Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Video proof that Trump is right about 9/11 Muslim celebrations & Number of Refugees!

The Media is scrubbing the news to attack Trump!
TRUMP is right!This is from a saved NY Post article!

" Here in New York, it was easy to get angry listening to Egyptians, Palestinians and the Arabs of nearby Paterson, N.J., celebrate as they received word of the murderous attacks in New York and Washington. But Mayor Giuliani (who has been tireless and magnificent in this crisis) rightly warned New York- ers that it would be wrong to take their anger out on the city’s Arab and Muslim residents. Attacks on Arab-Americans in Paterson or elsewhere are utterly indefensible.
Omar, a Muslim New Yorker and former student of mine at Cooper Union, e-mailed me to say he was “sickened to watch Middle Easterners celebrate our sorrow.” He is an American who has imbibed our values while maintaining his Muslim faith. He wants no truck with those who kill in the name of Islam. (link via Wayback Machine – Web Archive)"

This is interesting. Mike M via twitter notices a Page Six story from September 2001 disappears from the New York Post. On September 14th 2001 the New York Post…

MORE video proof of reports of Muslim celebrating in USA!



September 12, 2001 a woman calls on the howard stern and confirms trump about muslims cheering…

I caught PBS Newshour flat out lying about ‪#‎Trump‬ again....they 'fact checked' his statement about so many 'refugees' being planned to be brought in and said the # was only 10,000! Even Bernie and Hillary said it was 65,000 to start! Tell these liars what you think! http://www.pbs.org/ombudsman/feedback/
Full 11/30 broadcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkyJRUP3z0A

The Secretary of State said the number will rise to 100,000 in 2017. Aides say that many, though not all, of the additional refugees would be Syrian.
nbcnews.com|By NBC News
LOVELY People!~

Hundreds of refugees got into a huge brawl at a German shelter Sunday and it took more than 100 police to subdue them. The fight took place at the retired…

Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans

Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans AP Photo by John Nolte24 Jun 20150 The Center for Security Policy…

Rasmussen Reports - The best place to look for polls that are spot on
rasmussenreports.com|By Rasmussen Reports

AND more scams from the GOP using Trump…..these all from the last week from NRSC (National Republican Senate Committee)  NOT ONE CENT GOES to the TRUMP campaign…they keep it ALL  while they sell counterfeit Trump gear! CALL THEM OUT!   http://www.nrsc.org/
THEY admit they are not working for Trump!

"The NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee) is the only national organization solely devoted to strengthening the Republican Senate Majority and electing Republicans to the United States Senate.
We provide invaluable support and assistance to current and prospective Republican U.S. Senate candidates in the areas of budget planning, election law compliance, fundraising, communications tools and messaging, research and strategy." 
The NRSC does not use or accept taxpayer money.
We depend on the generosity of Republicans like you.
Do you support our mission?  (to SCAM Trump supporters!)

from: Michael   Dec. 1
Donald Trump is waiting  (stickers for sale)

from Jessica  Nov.22
NEW ARRIVAL  (Trump car magnet)

from Tom    Nov.23
 Kick off Thanksgiving with Donald Trump!  (stickers)

from Jim        Nov.20
What's on Your Car?    (Trump car magnet)
This is the worst…made to look like it came from Trump!

Donald Stop Hillary PAC
203 South Union Street, Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314
When you try to go to their main page you get this!
403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.

Catch us on Facebook!  https://www.facebook.com/Thetowncrier-Blog-342384845880117/

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