Friday, February 26, 2010

The Compton Cookout...NOT what the Media reported!

Major Award!!!!

To Roger Hedgecock for exposing the truth about who organized the 'Compton Cookout'....A Black man, an entertainer named Jiggaboo Jones, who is just a bit tired of the race baiting by the media and Jesse Jackson types with headlines such as this, "Outrage over 'Compton Cookout' at UCSD".

See Mr. Jones explanation of all this here. His interview with Roger is here.

World Net Daily
has a report today:
Organizer of 'racist' UC party was black

Last week a party – the Compton Cookout – was held off-campus near the University of California San Diego, and the firestorm it has created has been massive: Protest marches, teach-ins, protesters who walked out of the teach-ins and campus investigations have ensued. The administration for its part immediately placed blame on perpetrators they believed to be responsible – a so-called white fraternity, Pi Kappa Alpha.

Despite the denials by Pi Kappa Alpha that they were not behind the cookout, the blame remains on PKA and its white members.

Hedgecock: " I am the only person on the national stage who has given Mr. Jones the chance to tell his side of the story, to claim responsibility for the Compton Cookout. Mr. Jones disclosed on my program that he attempted to contact UCSD administration and the local San Diego news media to claim the event and was rebuffed at every turn. Clearly, the administration, the San Diego Union Tribune and the PC Mafia have their perpetrators, just like Mike Nifong did at Duke.

While they may wish that the template remain, I am confronting the PC Mafia. On my nationally syndicated radio program last evening, I interviewed professor Daniel Widener, a professor of African-American studies and radicalism at UCSD, and he attempted to turn this cookout into a chance to score cheap political points. I refused to let him push his agenda.

Now, I want to give you the ability to hear the truth and decide for yourselves. Below is the unedited interview I conducted with Mr. Jones and professor Widener. Be warned: The language definitely is not politically correct and will certainly cause more than a few raised eyebrows. The truth is not always pretty – but it can be pretty funny."

Roger Hedgecock is the longtime top-rated radio talk host in San Diego, Calif., on KOGO and, more recently, a nationally syndicated daily radio host heard already in 75+ markets and on XM Satellite.. Listeners may also tune in to his show at Radio America. He is the author of "The 2008 Conservative Voters Field Guide," a series of books on 2008 issues. Guide No. 1-Immigration and No. 2-The War . Learn more about Roger at

Roger Hedgecock supports the election of J.D. Hayworth for Senate!

1 comment:

  1. Disclaimer: TheTownCrier is not responsible for the incoherency of other poster's comments.

