Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Chicken Fried! The Zac Brown Band - Major award!

Major Award!!

I've never been a fan of country music. As I age, I like it more. My son turned me on to this song, by the popular group, The Zac Brown Band. Worth a listen, if you haven't heard it.

To many millions of us, this is our American culture. A culture worth preserving.

Chicken Fried

Listen here!

Or on You Tube in concert

AND the Dumbass Award goes to the establishment GOP, in honor of the Scott Brown win in Massachusetts....after 40 years, unseating the democrat machine.

It was NOT the republican party, or even republican voters who achieved was INDEPENDENT voters! Listen up GOP...we don't want your liberal version of 'conservatism'. Will you ever learn?? And today we hear that Sarah Palin is going to campaign for the biggest rino of all, John McCain, AGAINST a conservative!

GOP...just keep pushing amnesty and the other Obama agendas, catering to hispanics, black Americans with a chip on their shoulders, gays and other whining groups...INSTEAD of the base you pretend to represent!

Independent voters are now at 50%....half the nation has no representation, and they're becoming annoyed with both of these party first hacks. You'd think the GOP and the democrats would wake up! Boy, do they need to import some more ignorant, 3rd world 'citizens'! They can't get elected by the US electorate that sees through their insanity!

The Declaration of Independents

Washington Post

Hell hath no fury like frustrated independent voters.
"Independent voters fled because of what John P. Avalon at The Daily Beast says is their "dislike of the ideological arrogance and legislative over-reach that often comes with unified one-party control of Washington....Independent voters fled because of what John P. Avalon at The Daily Beast says is their "dislike of the ideological arrogance and legislative over-reach that often comes with unified one-party control of Washington.....
"Incumbents of both parties should now realize that when voters ask, 'What have you done for me lately?', you'd better have a good answer that's about them (the voters) not you."

Now, it's way too early to tell if Scott Brown is actually a 'conservative'...time will tell. But for the time being, I'm happy to enjoy the contrast!

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