Sunday, November 08, 2015

Marco Rubio..OWNED by illegal alien lobby & Private Prison Big $$$$ donors!

Once in a while the Washington Post shocks us and produces an article actually worth reading.    Better late than never, I suppose.
TTC has been trying to warn you about this scam for years!

* hmmmm....prisons, private prisons who are BIG campaign donors and THRIVE off incarcerating illegal aliens!!!!

"Near the Texas border, private prisons are used to house federal inmates who are in detention awaiting trial for offenses ranging from immigration violations to drug trafficking and human smuggling."

 THOSE private prison corps pay BIG political contributions to keep that border OPEN to stock their prisons and pocketbooks!

In this article, "McCain, The worst Senator Money can Buy, TTC told you:    Money is a big part of it. Big donations by mobsters in Vegas, the La Raza crowd and private prisons who house illegal aliens ( Private prison builder GEO’s PAC gave only $5,000 each to the campaigns of Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee. 
$500 to McCain several times was given by John Hurley, ceo GEO, who contributes BIG to
the open border loving RNC and Charlie Christ.
NOTE: Remember just a few days ago the prisoners who escaped one of McCain’s donor's private prisons in AZ??? This is a big scam to house illegal aliens and they are notorious for problems within them

Headline WAPO Nov. 7, 2015 :   How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about
Sen. Marco Rubio is one of the biggest beneficiaries.

[snip]  A 2011 investigative report published by The Center for Media and Democracy detailed the connections between Rubio and GEO during his time in the Florida House. It notes that Rubio hired Donna Arduin, a former trustee for GEO’s Correctional Properties Trust, as an economic consultant. Arduin worked with Rubio’s then-budget chief, Ray Sansom, who pushed through a $110 million deal for a new GEO prison in the House Appropriations Bill. The report also detailed how legislation favorable to GEO Group has shadowed Arduin’s presence in government from California to Florida. In 2011, Florida Gov. Rick Scott – who also used Arduin as a budget adviser – pushed (unsuccessfully) to privatize 27 prisons south of Orlando.
Upon winning the Senate seat, Rubio tapped former lobbyist Cesar Conda as his chief of staff in 2011.  Conda had co-founded what is now GEO’s main lobbying firm, Navigators Global, and after joining Rubio, continued receiving payments of $150,000 from the firm as part of a stock buyout arrangement. In April 2014, Conda went on to lead Rubio’s Reclaim America PAC as a senior adviser, until recently rejoining Navigators. During Conda’s time with Rubio, GEO became a top-10 contributor to Reclaim America, giving $16,000 in 2014, according to Conda’s firm also banked $610,000 from the private prison company between 2011 and 2014 as its lobbying firm. According to a disclosure form obtained by The Nation, among the issues Navigators lobbied for on GEO’s behalf was immigration reform…….

TheTownCrier has told you before about Cesar Conda, open border guru tied to Grover Norquist and Karl Rove.  The WAPO, in my opinion is wrong when it says, "  Rubio tapped former lobbyist Cesar Conda as his chief of staff in 2011."

In my opinion, Rubio was picked by Cesar Conda, to be sure illegal aliens continue their flow and influence, just like he mentored and brought PAUL RYAN into DC politics!
 Follow the $$$   

Rubio was picked because he sells out SO easily! His history is full of sell outs!

Conda was a lobbyist for private prisons who love open borders and government $$$ to incarcerate illegal aliens.

"They also now have a paid lobbyist working in the office of a Republican Senator at the forefront of the immigration debate, in a state with major immigration issues.
Take for example the chief of staff to young Republican superstar Marco Rubio, Cesar Conda.  Conda still maintains ties to a powerful lobbying firm in Florida that has lobbied for the GEO Group.  In fact, he still maintains partial ownership, and was paid between $50,000-$100,000 by the firm after he became Rubio’s chief of staff..  So he’s still being paid by companies like the GEO Group while working as the number-one guy to a US Senator.
So the GEO Group has revenues of nearly $2 billion per year, much of which comes from the federal government as payment for detaining immigrants.  It has spent more than $5 million in lobbying and political contributions in the past 8 years"

Psst...remember we've told you that Glen Beck sold out to the open border hacks of Freedom Works and Americans for prosperity?    Remember when we warned the Tea Party about getting involved with Dick Armey's Freedom works because he has always been pro amnesty??.....

– Cesar Conda is a senior fellow at Freedom Works  and an editorial advisory board member of International Economy Magazine. He is a volunteer policy advisor to the Mitt Romney presidential campaign.
AND:  "Armey said FreedomWorks paid Beck $1 million to say nice things about the group to raise more cash"

More:   Marco Rubio, Geo Group, and a Legacy of Corruption
By Beau Hodai on August 29, 2012
"U.S. Senator Marco Rubio's unsettling history of extremely close ties to private prison operator Geo Group and the possible federal investigation into Florida's private prison giveaway of more than $120 million. "-
See more at:


Meanwhile, Rubio is content to let YOU pay his salary as an absentee senator (Like Ted Cruz, Ron Paul...McCain, Hillary & Obama before them!)  while he runs for the Amnesty President.


Donald #Trump brought in the highest ratings for Saturday Night Live with his guest host last night.

Cleaning up after SNL!    An alpha male with a sense of humor! What's not to like!

BEN CARSON...sorry, people, Carson is a mess!  The Carson media mess is right out of the people who own Rubio...Cesar Conda, Grover Norquist, Rove. Politico and Marco Rubio spread worse lies about ‪#‎Trump‬ last week than they did Ben Carson. Be sure people understand that #Trump did NOT file personal bankruptcy..facts here..

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