats...why do your leaders want voter fraud to continue? WHY????

A New Hampshire judge hands the Presidential Advisory…

Some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America’s adult citizens. Such…

Move along! no voter fraud here!!

Andrew J. Spieles, who attempted to register deceased…
This is all recent! I didn't go looking for it, just paid attention....
it's all over, has been for years. 
YOU must stop listening to the talking heads on TV!

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