Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Rasmussen poll: Border Security Hawks Aren't Racist, Most Americans Say

Sorry Grover Norquist! Sorry Cesar Conda and your phony little boss Marco Rubio and his gang of 8 henchmen using SPLC talking points against MOST AMERICAN CITIZENS!
[snip]  Immigration hawks worried about appearing racist can breathe a sigh of relief.

Only 11 percent of U.S. voters think people who want to secure the border and prevent illegal immigration are racist, according to a poll released this week by Rasmussen Reports. (See the wording here.)

The number was higher for liberals, with 22 percent saying they thought border security advocates were racist, according to Breitbart, which asked Rassmussenhttp://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/questions/pt_survey_questions/april_2013/questions_immigration_reform_april_1_2_2013 for the crosstab data.

Nine percent of conservatives and 6 percent of moderates said immigration hardliners are racist, according to Breitbart. 
While 67 percent of the 1,000 respondents said they think border security enthusiasts aren't racist, some 22 percent aren't sure.

Rasmussen also reports:   Just 29% Support Immigration Plan Without Tougher Border Control


Rasmussen Reports, April 19, 2011
Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Republicans and 63% of voters not affiliated with either major political party oppose automatic U.S. citizenship for children born in this country to illegal immigrants. Democrats are evenly divided on the question.

BUT...the author of this new amnesty, Rubio’s chief of staff, Cesar Conda has called such proposals “offensive.”  His lobbyist buddy in crime, Grover Norquist refers to us all as 'Bitter Enders'

Well,  Gentlemen! YOU are the ones out of touch!  Sadly, you are the ones in power. 

WAKE UP REPUBLICANS! The 'modern' GOP does NOT represent you! It has been infiltrated and taken over.   They have a new imported constituency!

Reminds me of McCain...the left media always liked him too!

How 'bout it folks, does Rubio speak for YOU???


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