Saturday, September 25, 2010

Social Conservatives, Tea Party...YOU ARE BEING USED!

Have you figured this out yet???? WAKE UP! The gop is going to help the socialists to shove AMNESTY down our throats! People slept through the primaries, now we have the same old choice..
Bad and worse!
Social conservatives, Tea Party...YOU ARE BEING USED!

Latinos Launch 42-City Bus Campaign to Get Out the Vote for Fiorina

WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, a leading voice on Latinos and conservatism, announced a 42-city bus tour of California that will span 32 counties and more than 2,500 miles. The tour, which starts on September 27 and runs through October 6, will encourage Latinos to vote their values and support California Senate Candidate Carly Fiorina.

"For too long, Latinos have supported candidates who spurn their core values," said Alfonso Aguilar, executive director of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles. "Candidates like Barbara Boxer, an outspoken advocate for abortion who opposes the protection of traditional marriage, and who hampers job creation and a stronger economy with big government policies."

The tour will feature rallies in Los Angeles and San Diego, and will coincide with a series of three ads airing on Spanish-language radio starting Monday. The ad campaign is the second phase of a $1 million independent expenditure galvanizing Latinos around Fiorina.

For more information and a complete list of the 42 cities, please visit [snip]

THE REST of the STORY! Fiorina is a MCCAIN GIRL!

This is a PRO AMNESTY not be fooled. It’s chocked full of the MOST pro amnesty gop hacks known!
The group is against same sex what??? If we amnesty 20 plus million illegal aliens there won’t be a country left to fix that problem. It’s a hook to fool social conservatives!! The GOP is becoming a master at that!


The Latino Partnership advocates and lobbies Congress an the Administration in favor of conservative issues as well as policies that are welcoming of immigrants.

5. Encouraging increased support and advocacy among conservatives for comprehensive immigration reform.

Board of Advisors

The Honorable Luis Fortuno (who supports BLOOMBERG!)
Governor of Puerto Rico

Grover Norquist
(AUTHOR of BUSH’s amnesty!)
President, Americans for Tax Reform

Eduardo Verastegui
Latino Actor and Producer

Karyme Lozano
Latino Actress

Jorge Fernandez
Latino Community Leader
Businessman and Real Estate Consultant

Linda Chavez
Chairman, Center for Equal Opportunity

Funders of new pro-Fiorina group are hard to trace [Updated]
July 27, 2010 | 1:21 pm
Today in Los Angeles, a group called The Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles announced what they say will be a $1-million campaign for Republican U.S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina.


More smoke and mirrors by the GOP

The new 'Pledge' has NOTHING to fix the immigration problem or enforce the LAW.
Tea Party people......Are you going to let the established GOP keep screwing us or are you going to shed these open border hack leaders like Armey, Whitman, McCain and the out of touch fools who designed this phony 'Pledge'????
You ALL despise the democrats when they pull this shady stuff, when will you STOP defending the GOP for doing the same???
Some of the GOP are hijacking the Tea Party movement, which will destroy it. Most of them don't like you any better than the democrats do! You are being USED!

House Republicans Pledge to ‘Establish Operational Control of Border,’ But Say Nothing about Border Fence, Worksite Enforcement or Amnesty
Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Republicans in the U.S. House of Representative released “A Pledge to America” today, laying out agenda items they plan to pursue if they take control of Congress, that commits the party to “establishing operational control of the border” but makes no mention of border fencing, enforcing immigration laws at the worksites of employers who hire illegal aliens or whether the party under any circumstances would grant any form of amnesty to foreign nationals currently living in the United States illegally.

By contrast, the 2008 Republican Platform, approved by the delegates at the 2008 Republican National Convention, committed the Republican Party to completing a border fence, enforcing immigration laws at the worksite and opposing an amnesty.[snip]

1 comment:

  1. Likewise to the Latino Business they have to be included on the ranking of paginas amarillas so that their business will be successful and more services they need to provide.
