Monday, November 11, 2013

Cuccinelli, Ted Cruz and other curiosities YOU need to know!

Our last article, ' Grover Norquist is the Conservative Litmus Test!' , couldn't have been more correct!   Last Tuesday, actual conservative Ken Cuccinelli not only lost his race in Virginia for governor, he was thrown under the GOP bus.  They did NOTHING to help him defeat the smarmy Terry McAuliffe or counter all the lies the Dems told.   But why???

First, Cuccinelli is pro immigration enforcement!  Second, he refused to sign Grover Norquist's blood oath pledge!       Are you paying attention, Mark LevinGlenn Beck!!!??? WAKE UP!   

Cuccinelli is against Illegal Immigration....THIS is why Cuccinelli lost in Virginia. IF you don't play by Grover Norquist's rules, you don't play in the GOP at all!
More about Ted Cruz....

Did you know that Ted Cruz was the domestic policy advisor for the 2000 Bush Campaign?? Ted Cruz helped develop Bush's immigration position.....

Ted Cruz helped develop Bush's immigration position! What hand did he have in that famous 'family values don't stop at the Rio Grande' BS and insulting the Minutemen????  I want to know what Ted knows and WHEN he knew it!

The only daylight between he and Bush is that Ted did not advocate a path to citizenship, just to legality for all aliens as well as MORE foreign workers. Other than that, there is NO DIFFERENCE!

The blindness of the Tea Party on this issue and their hero Ted Cruz is going to bite them just like it did with Rubio!

"Cruz helped craft the campaign’s immigration policy, which called for speeding up the application process, increasing the number of work visas, and allowing the relatives of permanent residents to visit the U.S. while their applicants were pending. “Family values don’t stop at the Rio Grande,” Bush used to say."


This story is about U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez, big mouth proponent of amnesty, giving college to illegals, the DREAM act, has decided the aliens  and their supporters he's been pushing are ....'unpleasant'....
You see they INVADED HIS office and that Ticked him off! He had them arrested!  

Leading Pro-Immigrant Congressman Severs Ties With DREAMer Groups; Calls Them Manipulative, Racists

[snip] U.S. Capitol Police confirmed that the immigrants, Marco Pacheco and Marcela Espinoza, were arrested for unlawful entry.  (for going to the cong. office!)

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