Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Obama Thugs, SEIU, now pushing AMNESTY! Ciudad Juarez most violent city in world!

Grab your barf bag!

SEIU Blog 7:31 AM Eastern - January 13, 2010

During this "immigration week of action"--while labor, faith and immigrant rights activists hold vigils, rallies, and press events across the country--one small group in Homestead, Florida is raising the stakes. Today marks the 13th day of a fast by six courageous activists, who are risking their lives to raise awareness about the hardship for communities and families when the government removes productive and peaceful loved ones from their midst.

After 18 years of building a life in the U.S., Jenny Aguilar (pictured with her son) is facing deportation back to Honduras.

After eating their last meal on December 31, 2009, Francisco Agustin, Jenny Aguilar, Jonathon Fried, Wilfredo Mendoza and Sebastian CaƱa committed to consume only liquids until the Obama Administration responds to their request to suspend deportations of undocumented immigrants with U.S. family members. As part of their demands, Fast for Our Families is asking DHS Secretary Napolitano to meet directly with fasters so that she can hear first-hand the cost of further delay on an overhaul of our broken immigration system.

Current detentions and deportations, the group says, are not only devastating for immigrant communities but are also wasting limited resources when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) needs to focus on serious criminals and U.S. security risks. The tremendous resources wasted on deporting hard-working immigrants is out of line with U.S. values and makes little strategic sense as the Obama administration simultaneously commits to passing comprehensive reform this year.

So far, the call from Homestead, has gained national attention and inspired solidarity fasts across the country from activists who are frustrated that comprehensive immigration reform has not yet moved in Washington. These heart-felt actions in communities across the country mark a trend of field escalations that will continue until lawmakers make serious on their promise to overhaul a broken immigration system that has festered for far too long.

From the more than 1,000 mile march of DREAM students from Miami to Washington to a massive march planned to boycott Arizona Sheriff Arpaio, immigrant rights groups are finding new, creative ways to put a face on today's broken immigration system. Simply put--they will not back down until Congress and the Obama administration passes a smart, comprehensive overhaul that truly protects immigrant families, strengthens the U.S. economy, and gets undocumented immigrants into the system. And until Congress acts, they'll continue pressuring the Obama Administration to do everything they can to protect the human rights of immigrant families.

You can help support the fasters in Homestead, Florida! Fast for Families is asking for supporters to:

To learn more, go their website at where they share daily updates of the fasters' progress. And don't forget to take action to support their cause.


Ignorance of our own history is destroying us!

Test Your Knowledge on the American Revolution and Its Enduring Legacy ^

Posted on Wednesday, January 13, 2010

National Survey The American Revolution Center commissioned the first national survey to assess adult knowledge of the American Revolution. The results show that an alarming 83 percent of Americans failed a basic test on knowledge of the American Revolution and the principles that have united all Americans. Results also revealed that 90 percent of Americans think that knowledge of the American Revolution and its principles is very important, and that 89 percent of Americans expected to pass a test on basic knowledge of the American Revolution, but scored an average of 44 percent. The survey questions addressed issues related to the Revolutionary documents, people, and events, and also asked attitudinal questions about the respondents’ perception of the importance of understanding the Revolutionary history and the institutions that were established to preserve our freedoms and liberties. The survey results highlight the importance of, interest in, and lack of understanding of our Founding.


Bloody weekend in Mexico;

Ciudad Juarez most violent city in the world!

Posted: 12 Jan 2010

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Foreign News Report

El Universal (Mexico City) 1/11/10

The bloodiest day

Last Sunday was recorded as the “most bloody day” so far in the cartel wars, with at least 69 organized crime assassinations reported in nine Mexican states. This record for one day surpasses the previous one set last August 17 during which 57 were killed. So far in 2010, there have been 238 organized crime related murders. As usual, Ciudad Juarez in the state of Chihuahua led the nation in the killing spree, contributing 26 of the murders.


Ciudad Juarez, world class violence

It’s official. Cd. Juarez is the world’s most violent city, according to figures issued by the non-governmental organization Citizen Council for Public Security. During 2009, the city averaged 191 homicides for each 100,000 inhabitants, placing it above such other high-crime cities as New Orleans, Medellin and Cape Town. The president of the council said the figures show that the federal government’s operations in the drug war have failed. [This story was repeated in nearly all the other major newspapers with the notable exception of the three in Cd. Juarez.]


Busy weekend

Nine people were victims of murders related to organized crime in Tijuana, Baja California over the past weekend. One of those killed was a state police officer. Six people were murdered in the neighboring state of Sonora.


El Imparcial (Hermosillo, Sonora) 1/11/10

The Mexican Army arrested a group of six men in Nogales, Sonora, who were armed with grenades and rifles and riding in an armored vehicle with tactical uniforms of the Mexican federal Department of Justice (PGR). The Army seized 2 grenades, 8 rifles, clips, ammo, and three vehicles. [No explanation where the other two vehicles came from.]


-end of report-

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