Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Why stay here if your homeland is so darn special?

arlos Mencia, on his Comedy Central TV show, remarked to several Mexican-Americans in his audience that if Mexico was so 'wonderful', why did they leave.....and he added that they should leave Mexico in Mexico, not bring it here. He tried, and failed, to get one of them to just say it...."Mexico Sucks!"

Meet BAKER,MICHAEL MCKENZIE Jackson County, Oregon inmate, being held on a million dollars bail for armed robbery. No, he doesn't appear to be an illegal alien, though there are 40,000 Irish aliens in the USA illegally demanding amnesty. But he sure isn't an American. And nothing like my Irish ancestors who came in the 1700's and helped build this country.

I hate to tell you this, Mike....Mick....whatever, Tattoos are not part of Irish culture either......

Latino illegal alien member of MS-13

By the numbers

More than 1 million people became citizens in 2008, with 780,000 taking the oath of allegiance in the first 10 months, according to preliminary figures from the Department of Homeland Security.

In 2007, 660,477 people were granted U.S. citizenship.

Leading countries of birth of new citizens were:

Mexico (122,258), India (46,871), Philippines (38,830), China (33,134) and Vietnam (27,921)

Largest number of people naturalizing lived in:

California (181,684), New York (73,676) and Florida (54,563).

SOURCE: Office of Immigration Statistics, Department of Homeland Security

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