Monday, June 01, 2009

Happy Birthday,’s not your America anymore!

June 1, 1893, the Ozarks of Arkansas...... Oldest son of a farmer who died on his son’s 16th birthday and left him with 6 siblings and a mother with chronic TB to support. He was a bit too ‘blue-eyed’ for their Cherokee relatives to fully accept and there was no government ‘help’.

But they made it. All of them. They were educated and articulate in the midst of all that as well. A few years later, Daddy was wiped out in the Oklahoma dust bowl, then went to California and got wiped out by the big depression crash. Still, he managed to operate an
automobile dealership, probably Ford. He tested some of the first ones for marketing. During the 50’s and 60’s he managed Chrysler and GM dealerships. Before he died in 1963, he raged against the coming wave of ‘imports’ and how it would destroy this country.

Guess what, Daddy? Today, June 1st, 2009....General Motors went bankrupt. Most of the employees will be in China. Chrysler will be bankrupt by Friday. But not before over 30 billion dollars of taxpayer money was given them. Yes, BILLIONS...we don’t even think in millions any more. With no conditions....except, guess what, Daddy...the federal government now owns GM.

Yes, I can hear you raging.

Remember how you taught us to pay our bills, that a stellar credit record, keeping your word, and owning your land was paramount? The few of us who held to that long true advice are now paying for those who lived beyond their means in ‘government’ homes, including millions of non English speaking illegal aliens, that your children, who followed the rules, have never been able to afford. Our property taxes are so high we barely afford to live in homes we have paid for. I’m sad to say, our property rights today are no more protected than the lands of our Cherokee ancestors were.

A 47 year old Chicago trained novice named ‘Barak Obama’ who wasn’t even raised in this country is President. Another lawyer. And he is spending more than all 43 presidents before him, combined. Though I’m not sure the title 'President' still applies to whatever position it is he thinks he holds.

Oh, heck, it just gets worse.

You get the idea.

I’m glad you don’t have to see this, and yes, I realize my greedy generation did little to stop it.

We forgot our history.


Your Daughter


Mon. June 8, 2009

“GM announced they’re selling Hummer to a Chinese Company. How is that great for America? Considering how much money the US borrows from China, I’m amazed we didn’t start giving them ‘hummers’ a while ago!”

Craig Ferguson, The LateLate Show

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