Thursday, September 10, 2009

What is A.C.O.R.N?? YOU need to know!

ACORN stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

Acorn is corruption. Acorn is EVERYTHING that is wrong with your government.
Acorn is the 'community organization' that your President affiliated himself with and defended as a lawyer and has now charged with working on the next Census, along with implementing his agenda, getting billions of bail out dollars and now gets money every time there is a refinanced mortgage loan written.

The organization is in court in several jurisdictions for voter fraud and various others crimes against this society.

ACORN workers busted for fraud (Again)
[snip] At least five ACORN workers are behind bars and law enforcement officials are seeking six others for forging signatures on voter registration applications last year.

Glenn Beck has succeeded in exposing this taxpayer financed criminal organization. The other day I had a short exchange with someone who decided Beck should be taken off the air because they didn't like the way he was pointing out the duplicity of the Obama administration. Oh, yeah! Kill that messenger!

You don't have to like Beck, you don't even have to agree with him. But if you can't handle hearing these essential kernels of truth no matter who it comes from, don't drag the rest of us down into ignorance with you! Glenn Beck isn't spending our tax dollars, he's a private citizen, just like you and me, though he has more courage. Acorn has access to BILLIONS of tax dollars! WHY?

Watch the video! Among other atrocities, fhe Acorn worker suggests claiming illegal alien prostitutes as 'dependents' on a pimp's tax return!

Thank you Glenn Beck, be safe , I'm proud to be a sick, twisted freak!

From Glenn Beck: ACORN Corruption
Glenn played the audio on radio today of the brazen, disturbing corruption at the Baltimore, Maryland ACORN office. Going undercover and posing as a couple who are a pimp and a prostitute, the helpful ACORN adviser gives them tips on tax fraud and how to keep those underage sex slaves under the radar of the government, all with a smile. Remember, this is the group that Obama said he'd call them in to help 'shape the agenda' of theLink next presidency of the United States. Comforting? No. Glenn plays and reacts to the audio clips. ( Transcript, Insider Audio ) Check out the video footage HERE.

Kudos to Andrew Breitbart’s new political blog, Big Government, who is responsible for breaking this story.
ACORN fires 2 after hidden-camera footage aired (AP)

Second Video Shows ACORN Officials Helping 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' in Washington Office
One day after two ACORN officials in Baltimore were fired for offering to help a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute to engage in child prostitution and a series of tax crimes, another secretly shot videotape has surfaced that shows the same couple getting similar advice from ACORN officers in Washington.

Proof: Obama worked ACORN-affiliated voter registration group in 1992
Project Vote and ACORN also currently share the same office address in Washington, D.C.

I'm sorry, but the only image I see when I see Barak Obama is Jerry Lewis...who recently found he had a long lost daughter....maybe Barak should check his genealogy or hold a telethon for his failed policies instead of the never ending TV campaign appearances!

Favorite places to visit!

The SHERIFF is back!

Terry Anderson tells it like it is on immigration!

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