Monday, December 05, 2016

Time to say Good Bye

WOW! What a run we had…BEST ELECTION EVER. 

 I've been putting personal plans and obligations on hold until we got Mr. Trump elected…..there is light at the end of that tunnel, after all!

It's time to take a different turn,  shut down the computer and telephone and explore other options, like REAL LIFE.   I have been blessed to meet some of the finest patriots this country ever had by way of the WWW.    I will miss you  and think of you every day…you know who you are.   Thank you for allowing TheTownCrier to come into your life.

When in doubt, just a reminder.  These are the rules.

Many are borrowed; it's hard to improve on perfection. I'm pulling a Ghandi here as well. He once said to judge him by his most recent comments; that he, too, may learn some things and change his mind on a given subject!

1. Protect the innocent.
2. Never ask someone to do something that you are not willing to do yourself.
3. Leave it like you found it, or make it better.
4. Keep your promises and pay your bills - on time.
6. Slavery didn’t happen because people are black or white. Evil isn’t particular about color.
7. Be careful what you wish for.
9. Greed is more devastating than poverty.
10. Your rights stop where my nose starts.
11. You are only as strong as what you stand next to, that from which you draw your strength.
12. Youth and strength are no match for old age and treachery.
13. Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig!! (this is the one I can't seem to get right! )
14. "It is a bad person that has pity for those that do not deserve it." (added 5/15/07 )

Don't stop fighting this media...they are our biggest enemy!


THIS ONE.....Build that wall, Mr. Trump! HURRY!

 Private investigator says evidence suggests a brutal cartel kidnapped and tortured
 California mom

Papini was held in captivity and brutalized for 22 days. She lost close to 25 pounds in captivity, weighing in at a mere 87 pounds when released. She was found about 150 miles south of where she was kidnapped. With a bag over her head and her wrists chained to her waist, she was ejected in Yolo County, California, from a moving vehicle on Thanksgiving Day, according to Bosenko. Papini managed to get help from a passing motorist at the side of a road.
And the injuries Papini sustained made Garcia think it was a sex-trafficking cartel that had kidnapped her. When the sheriff said at a press conference that he wasn't going to talk about Papini's injuries, Garcia interpreted this as confirmation that the victim was sexually assaulted.
She said her captors were two adult-age Latino females who drove a dark-colored sport utility vehicle and carried a handgun.
But something doesn't seem right about this kidnapping story, Garcia told LifeZette in an interview.
Papini made an unusual target for a forced prostitution ring because she's viewed as too old for that kind of job, he says. These criminals usually prefer much younger women, ranging from teenagers to those in their early twenties.
Papini may be 34 but she could easily pass for a 20-year-old, in Garcia's opinion, so he reasons that her kidnappers may not have realized initially she wasn't the kind of person they normally target.
The fact that she was starved is very unusual, he says. Sex traffickers normally feed captives. At some point the kidnappers may have realized they made a mistake in taking Papini, he says.

The victim's husband, Keith Papini, told reporters that a message was burnt into his wife's body but did not indicate what the message was.
The disclosure of this detail was not authorized by law enforcement officials handling the case, Garcia says. "I don't know what the message is, but these cartels do that."
"They all have their own distinguishing markings or tags as they call them. It could be something as simple as a ring that was heated up. I've seen a hot knife used to disfigure a person on the leg or arm."
Garcia views the Papini case as a cautionary tale. Tiny, seemingly insignificant things can provoke criminals, he says.
"If there's a story here, it is that young women need to be aware of their surroundings," Garcia says.
"It could be something as simple as a look from someone who is checking them out. I've seen such minor, minor things that set these people off. It's good to be armed because you don't know if the person standing next to you wants to take your life."
Sherri Papini struggled to get any motorists to stop and help her after she was dumped on the side of the road in chains
Previously Keith revealed his wife "screamed so hard she coughed blood" after her two female captors cut her free and pushed her out of a vehicle on Interstate 5 in Yolo County.


Expose these propagandists! Winning the election hasn't stopped them from campaigning against Trump.

Colbert was always very obviously liberal and supportive of Hillary throughout the election, but no one knew his team was doing her and Bill’s PR work at their order.…
Your TownCrier wishes you the BEST EVER CHRISTMAS!!!   It was certainly an interesting New Year for me.   Changed my destiny. 


  1. Anonymous3:28 PM

    HAPPY2BME here.

    You are (truly) a legend of a patriot. All the many, many wonderful works, labors, toils, sweats, tears, and shouts to save this nation coming from you over the past decade (and more) will not be truly known until we get to heaven.

    Love You Sis!


  2. Good job. And God speed to you.

  3. TheTownCrier8:44 AM

    Hello Happy!!! YOU are the best. I will miss you all!

