Monday, August 23, 2010

Don't like the NY Mosque? How 'bout Mexican Police patrolling NY streets?

Just Another day down Mexico way!!!!

Headless, mutilated bodies hung from Mexico bridge

Never happen, you say???

We didn't think we'd see Arizona ranchers like Rob Krentz slaughtered by Mexicans on his own land for only trying to aid one of them in need.

We didn't think we would ever see thousands of innocent children murdered and raped by aliens from south of the border while our leaders, like John McCain, sat silent for years.

We didn't think we would ever see US sovereign land cordoned off to US citizens because it's being occupied by foreign national criminals or hundreds of thousands of acres of land burned because Mexico's armed cartels set fire to it in our national forests while growing drugs.

But that's now the reality of the USA, as these foreign uninvited squatters march by the thousands demanding one thing after another in our streets.

After all, it's Mexico, so the prospect of corrupt Mexican police patrolling our streets may be overblown, but STRANGER things have happened!

You decide.

By Jeffrey Smith

NEW YORK, New York - In a series of events which has caused wide notice and a storm of protests, the government of Mexico, through its consulate in New York in the United Nations, has announced it will begin patrolling the New York City borough of Staten Island to "safeguard" its nationals there. The actions of Mexico come after a series of incidents the Mexican government terms "bias attacks."

Ironically, these so-called "hate crimes" have been perpetrated by blacks and Asians, indicative of rising tensions between various ethnic groups in the U.S. The Catholic Examiner and NBC New York both reported the Mexican government's intention to mount surveillance, patrol and police in and around the Staten Island community of Port Richmond, which in recent years
has seen a large influx of Mexican illegal immigrants.

Since the Examiner's coverage, however, councilor officials, city hall and the local press have begun to carefully de-emphasize any possible role of Mexican law enforcement or military in efforts to secure the neighborhood.

Mexican officials have set up a neighborhood office and local phone hot line for their nationals to report "bias incidents"-regardless as to whether they are in the United States legally.

The actions of the Mexican government have caused Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly to order what many observers say is the most concentrated
police mobilization since the World Trade Center disaster.

Both published reports and residents say that reports of fights between Mexicans and other groups began years ago, in the late 1990s or early 2000s. Many charge the present round of incidents started in 2003 with one loss of life in 2006, which might not even be connected to the present series of events.

At a major community gathering held at the historic St. Phillips Baptist Church, speakers addressed the current situation in the neighborhood and the borough, while Mexican councilor officials looked on.

But while the Richmond anti-violence organization and assorted left-leaning journalists who attended may have been expecting a mea culpa from local residents, what they got instead was a blast of community push-back. Speaker after speaker from the black community told of horrendous conditions the largely illegal immigrants had brought to their community. Speakers described the pattern in communities affected by an influx of illegals.

Community residents, many of whom are black first-time homeowners, told of constant disputes, alcohol and drug sales, late night disruptions, trespassing and public urination.

Others in the audience, who declined to testify, spoke of men wearing clothes bearing symbols of La Raza, Aztlan and other militant pro-Mexican groups.[snip]


M3 Foreign news translated courtesy of NAFBPO.

El Universal (Mexico City) 8//22/10 - Increase in hate crimes against Mexicans

The Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations (SRE) documented a series of “hate attacks” between September 2009 and July 2010 carried out against Mexicans who live and work in New York. Between April and July of this year, authorities have reported a total of 11 such attacks. The aggressors were mostly African American. One man attacked 11 months ago by three African Americans in Brooklyn, NY, only because he was Mexican, lost his ability to speak and walks with difficulty.

New York is only one place where racial tensions are rising. Five years ago, hundreds of undocumented Mexicans came to New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. They were well received because they provided cheap labor. Today things are different. A Republican legislator, Joe Harrison, renewed his attempt to introduce and pass a bill (HB 1215) that seeks to criminalize the presence of undocumented immigrants in Louisiana. It is the example of Arizona that ever more finds sympathizers among a population bothered by the presence of these same “illegals” and their families who, five years ago, rescued their city.

“These workers, mainly of Mexican origin, have changed the demographic complexion of New Orleans by converting it to a city where the enchilada has become as common as jambalaya,” asserted Jose Torres Tama, an Ecuadorian artist and writer who has resided in New Orleans since 1984.


NYPD boosts Staten Is. hate-crime patrols

NY Post, July 28, 2010

Cops last night beefed up patrols in parts of Staten Island as Mexican officials made plans to station a representative there to deal with a growing number of crimes against Hispanics -- most of them Mexican.

After meeting with Police Commissioner Ray Kelly yesterday, Mexican Consul General Ruben Beltran said he would assign someone to Port Richmond to assist Mexican residents.

The representative, police said, will encourage victims to step forward if they become crime victims, assuring them they will not face immigration problems if they report a crime.

Eleven people have been attacked this year, most recently Friday, when a Mexican immigrant was beaten while walking home from a soccer game. The attack left the man with a broken jaw.

None of the victims suffered life-threatening injuries. Eight suspects have been busted in three of the incidents.


“We will act decisively in order to protect our citizens and will actively promote that those guilty of these vicious attacks are brought to justice expeditiously. We are working hand-in-hand with local authorities on all levels,” said Consul General of Mexico in New York, Ruben Beltran in an email to the Staten Island Advance.
Ruben Beltran, Mexico's Consul General.
Ruben Beltran, Mexico's Consul General.

By the way.......

You know how Mexico complains that all their crime is a result of getting ALL their firearms from the USA???

La Jornada (Mexico City) 8/15/10

German factory investigated for supposed sale of arms to Mexico

Berlin – German authorities opened a proceeding against the Heckler & Kochel arms factory for the presumed offense of illegal exportation of arms in 2006 to Mexican states with violent internal conflicts, according to the weekly edition of Der Spiegel. The investigation, led by the government attorney’s office and German Customs, is to determine if the factory violated the prohibition, in force in the country, to sell arms in zones of conflict. According to information, in 2006 the factory received official permission to sell “different Mexican national police” thousands of G36 assault rifles, the customary German Army weapon. The authorization supposedly excluded the areas of conflict such as the states of Chiapas, Guerrero, Chihuahua and Jalisco. A year later, Heckler & Koch solicited another permit, this time to supply parts for those rifles “to clients with an established address” in those states. The investigation is in its initial stage.

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